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ScienceOnline Richard Yates (novelist) Richard Yates (February 3, 1926 – November 7, 1992) was an American novelist and short story writer, known for his exploration of mid-20th century life. Life [ edit ] Born in Yonkers, New York , Yates came from an unstable home. His parents divorced when he was three and much of his childhood was spent in many different towns and residences. After leaving Avon, Yates joined the Army, serving in France and Germany during World War II. In 1962, he wrote the screenplay for a film adaptation of William Styron 's Lie Down in Darkness . His daughter Monica once dated Seinfeld co-creator Larry David ; David's first meeting with the writer was the basis for " The Jacket " episode of Seinfeld's second season. [ 9 ] Novels [ edit ] Yates's fiction was autobiographical in nature, as his fiction included much of his own life. Short fiction [ edit ] Yates was also an acclaimed author of short stories. Popular culture [ edit ] Richard Yates was godfather to the veteran character actor John Lacy . Films Other

A List Of Fallacious Arguments attacking the person instead of attacking his argument. For example, "Von Daniken's books about ancient astronauts are worthless because he is a convicted forger and embezzler." (Which is true, but that's not why they're worthless.) Another example is this syllogism, which alludes to Alan Turing's homosexuality: Turing thinks machines think. (Note the equivocation in the use of the word "lies".)

CURSO DE AUTODEFENSA INTELECTUAL - NORMAND BAILLARGEON Resumen del libro Se dice que vivimos en una «sociedad de la información», cuando en realidad estamos sometidos al asalto constante de mensajes –políticos, publicitarios y del más diverso tipo- que no pretenden informarnos, sino convencernos, burlando las débiles defensas de nuestro sentido crítico. «Si tuviéramos un auténtico sistema de educación –ha escrito Noam Chomsky-, se enseñarían en él cursos de autodefensa intelectual.» Esto es precisamente lo que nos ofrece Normand Baillargeon, profesor de la Universidad de Québec, en un libro lleno de humor, pero también de sensatez, heredero a un tiempo de Voltaire y del pensamiento libertario, en que, con el auxilio de un amplio repertorio de anécdotas y de ejemplos prácticos, nos enseña a defendernos de los abusos del lenguaje, del empleo fraudulento de las cifras y los gráficos, de los errores de la percepción y la memoria, de las fantasías de la pseudociencia o del esoterismo, y de las manipulaciones de los medios de comunicación.

Existentialism in Literature and Film Course by Hubert L. Dreyfus on Free Audio Download Ever feel like life needs a little more meaning? Well then listen to these guys' perspectives and solutions to make sense of this craziness in life. The lecturer is super-accessible, and clear, and sometimes even funny. I'm 22, studied biology, never taken a philosophy class and never heard of Kierkegaard, and all his talk is understandable even to me. This class builds a framework for which we can understand our own existence and what we can do with the time we got here, from the perspectives of three philosophers. NEW VERSION: a more recent version of the podcast, from the 2008 class, is available for free on itunes U, through the itunes store.

John Cheever John William Cheever (May 27, 1912 – June 18, 1982) was an American novelist and short story writer. He is sometimes called "the Chekhov of the suburbs." His fiction is mostly set in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the Westchester suburbs, old New England villages based on various South Shore towns around Quincy, Massachusetts, where he was born, and Italy, especially Rome. He is "now recognized as one of the most important short fiction writers of the 20th century."[1] While Cheever is perhaps best remembered for his short stories (including "The Enormous Radio," "Goodbye, My Brother," "The Five-Forty-Eight," "The Country Husband," and "The Swimmer"), he also wrote four novels, comprising The Wapshot Chronicle (National Book Award, 1958),[2] The Wapshot Scandal (William Dean Howells Medal, 1965), Bullet Park (1969), Falconer (1977) and a novella Oh What a Paradise It Seems (1982). Early life and education[edit] Career[edit] Early writings[edit] Mid-career[edit] Illness and death[edit]

List of fallacies A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies. Formal fallacies[edit] Main article: Formal fallacy Appeal to probability – is a statement that takes something for granted because it would probably be the case (or might be the case).[2][3]Argument from fallacy – assumes that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion is false.Base rate fallacy – making a probability judgment based on conditional probabilities, without taking into account the effect of prior probabilities.[5]Conjunction fallacy – assumption that an outcome simultaneously satisfying multiple conditions is more probable than an outcome satisfying a single one of them.[6]Masked man fallacy (illicit substitution of identicals) – the substitution of identical designators in a true statement can lead to a false one. Propositional fallacies[edit]

Falacias y razonamiento en inteligencia estrategica ¿ QUÉ ES UNA FALACIA ? Una falacia es un razonamiento incorrecto Es psicológicamente persuasiva Es usada intencionalmente para engañar FALACIAS NO FORMALES FALACIAS DE ATINENCIA,son razonamientos desviados, la conclusión no guarda atinencia con las premisas, sólo engañosa conexión psicológica o emocional FALACIAS DE AMBIGÜEDAD,son razonamientos cuya formulación contiene palabras o frases ambiguas, cuyo significado varía en el curso del argumento FALACIAS DE ATINENCIA CONTRA EL HOMBRE OFENSIVA En lugar de refutar un argumento, se ataca al que lo formula FALACIAS DE ATINENCIA CONTRA EL HOMBRE CIRCUNSTANCIAL No se ofende a la persona, pero se ataca a su profesión, investidura o circunstancia FALACIAS DE ATINENCIA APELACIÓN A LA PIEDAD Se apela a la piedad para forzar la aceptación de una conclusión falaz FALACIAS DE ATINENCIA APELACIÓN A LA FUERZA Se apela a una amenaza o vaga intimidación para imponer una conclusión VALIDEZ Y PROBABILIDAD Razonamiento válido (Razonamiento deductivo).
