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GPGTools (OpenPGP Tools for Apple OS X)

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Un labo virtuel pour auditer et mettre en place des contre-mesures Ce livre s’adresse à toute personne souhaitant s’initier ou se perfectionner dans le domaine de la sécurité informatique et du hacking, et désireuse de faire un point sur ses compétences. Quand une entreprise, un particulier, une association souhaite mettre en place un système d’information, comment vérifier, avant la mise en production, qu’il n’existe pas de faille de sécurité ? Comment tester l’efficacité des protections mises en place ? Ce livre est conçu pour répondre à ces attentes en guidant le lecteur dans la conception d’un laboratoire virtualisé complet dans lequel de nombreux services seront implémentés. Après cette première phase de création, le laboratoire virtualisé accueillera le système d’information et le lecteur pourra alors attaquer celui-ci afin d’en détecter les failles. Les auteurs ont cherché à couvrir le domaine de manière large avec un coût très raisonnable en investissement matériel.

Downloads Which version to download? If you don’t know what version to install and you’re getting started with Ruby, we recommend you use Ruby 2.1.X installers. These provide a stable language and a extensive list of packages (gems) that are compatible and updated. However, not all packages (gems) are maintained. Some older packages may not be compatible with newer versions of Ruby and RubyInstaller. The 64-bit versions of Ruby are relatively new on the Windows area and not all the packages have been updated to be compatible with it. Users of CPUs older than Intel’s Nocona (90nm Pentium 4) who wish to use Ruby 2.0.0 will need to build their own using a different DevKit by following these instructions. Which Development Kit? Down this page, several and different versions of Development Kits (DevKit) are listed. Ruby 1.8.6 to 1.9.3: tdm-32-4.5.2Ruby 2.0.0 and above (32bits): mingw64-32-4.7.2Ruby 2.0.0 and above x64 (64bits): mingw64-64-4.7.2 Download Issues? Sorry the inconvenience. Convenience Support

Encrypt your Email with GPG The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) is software which enables you to send PGP encrypted or signed emails. It is necessary to install this software before being able to do any encryption. This chapter covers the installation steps required to install GnuPG on Mac OSX. Getting started For this chapter we assume you have the latest version of: OSX installed (10.6.7) Thunderbird (3.1.10) Note on OSX Mail: It is possible to use PGP with the build-in mail program of OSX. Downloading and installing the Software For OSX there is a bundle available which will install everything you need in one installation. (nb. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Note, if you're Mac is bought before 2006 it will not have an intel processor required to run this software and the installation will fail. You will be guided by the program through the next steps like accepting the license agreement. 6. As said in the intro; we advice against using Apple Mail in combination with PGP. Installing up Engimail Step 1. 2. 3. Testing and Troubleshooting

admin to SYSTEM win7 with remote.exe So i ran across this little gem from 2008! I ended up using Method 2 on a recent test. The post above calls for needing an elevated command shell so you can call "at". Three scenarios: user is regular user and cant UAC to let you run admin commandsuser is local admin and UAC disabled.user is local admin buy you have to bypass UAC easiest way sitting on a command shell is probably just to type "at"\ Scenario 1, your screwed, gonna have to solve the not admin problem first. Scenario 2, no UAC...just follow the linked blog post. AT #TIME_TO_RUN c:\pathto\remote.exe /s cmd SYSCMD once it runs, connect to the debugger you started (with SYSTEM privs) C:\path\REMOTE.EXE /c SYSTEM_NAME you should see something like this: Scenario 3, you can use bypassuac to get around our UAC issues. get bypassuac on your system, then run it like so dont worry, it worked :-)

Home · oneclick/rubyinstaller Wiki GPG Suite for Mac | MacUpdate GPG Suite is an open source installer for OS X. It installs all related OpenPGP applications, plugins and dependencies. Gnu Privacy Guard remains geek ware, meaning that it is difficult to set up and use by an average Mac user. The learning curve for new users can be extremely steep with a lot of questions asked along the way. 1) Digitally sign your email with a verified public key. 2) Use unbreakable encryption on any file and any email. If you use the email features, keep in mind that encrypting email on your end requires the use of a source email address associated with your GPG key AS WELL AS a receiving email that ALSO has its own publicly available key. I have so far tested the current versions of GPGTools and GPGMail with OS X 10.7.5 and had total success. Installing GPGTools/GPGMail is extremely easy. The effort put into creating GPGTools and keeping them compatible with ever changing OS X is slow and painstaking.

