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Notions de base en littératie numérique

Notions de base en littératie numérique
Introduction Today’s youth are often called ‘digital natives’ by adults because of the seemingly effortless way they engage with all things digital. It’s easy to see why: Canadian youth live in an interactive, “on demand” digital culture where they are used to accessing media whenever and wherever they want. Instant-messaging, photo sharing, texting, social networking, video-streaming, and mobile Internet use are all examples where youth have led the charge in new ways of engaging online. But this enthusiasm masks a potential problem: although young people don’t need coaxing to take up Internet technologies and their skills quickly improve relative to their elders, without guidance they remain amateur users of information and communications technology (ICT), which raises concerns about a generation of youth who are not fully digitally literate, yet are deeply immersed in cyberspace. A basic question, then, is what exactly is digital literacy? What is Digital Literacy? Digital Literacy Model

Mangahigh To get started with Mangahigh, teachers or administrators register their school. They select which international standards their schools follow. They then can create a “class” in the system either by uploading a student/class roster spreadsheet or through Mangahigh’s automated log-in generator. A teacher dashboard lets the instructor browse for math content by grade or standard. The teacher chooses games for individual students or for the entire class and sets a target completion date and target goal. Students then use the school URL and log in to see all the assigned challenges. The teacher dashboard tracks how each student performed at the assigned challenge. Mangahigh is generally used a supplemental program to practice math skills taught in class. Mangahigh currently has 16 different games and four “traditional” exercise programs that resemble multiple-choice answer worksheets. Students are awarded bronze, silver, and gold medals for their performance in the games.

jiscdesignstudio.pbworks Link from here to growing resource sets from the Developing Digital Literacies programme. Resources are grouped by type and also in resource kits for specific users. Types of resource General digital literacy resources including resources from outside the programmeStaff development materials produced by the programmeMaterials designed for/with studentsOrganisational development materials and resources on organisational change Case studies from the programmeBriefings on a range of specific technologies and approaches Conceptual frameworks for understanding digital literacy and digital competence Professional frameworks for supporting and enhancing digital literacy with specific groups of staff/studentsSelf-assessment and diagnostic tools for digital literacy skillsEvaluation resources specific to digital literacies Reports and presentations from the funded projectsFinal synthesis report Resource kits for specific purposes/users Back to main Developing Digital Literacies page

Digital Literacy Les réseaux d'enseignants – Quels sont les comportements rédactionnels des locuteurs ? 1L'offre grandissante de technologies numériques s'accompagne du développement de nouvelles pratiques (communication en ligne, écriture collaborative) par les internautes et facilite l'émergence d'organisations réticulaires basées sur des échanges horizontaux. 1 Données publiées sur le site Internet de l'association Sésamath (...) 2En s'appuyant sur ces technologies, certains enseignants créent et animent depuis une dizaine d'années des réseaux d'échanges professionnels. Plusieurs de ces réseaux en ligne connaissent aujourd'hui une forte audience. 3Les réseaux créés par et pour des enseignants en dehors des stricts circuits institutionnels restent encore peu étudiés à ce jour (Quentin, 2010). 2 Une forge documentaire est un espace de travail collaboratif dans lequel les contributeurs peuvent (...) 5En dépit du nombre important de traces visibles, analyser un forum n'est pas une chose simple. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 4.1. 4.2.

What Is Digital Literacy? | Digital Literacy My favourite definition of Digital Literacy that I have found so far is part of a presentation on Digital Literacy in Primary School Sites, an experiment in 3 schools in Ireland (Casey & Bruce, 2010). They present Digital Literacy as follows: To augment the definitions above, Wikipedia defines Digital Literacy as follows: The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. Digitally literate people can communicate and work more efficiently, especially with those who possess the same knowledge and skills. Research around digital literacy is concerned with wider aspects associated with learning how to effectively find, use, summarize, evaluate, create, and communicate information while using digital technologies, not just being literate at using a computer. Like this: Like Loading...

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Pourquoi l'école? TED ebook auteur repense l'éducation quand l'information est partout. The Internet has delivered an explosion of learning opportunities for today’s students, creating an abundance of information, knowledge, and teachers as well as a starkly different landscape from the one in which our ideas about school were born. Traditional educators, classrooms, and brick-and-mortar schools are no longer necessary to access information. Instead, things like blogs and wikis, as well as remote collaborations and an emphasis on critical thinking skills are the coins of the realm in this new kingdom. In Why School? Why must schools change how they teach? Every generation seems to think its students are different. Students in the K-12 system have never known a world without the Internet. With so much information out there, it seems that finding information is easy but assessing it is tricky. What can schools do to implement some of your ideas? The educational process is pretty slow-moving and sclerotic. Why School?

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