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Flipped Learning: A Response To Five Common Criticisms

Flipped Learning: A Response To Five Common Criticisms
Over the past two years, the Flipped Learning method has created quite a stir. Some argue that this teaching method will completely transform education, while others say it is simply an opportunity for boring lectures to be viewed in new locations. While the debate goes on, the concept of Flipped Learning is not entirely new. Dr. Eric Mazur of Harvard University has been researching this type of learning since the early ’90s, and other educators have been applying pieces of the Flipped Learning method for even longer. It is our opinion that one of the reasons this debate exists is because there is no true definition of what Flipped Learning is. With the above framework in mind, we tapped Twitter to learn what educators say are the downsides to implementing the Flipped Learning method, and we have provided our opinions that address the five major criticisms. Implementing the Flipped Learning method makes me, as the teacher, much less important. This could not be further from the truth!

Répertoire jeux sérieux Vous voici devant la plus récente version de notre célèbre Répertoire des Jeux sérieux gratuits. Principales nouveautés : Octobre 2014 : 27 jeux nouveaux ! Les nouveautés se situent dans les catégories suivantes: Pour les tout-petits (+2), Administration - Finances – Marketing (+1), Arts visuels (+2), Biologie – Nature (+2), Entraide - Bénévolat – Citoyenneté (+2), Environnement - Développement durable (+1), Génie – Ingénierie (+2), Histoire - Archéologie -Anthropologie (+3), Informatique – Internet (+3), Musique (+1), Orientation professionnelle (+1), Physique (+2), Politique-Affaires publiques (+2), Psyché (+1), Santé - Hygiène – Prévention (+2). Pour vous éviter de parcourir une très longue liste, nous vous proposons de cliquer ci-dessous sur les sujets qui vous intéressent. Sommaire du répertoire N’hésitez pas à explorer les catégories que vous ne connaissez pas, vous y découvrirez certainement des merveilles ! Bonne découverte, et bons jeux ! Pour les tout-petits (2 nouveautés) Chimie

An Updated Digital Differentiation Model Ten months ago I published a Digital Differentiation model on this blog. I've been using the model to guide the work I do each day and I've been sharing it via webinars and hands-on training sessions.Of course, ten months is a long time in the world of edtech, and I've added some new tools and resources to my personal teaching toolkit, so I decided it was time to update the model and tweak it just a bit. The original article and interactive graphic can still be found on this blog. Here is the new post: Technology is a tool that can be used to help teachers facilitate learning experiences that address the diverse learning needs of all students and help them develop 21st Century Skills, an idea supported by the Common Core. At it's most basic level, digital tools can be used to help students find, understand and use information. 3 Components: Essential Questions Student-driven learning experiences should be driven by standards-based Essential Questions. Flexible Learning Paths

The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality Editor's Note: On the heels of our viral posts in over 100 countries about the flipped classroom earlier this year (links below), we asked Jon Bergmann if he could share some of the feedback he was receiving in light of the notable interest about this topic. The timing couldn't have been more perfect since he was about to leave for a conference about you-guessed-it, the flipped class. Here is Part 1 of our three part series The Daily Riff. See Part 2 and 3 links below. - C.J. Westerberg The Flipped Class: What it is and What it is Not by Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer and Brett Wilie There has been a lot of interest in the flipped classroom. The traditional definition of a flipped class is: The Flipped Classroom is NOT: A synonym for online videos. Originally published The Daily Riff July 2011 Jon Bergmann is one of the first teachers to flip his classroom and has recently co-authored a book on the the Flipped Class which is to be published by ISTE press. Video Montage from Conference Below

Digital Differentiation ~ Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners Technology is a tool that can be used to help teachers facilitate learning experiences that address the diverse learning needs of all students and help them develop 21st Century Skills. At it's most basic level, digital tools can be used to help students find, understand and use information. When combined with student-driven learning experiences fueled by Essential Questions offering flexible learning paths, it can be the ticket to success. Here is a closer look at three components of effectively using technology as a tool for digital differentiation. Note: The interactive graphics you see below have been updated. They can be found in a newer post on this blog. The goal is to design student-driven learning experiences that are fueled by standards-based Essential Questions and facilitated by digital tools to provide students with flexible learning paths. Essential Questions: Student-driven learning experiences should be driven by standards-based Essential Questions.

