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Creep Machine Art Sponge Artinfo | The Premier Global Online Destination for Art and Culture Brain Pickings Graffiti Research Lab my love for you Well hello! It's certainly been a while since I posted here. I've been waiting til the time is right — and for me 'to figure it all out,' to be totally honest — before I dropped any thing real on here. Like most of us, I still haven't figured it all out (does that ever really happen to anyone? If it's happened to you, will you please let me know in the comments?). One thing I have come to realize is that I have missed blogging consistently terribly. So here I am. Let me recap. In the past three years I've worked for Yahoo! This summer, I'm making some really big changes. I'm currently at home starting to plan everything, and I spent the weekend on Cape Cod. So here I am. I'm excited. love, Meighan
