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Free Elementary School (K-6) Physical Education Lesson Plans

Free Elementary School (K-6) Physical Education Lesson Plans
SPARK Elementary Physical Education (PE) The original SPARK Elementary PE study was funded by the National Institutes of Health to create, implement, and evaluate new and innovative approaches to physical education content and instruction, then test them in “real world” settings. SPARK Elementary PE was designed to be more inclusive, active, and fun than traditional PE classes. Today, after lessons learned from more than 20 years of ongoing research and field testing nationwide, SPARK PE is the most researched and field-tested Physical Education program in the world – a true solution to our growing problem of overweight and obese children. For more information on SPARK Elementary Physical Education, Click Here for K-2 PE and Click Here for 3-6 PE. SPARK Elementary PE Lesson Plans Below is a collection of free SPARK Physical Education lesson plans for elementary students. K-2 PE Instructional Units The 12 instructional units in the SPARK K-2 PE Manual are listed below.

David L. Katz MD "Teaching Kids to Make Healthy Choices" Available in English and Spanish! Nutrition Detectives™ is an innovative program for elementary school children. It shows them "5 clues" to read food labels and detect marketing deceptions while learning to identify and choose healthful foods. We hope that you enjoy the Nutrition Detectives™ program. Nutrition Detectives™ is available FREE OF CHARGE! Materials available to download Guidelines for offering the program in elementary schools (NEW!) Materials available for preview ND Video presentation Materials available on DVD (See below to order the program on DVD) ND PowerPoint presentation ND Video presentation (DVD only) Teacher's manual DVD supplement manual Student handouts Family education materials Promotional materials (templates) Evaluation materials (food label quiz) *There is a small shipping fee to order the DVD. To gain access to the following materials, please enter your email address and zip code below. Dr.

Home economics, and technology lesson plans for Teachers Go Back: Virtual Middle School Library Home / Resources for Teachers and Parents Menu / Educational Technology Educational Technology ISTE National Technology Standards - Both for students and teachers. Technology Center at Education World - Technology information and lesson plans. Computer Teaching Lesson Plans - From Teachnology. K - 5 Technology Lesson Plans - There are also helpful tips for maintaining a computer lab. Go Back: Virtual Middle School Library Home / Resources for Teachers and Parents Menu / Home Economics Home Economics Family and Consumer Science Lesson Plans - From the Utah Education Network. Home Economics Lesson Plans - from TeachNology. Go Back: Virtual Middle School Library Home / Resources for Teachers and Parents Menu / Physical Education and Health Physical Education and Health PE Central - Large list of links to topics in physical education and health education. This site is maintained by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian.

Let's Move! TeachingStrategies Teaching Strategies There are a variety of teaching strategies that instructors can use to improve student learning. The links below will show you some ways to make your classes more engaging. Active Learning - Active Learning is anything that students do in a classroom other than merely passively listening to an instructor's lecture. Want to browse MERLOT’s entire collection on Teaching Strategies?

Moodle Mobile for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Classroom Management Strategies Get instant ideas from other teachers on how to manage your toughest behavior challenges. Just click on a behavior issue below. How can a teacher prevent irritating classroom behaviors? 1. The students and teacher should first discuss and then write a "group" contract adopting acceptable classroom rules and procedures by the end of the first week of school. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Return to Top What can be done to help students improve their interaction with authority figures? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How can the teacher deal with a child who becomes argumentative upon confrontation? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What steps can be followed to resolve a child's constant misbehavior? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What can be done for a student who is constantly disrupting the class in order to gain the teacher's attention? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CALLING OUT IN CLASS - RESPONSE #l What do you do with a student who calls out answers or comments during class? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2.

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