Configurer efficacement la double identification Google « L’attaque est le secret de la défense, la défense permet de planifier une attaque. », voilà un adage qui plait à l’oreille de l’équipe de Il colle parfaitement à l’ambiance numérique. Comme celle concernant la sécurité de son compte Google. Dire que la double identification pour un compte webmail, Twitter, Facebook ou tout autres services web devient indispensable est un doux euphémisme. Et ce n’est pas ce pauvre banquier de Dubaï qui dira le contraire. Configurer les numéros de téléphones de secours vous conseille un numéro portable et un numéro fixe. Codes de secours à imprimer Il vous permet de disposer de 10 codes si vos téléphones ne sont pas disponibles. 10 séries de 8 chiffres qui vous permettront de vous connecter à votre compte. Google Authentificator Avec les téléphones portables, data security breach vous en parle souvent, les accès malveillants se multiplient.

ReadOnlyTransition - support - Information about Google Code's read-only transition - User support for Google Project Hosting As previously announced, Google Code became read-only for most projects on August 24th, 2015. Some Google-affiliated projects (e.g., /p/chromium and /p/android) will remain read-write while an alternative issue tracker is being developed. Once ready, those projects will migrate their data off of Google Code. Google Code data will still be accessible, just read-only. You will be able to search for and browse project issues, sync source data, and so on. The Export to GitHub feature will still work as advertised. However, during this time you will not be able to modify projects. The Google Code Archive is a dump of all of Google Code's public information. Google Code's data will remain online for years into the future. Until January 2016 the Google Code Project Hosting service as it exists today will continue to be available. Note that only public data will be archived. If you have any questions, please contact

PGP Tools Question Defense: Technology Answers For Technology Questions Effects (Direct3D 11) The first step is to organize the state you want to control in an effect. This includes shader state (vertex, hull, domain, geometry, pixel and compute shaders), texture and sampler state used by the shaders, and other non-programmable pipeline state. You can create an effect in memory as a text string, but typically, the size gets large enough that it is handy to store effect state in an effect file (a text file that ends in a .fx extension). To use an effect, you must compile it (to check HLSL syntax as well as effect framework syntax), initialize effect state through API calls, and modify your render loop to call the rendering APIs. An effect encapsulates all of the render state required by a particular effect into a single rendering function called a technique. A pass is a sub-set of a technique, that contains render state. A set of techniques can be grouped in a group (which uses the syntax "fxgroup"). In This Section Related topics (en français) : Anonymizers Les célèbres "anonymizers" permettent de surfer sur le web de manière +- anonyme, permettant en outre de déjouer, parfois, la censure et le filtrage imposés à certains. Ils masquent votre adresse IP (Internet Protocol, qui sert à identifier votre ordinateur ou réseau informatique) de telle sorte que les sites que vous visitiez ne verront que l'adresse IP du proxy dont vous vous servez, et non la vôtre. Les politiques de cession (revente, location, fusion-acquisition) des informations collectées par des tiers et de cybersurveillance des réseaux varient grandement d'un serveur et d'un site à l'autre. D'aucuns ont ainsi fait de vos données personnelles leur fonds de commerce, d'autres n'ont plus le choix, commercialement parlant, que d'autoriser des tiers les exploiter, sans parler des requêtes judiciaires et policières. Sans HTTPS, il est possible d'intercepter le trafic des données et de contrecarrer l'utilisation des proxies. Janvier 2004 :! En l'état, quelques remarques de bon sens :

HLSL, FXC, and D3DCompile - Games for Windows and the DirectX SDK With the retirement of D3DX (See “Where is the DirectX SDK?” and "Where is the DirectX SDK (2013 Edition)?"), there is some confusion about how applications access the High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) compiler. As mentioned in an earlier post (See “What’s up with D3DCompiler_xx.DLL?”) Windows 8.1: The latest version of the D3DCompiler (#47) is now included with the Windows 8.1 OS and is available for runtime use by Windows Store apps. With Visual Studio 2012, HLSL and the FXC.EXE tool is now integrated into build environment and the Windows 8.0 SDK. There is one quirk of having HLSL integrated into MSBuild that requires some restructuring of existing HLSL source files. Note: This automatic integration only works for C++ projects, not C# projects. VS 2013: Visual Studio 2013 comes with Windows 8.1 SDK which includes the D3DCompiler_47.DLL. As we have recommended for many years, developers should compile their HLSL shaders at build-time rather than rely on runtime compilation.

reaver-wps - Brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup Reaver implements a brute force attack against Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) registrar PINs in order to recover WPA/WPA2 passphrases, as described in Reaver has been designed to be a robust and practical attack against WPS, and has been tested against a wide variety of access points and WPS implementations. On average Reaver will recover the target AP's plain text WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 4-10 hours, depending on the AP. In practice, it will generally take half this time to guess the correct WPS pin and recover the passphrase. Intimidated by the command-line? Running Windows, OS X, or just don't want to run Linux, download, and compile the open source Reaver? Reaver Pro is now ONLY $69.99!!! Reaver Pro is a compact embedded device customized for Reaver attacks. Reaver Pro Features:
