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Word Hearts and Other Shapes

Stripe Generator - ajax diagonal stripes background designer TIP: You can bookmark your favorite stripes simply pressing CTRL + D (Win/Linux) / CMD + D (Mac). stripe sizespacingstripe color(s)background styleshadowgradient heightbackground color(s)stripe orientation preview Tile size: 40px * 40px open fullscreen preview Tiled 15 seconds how-to Play with sliders and color pickers, untill you obtain a super-cool stripe tile Press "Download" to save your creation Edit your css adding this line to the element you want to stripe:background-image: url("path-to-stripe.png"); If you want to only repeat horizontally your tile (as in the case of tiles with gradient), you must add this line too: background-repeat: repeat-x; stay tuned about new webdesign, ajax, web 2.0 tools!

How to bookmark all open browser tabs at once | How To Browser tabs are a wonderful convenience that allow you to browse the Internet without cluttering up your desktop. Another great, but often overlooked convenience, is being able to bookmark all open tabs at the same time. Maybe you've been researching something on the Internet for hours and have several tabs open, but need to stop for the day. What do you do? Leave your browser up and your computer on until you come back? Bookmark each tab individually? Here's how to bookmark all open browser tabs at once: Chrome Right-click on a tab and select "Bookmark all tabs" or hit Ctrl+Shift+D. Firefox Just like in Chrome, right-click on a tab and select "Bookmark All Tabs" or hit Ctrl+Shift+D. Internet Explorer Click on the "View favorites" icon, then the "Add favorites" drop-down menu. That's it. A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit sponsored by Cisco Systems April, 2007 The future belongs to those who collaborate. In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s March 2006 report for Cisco, entitled “Foresight 2020”, executives predicted that over the next 15 years their markets will become even more global, functions within their organisations will atomise across geographies and partners, and competition will intensify from new corners of the world. Collaboration: Transforming the way business works [2.17 KB pdf] Other key findings include: Companies are facing a new imperative to form collaborative relationships. Collaboration: Transforming the way business works [2.17 KB pdf] Download the electronic version.

Collaboration in the History of Wartime East Asia : Readability Collaboration in War and Memory in East Asia: A Symposium This symposium on collaboration in East Asia during the Asia-Pacific War and its aftermath addresses some of the most fraught issues in historiography, historical remembrance, and contemporary politics. It also reflects on occupation states in Europe and postwar East Asia, while casting important light on contemporary issues of collaboration globally. How are we to assess occupation regimes that emerged in each East and Southeast Asian nation during the Pacific War, as well as in postwar nations including those occuped by the United States or other occupiers. This symposium on war and collaboration in East Asia and globally features contributions by Timothy Brook, Prasenjit Duara, Suk-Jung Han, Heonik Kwon, a response by Brook, and a further conribution in the form of a response by Margherita Zanasi. 1. Japan Focus anticipates and welcomes responses to the symposium. Collaboration in the History of Wartime East Asia Timothy Brook

The Lodestar Foundation: The Collaboration Prize While Lodestar is mainly a grantmaking foundation, our primary operating program is The Collaboration Prize. During the first several years of our work supporting nonprofit collaborations, we became increasingly aware of the lack of written material providing a diversity of models of successful collaborations from which nonprofits could study, learn and emulate. Indeed, we found that there were many perceived obstacles to collaboration that discouraged nonprofits from even considering collaboration as an option. We decided that if a wide variety of successful models was available, nonprofits would be encouraged to pursue collaboration with more confidence. We concluded that the most efficient way to collect such models was through The Collaboration Prize, a national contest to financially reward the best nonprofit collaboration. In 2008, we initiated the first Collaboration Prize contest. For more information on The Collaboration Prize, please visit:

General theory of collaboration for detailed steps and processes used in progressive business, academic and creative groups see collaborative method. General theory of collaboration[edit] Currently there exists no consolidated, general theory of collaboration (GTC). Collaboration is fostered when there is an expected beneficial outcome by the collaborators. The more significant the causal outcome, the higher the participation and commitment level will be amongst collaborators. Successful Collaboration has been described as Synergy, where the sum is greater than all the parts; i.e. 2+2=5. References to theories of collaboration[edit] The literature is somewhat lacking in general theories of collaboration, but one review by Wood and Gray [1] claims that any comprehensive theory of collaboration must address: Directions for inspiration[edit] Collaboration is a subject of research in many diverse and disparate fields. Sociology[edit] Perhaps the 'ology' a GTC is most likely to belong to, is sociology. Demographics[edit]

Towards a New Kind of Collaboration A Networked Approach to Social Change | Venture Philanthropy Partners April 2010 It seems that almost everywhere you go these days, nonprofit and foundation leaders alike are talking about ways to foster and increase collaboration. In these difficult times, when resources seem to be vanishing while the demand for services continues to increase, it makes sense that organizations consider working together to make available resources go further and perhaps achieve greater results. In principle, everyone wants to collaborate, but the reality of making it happen is extremely tough. The reality of the current funding system for nonprofits is that these organizations find themselves competing against the very organizations with whom they might collaborate. Yet research in the last few years shows that collaborating, and more specifically, partnering with more than one organization to create a network for change, can allow nonprofits to have much greater impact than they could ever have on their own. - Carol Thompson Cole

Wikinomics Getting past the collaboration buzz word It seems as though we’re labeling every type of cooperative activity as “collaboration” these days. Every company wants to be seen as collaborative and every enterprise solution wants to sell the benefits of collaboration. It’s gotten to the point where everything from Wikipedia, to polling your customers, to a simple conversation between co-workers is being dubbed as “collaboration.” A recent report from the Economist Intelligence Unit suggests that adopting a broad definition for collaboration can be detrimental and can in fact detract from “true” collaborative efforts. From the report: Research shows the term “collaboration” is used to cover the gamut—from projects designed to cut costs, increase efficiency and improve compliance to those involving working with outsiders to develop new products. According to the study, the top three uses of true collaboration among large enterprises ($10 billion+ revenues) are: improving internal processes, increasing efficiency, and lowering costs.
