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Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker
The sights, sounds and action of a movie are a great way grab your students' attention and bring subjects to life. But who has time to teach and make movie magic? You do - with Windows Movie Maker. In just minutes, you can turn photos and video clips on any subject into interesting movies with special effects, sounds, and captions. Like57 Kelli Etheredge, educator at St. The simple, easy, fast way to make movie magic in class It takes just a few minutes to import still pictures, video clips, and music from your PC to Windows Movie Maker and create a polished movie. Engage, entertain, and educate by creating movies to teach varied subjects: System requirements: Operating system: 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 7, or 32- or 64-bit version of Windows 8 Release Preview, or Windows Server 2008 R2.

A Beginner's Guide to Creating iPhone Videos for the Virtual Classroom 72 Flares Twitter 29 Facebook 0 Google+ 17 LinkedIn 26 inShare26 72 Flares × You have probably used your iPhone to make videos of your friends and family. Have you thought about using your phone to make educational videos for the virtual classroom? Often, when videos are made on the iPhone, the sound quality is poor and the footage is shaky. Getting Good Video The quickest solution is to buy a tripod. iStabalizer makes a full gamut of tripod accessories that work well with your iPod. If you have any interest at all in taking videos of people while you are walking or moving, you must watch the tutorial, “DIY high quality cellphone camera stabilizer for iPhone, Android, Blackberry under $10” created by a young woman named Ritwika. There are other DIY options, though the pieces costs almost as much as it would cost to buy it new. Getting Good Audio The audio when you are making videos with your iPhone is not always what it needs to be for high-quality videos. -A tripod or stabilizer Software

ScreenChomp 50 Activities To Promote Digital Media Literacy In Students Literacy is changing–not at its core necessarily, but certainly at its edges as it expands to include new kinds of “reading.” Digital media is quickly replacing traditional media forms as those most accessible to most 21st century learners. The impact of this change is extraordinarily broad, but for now we’ll narrow it down to changes in how learners respond to the media they consume. The most fundamental pattern of formal academia is to read something and then write about it. Some of these tasks will look familiar, especially to English teachers. Also, I know that medium is the singular form and media the plural, but to me the connotation of the word medium hints at the form (e.g., film, text, video), whereas the media seems more apt to refer to a specific example of a media form (Schindler’s List, The Odyssey, Charlie Bit Me). You also might notice that many of them apply to both traditional and digital media. 50 Activities To Promote Digital Media Literacy In Students

index "Use your voice" In 2006 Jott emerged as a leader in mobile voice-to-text applications. Now, nearly two years after Jott's acquisition and a successful integration into Nuance, we are officially ending the Jott service on May 3rd, 2011.This may seem counter-intuitive – success leading to a shutdown.But while it is an ending of sorts, the reality is that the technology, service, talent and imagination of Jott will continue on as part of a far broader set of services. The Jott team, vision and technologies are an integral part of a global business which includes partners such as AT&T, Rogers, Bell Canada, Vodafone, Cisco, Vonage, and many others. The dramatic expansion of Nuance's voice-to-text services is clear evidence that consumers will respond to innovations that carriers offer, and with that in mind, we will focus our voice-to-text service investments on carrier and enterprise distribution, and no longer on Looking for a service like Jott?

Videos Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation. Not only is it not right, it’s the other way around! The world might not be as bad as you might believe! Don’t Panic – is a one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcasted on BBC on the 7th of November 2013. The visualizations are based on original graphics and stories by Gapminder and the underlaying data-sources are listed here. Hans’s — “All time favorite graph”, is Read more … Hans Rosling is debunking the River of Myths about the developing world. Instead of studying history one year at the university, you can watch this video for less than five minutes. Is there a relation between religion, sex and the number of babies per woman? What was the greatest invention of the industrial revolution? Hans Rosling uses Gapminder bubbles in CNN Global Public Square to show US converge with other countries. TED-talk at the US State Department.

Montage vidéo en ligne avec JayCut ! | TuniBOX Je vous ai déjà parlé de plusieurs applications en ligne qui permettent de faire des traitements propres aux « desktop applications ». Dans le même style, JayCut est un site qui propose une application plutôt intéressante; le montage vidéo en ligne. Le but n’est pas tout de même de proposer un autre Windows Movie Maker mais de proposer une approche Web qui ajoute les fonctionnalités de partage, la compatibilité des formats et surtout l’esprit communautaire… Comme tout autre logiciel classique de traitement de vidéo, JayCut permet d’uploader les clips et les images à partir du disque local ou des périphériques d’enregistrement comme les téléphones ou les cameras. Un petit plus, JayCut reconnait presque tous les formats vidéos et permet de les éditer tous en même temps sans aucun plugin additionnel. Une fois, les vidéos téléchargées sur le serveur de l’application, l’utilisateur procède au montage. Votre production prête, JayCut vous assiste pour la publier et la partager.

Answers Grockit Answers is just-in-time Q&A for video lectures. In Grockit Answers, interactions happen around video lectures, and participants ask and answer questions about specific points in the lecture. Since every question is attached to a specific point in time in the video, Grockit Answers displays a question and its answers at the point in the lecture that they are most relevant. And since the things that confuse you are likely to be the same things that confuse others, you'll find that answers to your own questions pop up on the screen just as you're starting to get confused.

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