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Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview

La navigation Web, c’est aller de l’avant ! | CRO Consultant Expert Web Analytics et Optimisation Taux Conversion Il faut l’avouer sur le web, en général on est assez impatient. On n’aime pas attendre qu’une page se charge, chercher l’accès à un contenu, comprendre pourquoi la validation d’un formulaire ne se fait pas. La décision de cliquer sur tel ou tel lien est prise très rapidement. C’est pourquoi nous avons besoin de simplicité dans la conception d’un site Web, car la complexité est source de confusion et de mauvaises décisions. Nous pourrions schématiser l’expérience utilisateur à un réservoir de « bonne volonté » qui se viderait proportionnellement aux efforts cognitifs fournis jusqu’à une certaine limite de l’acceptable et du « clickout ». « La réserve de bonne volonté » de Steve Krug :1 – Les visiteurs arrivent sur le site avec un réservoir plus ou moins plein de bonne volonté. 2 – Chaque effort cognitif fourni fait baisser le niveau du réservoir.La capacité du réservoir est propre à chaque utilisateur. Imaginons que vous êtes en train de conduire.

WP ThumbFx - Responsive jQuery Thumbnail Effects Preview Warpspeed - Responsive Coming Soon PageHTML Ajax Portfolio GridPLUGIN Titan LightboxPLUGIN jQuery Titan Lightbox jQuery WP ThumbFxPLUGIN jQuery ThumbFxjQuery Lesson 1: Understanding the Available Transaction Isolation Levels According to the SQL-99 standard, there are four transaction isolation levels: Read committed Read uncommitted Repeatable read Serializable Each level protects against specific concurrency problems caused by access to the same data by multiple connections. Besides these four isolation levels, SQL Server 2005 also provides the following two additional isolation levels: Snapshot Read committed snapshot (which is a variation of the read committed isolation level rather than an entirely different level) To set the active transaction isolation level for a connection, execute the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement. Types of Concurrency Problems There are several concurrency problems that can occur in a database management system when multiple users access the same data. Lost Update A lost update can be interpreted in one of two ways. Dirty Read If data that has been changed by an open transaction is accessed by another transaction, a dirty read has taken place. Non-Repeatable Read

318 useful twitter bootstrap resources #1 Web Design and Web Development Agency based in Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain - MA-NO Web Design and Development Display BOOTSTRAP-MAXLENGTH Uses badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work. WATABLE a pretty decent jQuery table plugin BOOTSTRAP-TIMEPICKER A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap. BOOTSTRO.JS Guide users through your application via a series of Bootstrap popovers NOD! MESSENGER Replacement for alert() messages and other user interaction notifications. JQUERY.TOCIFY.JS A jQuery Table of Contents plugin that can be themed with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI. BOOTSTRAP-PROMPTS An implementation to replace the alert(), prompt(),confirm() notifications on the browser when using Twitter Bootstrap with Modal information SUBNAV FOR BOOTSTRAP 2 Example of how to implement SubNavs in Bootstrap navigation menus. JQUERY-BOOTSTRAP-SCRIPTING Uses the modal dialog provided by bootstrap and provides a controlable dialog functionality for web pages as a jQuery plugin. Form

Interactive Infographic with SVG and CSS Animations Learn how to build an interactive animated infographic using SVG, CSS and JavaScript. View demo Download source One of the less talked about features of newer browsers is increasing support for the SVG file format. If you are unfamiliar with SVG, it stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. Unlike raster image formats like PNG, JPG or GIF, the vector graphics contained within SVG files are completely scalable to any size and will display at any resolution or screen density without quality loss. In many cases, SVG files will also be much smaller in filesize and download quicker. But one of the really cool things that some developers do not realize is that SVG is built on the XML specification, which at the end of the day means that its plain old markup, and can be worked with in a similar manner to HTML. With the right techniques and modern browser support, developers can now produce some pretty impressive animations, effects and interactions using SVG. Preparing an SVG file The HTML The CSS