Flip your classroom through reverse instruction Have you ever experienced the unique and rare moment when, after doing something the same way for year and years, you have an epiphany and wonder, "why am I doing it this way?" Most of the time the answer is tradition, that's the way we've always done it. At one time, there probably was a sound, logical, reasonable explanation for the decision to do it that way. I stumbled across an interesting article in THE Journal a little over a year ago and had a moment like I described above. Sams and Bergman were the first people, to my knowledge, to suggest the idea of "reverse instruction." Last year I began implementing reverse instruction into my high school Anatomy & Physiology class. With class time liberated from lectures I was able to incorporate more hands-on activities, projects, and helping students better understand confusing and challenging concepts. I would not say that my first year was a complete success. Reverse Instruction Resources:

M.I.T. Scholar’s 1949 Essay on Machine Age Is Found Photo It was a vision that never saw the light of day. The year was 1949, and computers and robots were still largely the stuff of science fiction. One of those visionaries was Norbert Wiener (1894-1964), an American mathematician at the . In 1949, The New York Times invited Wiener to summarize his views about “what the ultimate machine age is likely to be,” in the words of its longtime Sunday editor, Lester Markel. Wiener accepted the invitation and wrote a draft of the article; the legendarily autocratic Markel was dissatisfied and asked him to rewrite it. In August, according to Wiener’s papers, which are on file at the M.I.T. “Could you send the first draft to me, and we’ll see whether we can combine the two into one story?” But by then Wiener was traveling in Mexico, and he responded: “I had assumed that the first version of my article was finished business. “I therefore do not consider it a practical thing to do. Consider the Abacus Mass-Produced Laborers The Genie and the Bottle

Les huit éléments essentiels d'un bon plan de cours Beth Lewis fait partie de ces blogueurs américains qui ne craignent pas de rappeler les évidences. Enseignante au primaire, elle propose ainsi sur son blogue un billet intitulé "Top 8 Components of a Well-Written Lesson Plan" que l'on traduira par "Les huit éléments essentiels d'un bon plan de cours". Le modèle, même s'il est loin d'être original, mérite d'être adopté ou adapté à ses propres pratiques. les enseignants débutants y trouveront un guide rassurant, et les plus expérimentés l'adopteront pour publier leurs fiches de cours, notamment sur la toile. Le plan de cours proposé par Beth Lewis comprend les éléments suivants : Objectifs et buts (Objectives and Goals). Ils doivent être clairs et surtout, liés aux programmes et instructions officiels. Chaque point fait l'objet d'explications détaillées, assorties d'exemples, sur une page spécifique. Un gabarit de plan de cours, très simple, est téléchargeable sur la page. Top 8 Components of a Well-Written Lesson Plan.

Introducing The Map - A Proven Process For Developing Successful Online Communities Here is a simple map for those of you whom aren't on the Pillar Summit mailing list. The Map The map is based upon the online community lifecycle. Over the past few decades the lifecycle has been developed by academics, refined by practitioners and perfected by us. There are four stages to online community development. {click for larger image} Stage 1) Inception The inception stage of the online community lifecycle begins when the organization or individual begins interacting with their target audience and ends with the community achieving a critical mass of activity. The community reaches critical mass when more than 50% of growth and activity is being generated by members (as opposed to the community manager.) 1) Inviting members to join and keeping them active/engaged.2) Initiating discussions and prompting members to participate.3) Building relationships with members (individual outreach).4) Writing content about the community. 5) Hosting a regular online event. So, where are you now?

3 keys to a flipped classroom If you are planning to use the ‘flipped classroom’, then you might want to think about a few key ideas. Background: On Connected Principals Jonathan Martin has written a couple posts on the Flipped Classroom. In his first one, Reverse Instruction: Dan Pink and Karl’s “Fisch Flip”, he says: Increasingly, education’s value-add is and will be in the coaching and troubleshooting when students are applying their learning, and in challenging students to apply their thinking to hands-on learning by doing and teaming: so let’s have them do these things in class, not sit and listen. And in his second post, Advancing the Flip: Developments in Reverse Instruction, he says: Flip your instruction so that students watch and listen to your lectures… for homework, and then use your precious class-time for what previously, often, was done in homework: tackling difficult problems, working in groups, researching, collaborating, crafting and creating. And also contrary to my points below… Dr. 1. 2. 3. Dr.

Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge - Seven Principles for Cultivating Communities of Practice In a new book, Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge, the authors offer a practical guide to making knowledge work inside an organization. In this excerpt, the authors detail seven design principles for cultivating communities, everything from "design for evolution" to "combine familiarly and excitement." by Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, and William M. Snyder Seven principles for cultivating communities of practice In Silicon Valley, a community of circuit designers meets for a lively debate about the merits of two different designs developed by one of the participants. Because communities of practice are voluntary, what makes them successful over time is their ability to generate enough excitement, relevance, and value to attract and engage members. How do you design for aliveness? Design for evolution. 1. The dynamic nature of communities is key to their evolution. 2. 3. A large portion of community members are peripheral and rarely participate. 4.

Agenda personnalisé pour les profs Communities of practice The term “community of practice” is of relatively recent coinage, even though the phenomenon it refers to is age-old. The concept has turned out to provide a useful perspective on knowing and learning. A growing number of people and organizations in various sectors are now focusing on communities of practice as a key to improving their performance.This brief and general introduction examines what communities of practice are and why researchers and practitioners in so many different contexts find them useful as an approach to knowing and learning. What are communities of practice? Note that this definition allows for, but does not assume, intentionality: learning can be the reason the community comes together or an incidental outcome of member’s interactions. The domain: A community of practice is not merely a club of friends or a network of connections between people. It is the combination of these three elements that constitutes a community of practice. Where does the concept come from?
