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100 Websites You Should Know and Use In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.

Manilla » Free Online Account and Bill Organizer Images | Koenigsegg Shop Images One:1 High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res Agera S High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res Agera R High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res Agera High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res CCXR Special Edition High-Res High-Res Trevita High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res CCXR Edition High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res High-Res

Predator takes visual object tracking to new heights – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology Cameras have slowly made their way into the portable gadgets we all carry around with us and not having a camera in a new device is viewed as a missing feature. It’s got to the point now where the latest smartphones even have two cameras so as to make for better video chat. But while the prevalence and quality of the cameras has gone up, the software still lags behind in terms of being able to identify and track objects in any real-time or captured footage. That is about to change due to the work of Czech student Zdeneki Kalai. This algorithm not only tracks, it learns the more it gets used. Kalai believes what he has created, a combination of tracking, learning, and detection is completely unique and allows for a whole new set of functionality to be applied when looking at video feeds. In the video he gives examples of a new interface that can detect your fingers and use them to draw, learning to get better at trakcing those fingers as it is used more. Read more at GottaBeMobile

100 Guerrilla Marketing Advertisements for your Inspiration 100 Guerrilla Marketing Advertisements for your Inspiration By Ryan Lum | Stashed in Compilations, Inspiration Marketing your business might sound scary, but I guarantee you that when you view this post, you’re going to laugh and be inspired. Thats because I am compiling a set of 100 awesome guerrilla marketing advertisements I’ve collected over the last few weeks. Below you will find 100 images of stunning guerrilla marketing ad’s from around the globe. About the Author Ryan is an entrepreneur who is passionate about creative thinking, design and social media. More posts by Ryan Lum Website Twitter e11worldI love the garage door one.. Advertise Here! Support Good Content Follow @myinkblog Sponsors Advertise Here! Friends Be Inspired Showcase your design work here Twitter Ramblings Follow MyInkBlog on Twitter Here & There Stay Updated Site Cred MyInkblog is a design resources and inspiration blog. Wall O' Friends

Big Data, Unstructured Information Analysis is More Than Sentiment What started many years ago as a driver for a new generation of storage devices, the topic of Big Data is turning mainstream, having made nearly every list of “trends for 2012.” Continued media attention and buzz is making what Big Data actually is more clear. The challenge, is how get value from it. Compared with other trends that fizzled out over time or remained more academic phenomena than anything else (i.e. the Semantic Web), I believe that Big Data is for real: it really can give companies a tremendous opportunity to leverage their data for better business insight through analytics. The catch is knowing how to use it. More than structured information stored neatly in rows and columns, Big Data actually comes in complex, unstructured formats, everything from web sites, social media and email, to videos, presentations, etc. On this point, the learning curve for most organizations is quite steep. Connect: Authored by: Luca Scagliarini See complete profile

List of emoticons A simple smiley This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's mood or facial expression in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons is quite different from Eastern usage, and Internet forums, such as 2channel, typically show expressions in their own ways. Emoticons can generally be divided into two groups: Western or Horizontal (mainly from America and Europe), and Eastern or Vertical (mainly from east Asia). Western The emoticon in Western style is written most often from left to right as though the head is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Eastern Eastern emoticons generally are not rotated, and may include non-Latin characters to allow for additional complexity. Unicode characters Some emoticons are included in the Unicode standard—three in the Miscellaneous Symbols block, and over sixty in the Emoticons block. References

NoSQL – 도대체 어떻게 선택해야 할까? | 우승이의 블로그 오늘 글을 포스팅 하기전에 오래전 얘기를 먼저 해야 할 것 같습니다. 99년도쯤이였나 당시 저는 유닉스에서 개발된 정보 시스템을 MS 윈도우로 전환하면서 이를 웹어플리케이션으로 개발하기 위해서 기술을 검토하던때였습니다. 그래서 당시 COM 이라고 하는 (또는 ActiveX의 서버버전 정도로 생각하셔도 됩니다만 엄밀히 말하면 다르죠.) 기술에 대해서 공부를 하고 이리저리 만져보고 있던 시절입니다. 정작 하고 싶은 얘기는 이제부터입니다. 그 이후 자바기반으로 새로이 웹어플리케이션으로 개발했다고 들었습니다. 각설하고 , 최근들어 NoSQL 이라는 것에 대해서 주위에서 많은 얘기들을 하고 있습니다. 앞서 제가 10여년전 얘기를 들먹거린 이유가 여기에 있습니다. 다만 NoSQL 선택을 할 때 고려해야 할 점 몇가지를 정리하고자 합니다. 아 … 오늘은 본론에 들어가기도 전에 정말 말이 많군요. 1. 그전에 NoSQL 에 대해서 간단히 정리하고 넘어갈까요? 한마디로 관계형 데이터 모델을 사용하지 않고 SQL 을 사용하지 않는 그 이외의 모든 데이터 베이스 시스템 또는 데이터 스토어를 일컬어 NoSQL 이라 칭하게 된 것이죠. 그간에는 수십년간 관계형 데이터베이스라는 것이 데이터를 저장하는데 최적이라고 믿고 있었고 기업 시장에서는 ACID 라는 데이터의 무결성이라는 점에 더 무게를 두었고 무엇보다도 SQL 이라고 하는 언어의 편이성 때문인지 나머지 데이터베이스 시스템들은 그간 주목을 못받아 왔다고 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다. 그러다가 최근에 인터넷 시대가 되고 소셜네트워크 서비스등이 등장하면서 관계형데이터 또는 정형데이터가 아닌 데이터, 즉 비정형데이터라는 것을 보다 쉽게 담아서 저장하고 처리할 수 있는 구조를 가진 데이터 베이스들이 관심을 가지게 되었고 이를 통칭해서 NoSQL 이라 부르게 된 것입니다. 소위 NoSQL 이라고 불리어지는 데이터 베이스에는 어떤 것들이 있을까요? 이들 링크를 눌러보시면 얼마나 많은 NoSQL 데이터베이스가 있는지 아실 수 있을 것입니다. 2. 3.

Apple Universal Dock Tray by Hekseskudd Modern-day Gentleman’s Tray The design team at Hekseskudd re-envisions the classic gentleman’s tray as not just a convenient container for loose change and keys, but one that also caters to the modern user by providing a place to recharge and house electronics like the iPhone and Apple keyboard. 3 configurations of varying size, capacity, and functionality are available in a number of handsome wood finishes for a custom made feel that compliments the heritage of the classic product. Designer: Hekseskudd How to Manage a Camel - Project Management and Recruitment | The project management and recruitment blog from Arras People How to Manage a Camel – Project Management and Recruitment Project management and recruitment news from Arras People Prev Next What will it take? Tweet Once again the underlying messages in the news and media this week are that UK Plc. is on the up. Latest Posts 0April 15, 2014Celebrating People in Project Management Tweet Last week was the official launch party for the Gower Handbook of People in Project Management. 0March 27, 2014How NOT to differentiate yourself Tweet So for some time now the noises coming out of the economy have been generally much more positive then we have been used to; unemployment is falling, more jobs […] Editors' Picks Q&A Project Management Careers: Do I Go for a PM Role? Subscribe to the Blog Creating a *Killer* PM CV PM CV Workshop PPM Jobs at Arras People FeedWind Training Directory Pinterest About Arras WordPress Theme Copyright How to Manage a Camel - Project Management and Recruitment - Arras People.