Looking into the JQuery Cycle Plugin - Nikolaos Kantzelis ASP.Net Blog I have been using JQuery for a couple of years now and it has helped me to solve many problems on the client. You can find all my posts about JQuery in this link. In this post I will be providing you with a hands-on example on the JQuery Cycle Plugin. I have been using extensively this plugin in my websites.You can rotate a series of images using various transitions with this plugin.It is a slideshow type of experience. I will be writing more posts regarding the most commonly used JQuery Plugins. In this hands-on example I will be using Expression Web 4.0.This application is not a free application. You can use Visual Studio 2012 Express edition. You can download this plugin from this link I launch Expression Web 4.0 and then I type the following HTML markup (I am using HTML 5) <head> <title>Liverpool Legends</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > $(function() { }); </script> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Liverpool Legends</h1> This is a very simple markup. — Your Web, documented Caption Hover Effects - Demo 7 Previous Demo Back to the Codrops Article MVC: Creating user configurable charts - Gunnar Peipman's ASP.NET blog Although summer here is awful and nice at same time it’s time to blog. Couple of years ago I wrote about how to use MS Chart control in ASP.NET MVC projects. Now let’s extend my solution and let’s add support for simple chart modifications. Extending IReportControl interface Although it is possible to create new interface that extends IReportControl interface I found it better for my solution to modify IReportControl. public interface IReportControl : IDisposable { int ChartStyle { set; } int ChartType { set; } bool Enable3D { set; } void DataBind(); object DataSource { set; } void SaveChartImage(Stream stream);} We have now three new options: Enable3D - show chart as 3D ChartStyle - set chart style ChartType - set chart type Now let’s fit these new options to our charting solution. Code behind chart controls Now we have to modify code behind chart controls so it implements our new interface. public partial class SalaryStatsByLevelsChart : UserControl, ISalaryStatsByLevelsChart set Example

Height equals width with pure CSS Description If you have an image with a certain aspect ratio you can easily keep the proportion with the "auto" value. Like: The problem is that you can't use the "auto" value for the height property of a block element like a DIV or alike. It will always resize depending on the inner content/elements. The trick I found a solution which was already posted four years ago on A List Apart. <div class='box'><div class='content'>Aspect ratio of 1:1</div></div> We need two block elements to achieve the desired behaviour. So, what's this? So our box is already as high as wide. The content And here is the trick: We just position the content element as absolute with all four orientations set to 0. That's it. Other aspect ratios If you want to create other ratios just change the padding-top value of the pseudo element (see example): IE7 and below Since IE is IE and especially IE7 is everything but a browser, you have to create the pseudo element yourself in your markup if you like to support that shit.

How to effectively engage the school leaver/young student market | CultureHive Published 2013 This non-arts case study demonstrates how to effectively engage the school leaver/young student market. It tells the story of how in 2012 MediaCom Edinburgh and Teesside University set about to increase student admissions in the face of double digit declines across the competitive set (post-1992 universities in the north of England). With Teesside University having a smaller budget than many competitors the activity had to be smart. Research defined key audiences to be not only potential students but parents and influencers and this short paper gives a brief outline of the activity that took place (including a fascinating overview of their online strategy). Defining our communication priorities To achieve our goal we needed to do much more than simply set out Teesside’s credentials in traditional broadcast media.

Building and consuming REST services with ASP.NET Web API using MediaTypeFormatter and OData support | Robbin Cremers vs Microsoft Technology The ASP.NET Web API has been released with the ASP.NET MVC4 beta release, which was released 2 days ago (14/02/2012). You can download the ASP.NET MVC4 beta release, that includes the Web API, here: Quoted directly from microsoft website: ASP.NET MVC 4 also includes ASP.NET Web API, a framework for building and consuming HTTP services that can reach a broad range of clients including browsers, phones, and tablets. If you do not know what REST stands for and why it could be of any use, you can watch this 1h18m08s video on channel9 by Aaron Skonnard: Considering how popular REST is these days, it might be interesting to cover the new Web API in this post. It might be useful to browse once quickly through these posts, so you understand what REST is, how it works and how content negotation works,and how REST currently is implemented by WCF. 1. 2. 3. 4. And the results:
