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Social Publishing Platform Launches We recently briefly touched upon the brand new publishing platform,, as it is one of the sites involved in PeerPerks, the new social media rewards system launched by PeerIndex. Launching today, courtesy of San Francisco-based RadiumOne Labs, attempts to stray away from the social network label, but it certainly can be described as part social-network, part blogging platform. Using the site, you can share images, video, audio or text, or you can also publish to your profile using the free iPhone app. seems to be a little bit of all of the popular social networks and publishing platforms rolled into one. Its dashboard seems to be partially inspired by Tumblr, with both its simplicity and the use of icons for each type of content. When it comes to checking out what other people have posted, the ‘Popular’ feed, as well as profile pages, are definitely reminiscent of Pinterest’s layout. Our Verdict As far as its UI is concerned, is as slick as they come.

6 Steps to a More Marketable LinkedIn Profile Overall, LinkedIn is the best social media platform for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals. Unfortunately, your LinkedIn profile may not be helping you to create those connections. So let’s tune yours up with six simple steps: Step 1. Revisit your goals. At its most basic level LinkedIn is about marketing: marketing your company or marketing yourself. But don’t just whip out the Google AdWords Keyword Tool and identify popular keywords. Go a step further and think about words that have meaning in your industry. Use a keyword tool to find general terms that could attract a broader audience, and then dig deeper to target your niche by identifying keywords industry insiders might search for. Then sense-check your keywords against your goals. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Share why you love what you do in your profile. Keywords are important but are primarily just a way to help potential clients find you. Step 5. Take a look at your current photo. Step 6.

Jak nakręcić dobrego virala, który opowiada historię? | Mediafeed - reklama, marketing, branding i nowe media. Co decyduje o tym, że niektóre z produkcji budzą emocję i podziw, ciekawią, wciągają w interakcję, poruszają? Moim zdaniem w takich przypadkach jak zwykle wygrywa prostota i naturalność, z którymi żaden scenariusz na ‘świetnego virala’, stworzony przez nad wyraz kreatywne głowy zwyczajnie nie ma szans. Bo cóż może być prostszego od zwykłej, pojedynczej kropki, wokół której zbudowany jest cały przekaz filmu o którym dzisiaj piszę? Albo… cóż może być prostsze od trzech milionów kropek? Dokładając do z pozoru banalnej koncepcji pasję i wiarygodność, stworzyć można coś unikatowego, jak na przykład obraz, który przedstawia twarz człowieka odbitą na biurowym xero. Autor ma swoją stronę, na której dzieli się swoją nietypową pasją.

Jak zwiększyć wskaźnik “Edge Rank” na Facebooku? | Trusted Shops Ecommerce Blog | Wiadomości Ostatnio Facebook obok ogólnej ilości fanów pokazuje również ilość „aktywnych” fanów, która często mieści się w jednocyfrowym przedziale procentowym. Bywa to niezbyt korzystne, a jednocześnie jest to wskaźnik kluczowy, by różne formy aktywności marki były widoczne. A aktywność w mediach społecznych należy do czynników prowadzących do sukcesu. Warto zwrócić uwagę! Mała ilość aktywnych fanów nie jest przecież wyznacznikiem tego, jak ścisłe są relacje pomiędzy użytkownikami Facebooka a polubionymi fanpejdżami. Do istotnych elementów wskaźnika Edge Rank należy rodzaj treści (każdy rodzaj treści, która powstaje w wyniku interakcji z Facebookiem jest zwany „Edge“), intensywność relacji pomiędzy fanem i dostawcą treści oraz dobrze znany w handlu wysyłkowym czynnik „nowości”. Page Rank a Edge Rank Inaczej niż w przypadku Google, dużą rolę odgrywa odległość dostawcy treści od użytkownika i do tej bliskości Edge muszą być dobrze dopasowane. Warto mieć jak najwyższy „wskaźnik aktywności“ fanów.

Social proof Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation. This effect is prominent in ambiguous social situations where people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior, and is driven by the assumption that surrounding people possess more knowledge about the situation. The effects of social influence can be seen in the tendency of large groups to conform to choices which may be either correct or mistaken, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as herd behavior. Although social proof reflects a rational motive to take into account the information possessed by others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single choice, so that decisions of even large groups of individuals may be grounded in very little information (see information cascades). Mechanisms[edit] Multiple source effect[edit] Research[edit]

5 Ways for Businesses to Get Started on Pinterest 5 Ways for Businesses to Get Started on Pinterest Posted by Ron Medlin on Thu, Jan 19, 2012 @ 02:51 PM The latest social media trend to emerge on the scene, Pinterest, already has millions of active users. The obvious dominant demographic using Pinterest is women. These recipe collecting, scrapbooking, fashion forward woman have lots to say and share. Slowly but surely, guys are growing in numbers, but after looking through a few boards it's crystal clear who the primary users are. 1. It'll take a few days for Pinterest to get back with you, so take a minute right now to request an invitation. 2. Spend some time pinning and repining content, as well as commenting and liking others pins and boards. 3. I love Ray Bans. 4. Adding "Pin It" buttons to your Internet browser is a great way to help remind yourself to pin cool things you find online. 5. You can login from Facebook or Twitter, which will make it easier to drive friends and followers to your Pinterest page. - fotografie, zdjęcia, audio, wideo, reportaże, teksty Social Marketing Blog / @flowtown This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck!

Using Tags to Increase Findability Tagging: People-Powered Metadata for the Social Web I recently read Tagging: People-Powered Metadata for the Social Web (2008), by Gene Smith. Smith dives into tagging as a method for adding metadata to resources, which in turn increases the organization and findability of the resources. Traditional help authoring tools categorize resources through folders (a carryover from Windows folders), whereas web platforms typically use tags. For example, you might tag a photo with a geolocation. Twitter wouldn’t be nearly as powerful without tags. What’s cool about tags is that you can easily tag the same information with multiple tags. Tags can be generated in at least two different ways. Tag clouds, which are visual displays of your top tags, can give you a general idea of topic trends. The tag cloud highlights only the most common terms. Managing tags in digital photo collections can highlight the limitations of tags. Tagging interfaces are characterized by speed and simplicity. inShare18

Social Media Illumination | info that shines a light on Social Media stuff! Carl's Free Video Course Video 1 Welcome! Video 2 How To Decide What Strategy To Work On First To Achieve Maximum Results In Minimum Time Video 3 How To Ensure That You Complete The Things That You Start So That You Get More Closings Video 4 How To Make Sure You Are Having Fun While Closing More Deals Than You Ever Have Video 5
