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Fresh MoCo - Modern contemporary design & architecture

Fresh MoCo - Modern contemporary design & architecture
Flatrella Tray by Ronen Kadushin is an Open Design interpretation - a "cover version" - of noted Italian modernist furniture designer Enzo Mari's 1958 Putrella tray, that one in iron, this in laser-cut stainless steel, assembled with neodymium magnets....

Design, Architecture & Mode - Wepulse A Room for London A Room for London will be staying at the Southbank Centre for 2014. The ballot for April and May 2014 nights has now closed. Do sign up to our newsletter to get updates on future A Room for London ballots, and other news from Living Architecture. A new perspective on the River Thames Writer and broadcaster Tom Sutcliffe, guest on 31st August 2013, wrote: “A Room For London is magical. Big Ben out of one window, St. Colossal Merging two of the ultimate pastimes—books and puzzles—the Codex Silenda has to be physically solved in order to read it. And no, these aren’t simple word games and math problems, but rather deviously complicated mechanical puzzles crafted from laser-cut wood that are embedded within each part of this 5-page book. The solution to each puzzle physically unlocks the next page. As the reader moves through the book a short story is also revealed, etched on pages opposite the puzzles. The Codex Silenda was created by industrial designer Brady Whitney who is currently funding the it as project on Kickstarter.

Italienisches Design - nicht nur für Menschen! Über Sinn und Unsinn mancher Möbelkreationen mag man vielleicht streiten – allerdings werden Möbel für vierbeinige Mitbewohner wohl in erster Linie dafür gemacht, dass Herrchen und Frauchen in ihrem stylischen Umfeld keine schnöden Allerwelts-Tierprodukte sehen müssen… … Hund und Katz ist’s wohl eher einerlei, worauf sie ihre müden Knochen betten, Hauptsache gemütlich. Um den Designansprüchen ihrer Besitzer entgegenzukommen, bietet das italienische Label Superfine im italienischen Veneto daher Hundemobiliar höchster Qualität.

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