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How To Become A Twitter Super Snooper This post is going to show you how to become a Twitter super snooper. If you disagree with these practices, please look away now. But for the rest of you, pull your chair closer and listen up… If you want to spy on other Twitter users to help build a network of business contacts, let us introduce you to a powerful service over at Step 1 Head over to and enter your Twitter username. That’s pretty cool, but I expect you already know most of that stuff. However, I reckon the most perceptive among you know what’s coming next… Step 2 Now you know how the tool works, you can use it to check the stats for any Twitter user (insert evil laugh here). Look up your friends, family, colleagues, competitors, industry leaders, ex-spouse. Step 3 Once you’ve got over the novelty of being able to snoop on your friends, consider how you could use this to strengthen your Twitter network. Number One: Timing Number Two: Language Number Three: Infiltration ShareThis Related Posts:

Visualizing The Web And Social Networks May 26, 2010 Posted by Suzanne Marlatt Edelman Digital, Chicago Follow on Twitter @edelmandigital Seeing is believing and visuals are powerful. I’ve collected a few visualization tools for Facebook, news feeds, and Twitter to let you view networks and conversations at a glance. Mentionmap Mentionmap is a web app for exploring the Twitter users and hashtags that mention your account most. Twitter Venn Twitter Venn is a Venn diagram based on three Twitter search terms. The Health Tweeder The Health Tweeder is a health specific visualization tool that displays the top discussed health keywords within certain Twitter networks. MSNBC Spectra MSNBC Spectra is a visual newsreader that you can customize to your news needs. Friendwheel Friendwheel is a Facebook app that shows you the connections you have within your Facebook friend community and it also shows mutual friends within connections. Google Play Google Play is a fun way to display your Google Reader feeds in a slideshow format.

TwitterMass - Massively Grow Your Twitter Network CNN ECOSPHERE Ultimate List Twitter Tools | Using social media to guide and he With significant evidence that Twitter is on the rise, and an increasing number of people signing up daily, it’s becoming a crucial tool for marketers in 2016. That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate list of Twitter tools. With no further ado, let’s dive in to the list: 1. This tool is great for seeing not just your top tweets based on engagements, but anyone’s! This is a great way to spy on competitors to see their best content, or to see what your best influencers are talking about. 2. Have you ever participated in a Twitter chat? Tweetchat is a dashboard to keep track of the tweets as they happen in real time, and automatically adds the chat’s hashtag so you don’t have to worry about it. 3. In case you don’t like TweetChat, Nurph is another great free Twitter chat room. Nurph is cool because it shows you upcoming and popular Twitter chats, which makes it easy to get involved in the Twitter chat communities. It also has a weird fun game you can play on the home page. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Power of Twitter in Information Discovery It surprises me how many really smart people I meet still doubt the power of Twitter. It seems the urge to be a naysayer of Twitter is really strong for some. I think some of this stems from the early days of Twitter when it was presumed that it was a technology to tell people what you ate for lunch. Twitter never seemed to really take the offense in PR and marketing. I guess it wasn’t in their DNA. Right now the most important role to hire in Twitter would be a seasoned marketing professional who could proactively change the conversation about Twitter and educate people about its significance as an information sharing tool. I’ve written extensively about Twitter’s use cases, but it’s biggest power is in information sharing. 1. When we found stuff we liked we “bookmarked” it so that we could come back to the website later. And the company that helped websites publish RSS? But this issue of “how to consistently find the good stuff” is such a hard problem. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

TwitVid - Share videos on Twitter Getting Started: Social Media for Academics Twitter has a definite image problem. It first penetrated the public consciousness in a way which has left it defined by celebrities and, particularly for academics, this is unattractive. If you want to persuade academics to use it, it’s important to illustrate that the academic twittersphere (I hate the term but have yet to come across a better one) has some quite specific characteristics. Perhaps by demonstrating some of the varied kinds of high-quality interaction you get on there e.g. It’s difficult to convey the point of Twitter. Therefore it’s important to convey that you really do have to try it properly (i.e. fill out your profile, add a picture, find relevant people to follow, have some conversations, explore a hashtag and do some retweeting) before you’re in a position to make an informed decision. The steep learning curve isn’t a very attractive proposition to academics. Unless people quickly get tied into some sort of network on Twitter they’re unlikely to persist with it.
