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Consumo Colaborativo Encuentros/I Encuentro de Wikipedistas de Mendoza Cerro de la Gloria. Wikimedia Argentina. De qué se trata[editar] Este encuentro se da en el marco de los esfuerzos de Asociación Civil Wikimedia Argentina por conocer y tomar contacto directo con los wikipedistas de todo el país. Cómo, cuándo y dónde[editar] Lugares recomendados[editar] Proponé debajo de esta línea un bar, pizzería, confitería, etc: (discusión) 18:14 30 may 2014 (UTC) Centro Cultural LeParc PARTICIPANTES[editar] Anotá tu nombre aquí debajo: Más informacíón[editar]

Circular Economy 100 What is the Circular Economy 100? The Circular Economy 100 is a global platform bringing together 100 pioneering businesses engaged in accelerating the transition to a circular economy over a 1000-day (3 year) period. The programme will provide the opportunity for companies to stimulate circular economy innovation, foster collaboration, build capacity and unlock the economic opportunity through accelerator workshops, distance learning modules and an annual summit, hosted by the Foundation and its Founding Partners. Business Rationale Following the launch of the Foundation’s first report in Davos in 2012 the circular economy has rapidly gained the attention of business and government and highlighted an opportunity worth up to 630bn USD for businesses making the transition towards a circular economy. Who's Involved Some 18 companies including have already confirmed their membership of the programme: How will your organisation benefit? The Library Acceleration Workshops Networks and Partnerships

From a Facebook group to an organization - the OuiShare Manifesto It all started in 2010, when Antonin Léonard was blogging about collaborative consumption in French. Little did he know that this was the beginning of the organization we now call OuiShare – a network of people with common values, which have finally been summarized in a manifesto. In its early stages, the OuiShare community was a Facebook group created by Antonin in April 2011 to connect people who believed in the potential of the collaborative economy and were trying to make it a reality. Shortly afterwards, they began to organize meetups every month in Paris at Next&Coworking or at Nathan Stern’s place to continue their discussions about the collaborative economy in person. It was then that Antonin felt he was on to something bigger: My intuition was that a new culture was emerging, a culture of openness, transparency, empathy and that this culture would be the foundation of what would become OuiShare. A mutual sentiment felt worldwide First meetups at Nathan’s place in Paris. Openness.

Economía colaborativa, ciudadanía autosuficiente: No protestes, actúa La economía colaborativa está transformando nuestra sociedad, porque está dando a las personas las herramientas para organizarse y dejar de ser actores pasivos. Según Javi Creus, uno de los principales líderes de la economía colaborativa en España, “el ciudadano colaborativo es una persona que sin pedir perdón ni permiso activa lo que tiene, lo que sabe o lo que sabe hacer en un círculo de confianza”. El empoderamiento de las personas, el futuro del trabajo y la necesidad de regular la economía colaborativa fueron tres de las principales materias de discusión en la segunda edición del OuiShare Fest, el evento más importante sobre la economía colaborativa, que se celebró entre el 5 y el 7 de mayo en el Cabaret Sauvage de París. Bajo el lema “la Era de las Comunidades”, la cita reunió a un millar de investigadores, empresas y emprendedores en torno a la economía colaborativa. La nueva sociedad empoderada El epicentro de este modelo no es el dinero, sino la confianza.

British public to choose ‘greatest issue of our time’ for £10 million prize Longitude Prize 2014, a challenge with a prize fund of £10 million, has been launched today to help solve one the greatest issues of our time. The British public will cast the deciding vote to choose the issue that the prize will tackle. The prize has been developed and run by Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation. It was launched by the Prime Minister at G8 last year, and through the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is being supported by the Technology Strategy Board, the UK’s innovation agency, as launch funding partner. Longitude Prize 2014 commemorates the 300th anniversary of the Longitude Act where in 1714 the British government threw down the gauntlet to solve one of the great scientific challenges of that century: how to pinpoint a ship’s location at sea by knowing its longitude. The six challenges that the public are invited to vote on are: Flight - How can we fly without damaging the environment? Food - How can we ensure everyone has nutritious, sustainable food?

OuiShare Remix con Airbnb en la semana de la economía colaborativa en Madrid. La semana del 9 Abril confluyen una serie de eventos con presencia y protagonismo de la economía colaborativa. Y es que a veces no hay nada como el conflicto para pegar un buen acelerón, la fiebre regulatoria y las denuncias ponen de manifiesto una realidad, la economía colaborativa está tomando un escala de impacto en la economía global. La economía del compartir no solo está de moda sino que ya se ha hecho mayor. Dentro de esta economía colaborativa Airbnb es la plataforma más popular de la sharing economy, donde el modelo P2P, persona a persona, cobra mayores dimensiones, y donde se ofrecen más de 600.000 casas y habitaciones de particulares (anfitriones nativos) que alquilan sus casas a particulares (huéspedes turistas) y que en tan solo unos años , dispone de más habitaciones por todo el mundo que la prestigiosa y legendaria cadena hotelera Hilton ha conseguido en décadas.. Entrada libre previo registro La estructura del evento será de la siguiente manera: ¿Para qué y para quién?

Report Vol. 3 - 2014 - Circular Economy Reports Report Vol. 3 - 2014 About the Report Business leaders and governments alike acknowledge that continued wealth generation requires a new industrial model that is less dependent on primary energy and materials inputs. In its previous reports, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has focused on the economic and business benefits of such a circular model of development. A collaboration between the World Economic Forum, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, this new report aims to reconcile the goal of scaling a circular model with the reality of a global economy and complex multi-tier supply chains. The key objective is to propose a very specific joint plan of action for industry leaders. Download the Report Trouble downloading this file?

Urban Organics-Haberman Transforming the food system and strengthening local communities. Haberman believes in the pioneering spirit so much that sometimes we just have to take the plunge ourselves. At a new organic urban farm in St. Paul, we’re quite literally diving in because this farm doesn’t use dirt. It’s all about water. Aquaponics, to be exact. Welcome to Urban Organics, a pioneering project we’re thrilled to help create and launch. Key supporters include Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems, which designed the aquaponics system and provided expertise. A True Pioneer and Constant Inspiration An inspiring force for Fred and his partners at Urban Organics is Will Allen, the pioneering founder of Growing Power in Milwaukee who shows the world that healthy, high-quality, safe and affordable foods can be produced in urban environments, bringing new vitality and prosperity to the people who live there. Certified 100% USDA organic Select Lunds and Byerly’s stores will carry Urban Organics produce. Learn more.

Urban Organics This Old Factory--Now Full Of Fish And Kale--Is Revitalizing A Neighborhood What’s most striking when you enter the brick bunker formerly known as Stock House No. 3 is the green, says Fred Haberman, a cofounder and partner in Urban Organics, a futuristic farm housed inside a long-vacant structure on the former site of Hamm’s Brewery in East St. Paul. "It’s mind-boggling to come into this old building and see so much greenery," he says. "The colors are almost electric. Looking at this kale planted two weeks ago, you’d be shocked at how quickly it’s grown." The "secret sauce" for growing that electric-green kale, chard, and leafy herbs is the nutrient-rich wastewater pumped from four 3,500-gallons tanks of tilapia, which flows through a system of pipes and filters to irrigate and fertilize the plants before returning, clean, to the fish. Here, plants float on polystyrene rafts in plastic troughs—roots dangling in fish-water—stacked in three tiers on 18-foot-high racks lit by bright grow lights. A collaboration between the city of St.
