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B2B Marketing and Sales Effectiveness - Marketo Best Practices Blog

B2B Marketing and Sales Effectiveness - Marketo Best Practices Blog

Marketing Resources Le growth hacking, nouvelle réalité du marketing digital Il y a encore quelques mois, le terme Growth hacking était inconnu pour la majorité des gens de ce côté-ci de l'Atlantique. Mais force est de constater qu'un intérêt grandissant est en train de naître pour cette discipline en France. J'en veux pour preuve le nombre d'articles, de vidéos et même de Meetups qui apparaissent chaque jour et qui traitent de ce sujet. Définition du Growth hacking Le growth hacking a été introduit par Sean Ellis, ancien salarié de Dropbox, qui le définit comme ceci : Un growth hacker est une personne dont le seul et unique objectif est la croissance. Source : cet article écrit par Sean Ellis Josh Elman, un entrepreneur de la Silicon Valley ayant travaillé pour quelques-uns des géants du Social Media (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter), apporte un autre éclairage sur la définition du Growth Hacking : Source : cet article écrit par Josh Elman Comment faire pour acquérir plus d’utilisateurs de mon produit ? Quelques cas illustres de Growth hacking réussi PS: I love you.

Become a smarter digital marketer Statistiques Emailing, Secteur par Secteur - Blog EMailing Une fois que sa campagne d’emailing est lancée, les chiffres tombent. Taux d’ouverture, taux de clic, taux de rebond… bref, plein de taux à analyser. Pour faire une analyse vos propres chiffres ne suffirons pas à dire si votre campagne d’emailing est un succès ou non. Il vous faut des chiffres pour vous situer dans votre secteur d’activité. À titre indicatif, la dernière mise à jour de ce billet a été fait le 20 avril 2012. Avec plus de 40 000 000 d’emails envoyés quotidiennement par plus de 500 000 utilisateurs. Voici la liste de tout les chiffres sur l’emailing par industrie. Agriculture et Service Alimentaire, Emailing Statistiques Taux d’ouverture : 23.94% Taux de Clic : 4.85% Taux de Rebond Soft : 0.97% Taux de Rebond Hard : 2.06% Taux de Plainte : 0.10% Taux de Désinscription : 0.38% Affaire et finance, Emailing Statistiques Taux d’ouverture : 15.47% Taux de Clic : 2.77% Taux de Rebond Soft : 2.10% Taux de Rebond Hard : 1.57% Taux de Plainte : 0.04 % Taux de Désinscription : 0.21%

How to Get Employees to Embrace Social Media Are you struggling to get your social media activities off the ground? Do you want to get more people inside your organization to support your social media activities? If so, you’re not alone. Small businesses to Fortune 500 companies find themselves facing these challenges. In this article, I’ll show you how to create an internal social media structure that will help you develop an effective long-term social media presence. #1: Define the End Goal First, identify how and why social media will be used to meet specific business and brand goals. For example, a business goal is to increase revenue by 10%, whereas a brand goal is to create deeper relationships with your existing clients. Clearly define realistic, concrete and measurable goals to give your team objectives to pursue. Define your goals to create the internal structure you need for your social media presence. #2: Create a Social Media Task Force Kathleen Ngo, social media specialist at Sony Electronics, says: #4: Consistency Is Key

Social CRM Simplified. | Turn Communities into Customers. How One Blog Post Generated $2 Million Sales Would you believe that a single blog post could generate over $2 million in sales? I can’t promise that you’ll generate $2 million from your next article. If that’s what you want, stop reading now. (To understand why, check out what Derek Halpern says about a reader who wanted to earn $1 million from his blog.) How to use your blog to create killer content for your business Before he became The Sales Lion, Marcus Sheridan sold pools for a living. From a cost perspective, a pool involves the investment building the pool and surrounding support and landscape. More importantly, these pools have a positive impact on the value of your home. Given this type of long-term investment, what was the BIGGEST question Sheridan’s prospects had? You guessed it—“How much will this pool cost me?” How did Sheridan know this was their biggest question? Because it was ALWAYS the first question prospects asked. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out because price qualifies your prospects.

Theory | - A BrandBase Blog What is Brandactivation? The definition: Brand Activation is the seamless integration of all available communication means in a creative platform in order to activate consumers. Activation means stimulating: 1. interest 2. trial 3. loyalty New communication means are being introduced every year. It is clearly evident from this list of means that the marketing communication is a profession for well-trained specialists. PR, DM, Website, E-mail, Telephone, Print, Radio, TV, Outdoor advertising, Events, Retail, Brochure, Mobile, SP, Incentives, PS, Fairs, Spectaculars, Sponsoring, JP, Design, IC, TM, etc. Opportunity: Most marketers are rigid and non-commercial McKinsey published a report about the marketing profession, from which the following conclusions were drawn: The reputation of marketers is at an all time low Marketers are described by CEOs as undisciplined, non-commercial and rigid. 80% of the marketing plans is unsuccessful From Advertising Brands to Brand activation Relevance

The future of email marketing - All email marketing Trends In the quickly-evolving world a lot has changed in the way brands and consumers communicate. Email marketing is known to be a trusted and versatile marketing channel. What will the future for marketers that use the email channel? We can already spot the trends that hold the key to the evolution of email marketing. The future of email marketing and the email marketing eco system What can we expect to see in the Future of email marketing? What email marketing will look like in 5 years Several email marketing chip in with bite sized ideas about the inbox of the future, email marketing trends and where it will be just beyond the foreseeable future. The Five Email Marketing Trends to Anticipate (video) In this webinar David Daniels and Chris Marriott talk about the five email marketing trends that matter for the coming year. Four innovations that will shape the future of email marketing Better Data and Personalization Are the Future of Email Marketing Predicting the Future of Email Marketing

4 Tools That Improve Your Social Media Analytics Do you want more insight about your social media activities? Are you looking for a tool to bring important analytics to one place? In this article, you’ll discover four social media analytics tools that deliver clear insights about your business’s social media activity. Why Analytics? Social media analytics are more than numbers. Analytics give you the data you need to improve your social media engagement, make marketing decisions and tie social media to your bottom line. To use analytics effectively, the data needs to be presented in easy-to-understand formats. Here are four tools worth checking out: #1: Receive Automatic Reports Daily Via Email With Social Report The one thing we check every day is our email. Social Report is a comprehensive analytics tool with a very affordable starter account that lets you to monitor up to five projects, each with an unlimited number of social accounts for only $9 per month. Once your account is created, you can set up your first project. Like dashboards?

Premium Edition 9.2 Release Available - GoldMine CRM The new release of GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2 is now available for download. We’ve incorporated new social media views and improved links to Google Search and Maps to provide more information on your contacts. These new links will help you manage your business relationships by integrating Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google to help you build enduring relationships. LinkedIn contact search – Shows the LinkedIn profile for each GoldMine contact’s connections with one click access, allowing you to quickly see their profile and their connections so you can contact a colleague or friend for insight and assistance in establishing the relationship. One last item: this is our first release addressing the evolving social media area. Watch a recorded webinar led by Paul Petersen, General Manager of GoldMine, and Jamal Ahmad, Senior Product Manager of GoldMine, in which they discuss the features and benefits included in GMPE 9.2. (19 minutes) Learn More About GoldMine Premium Edition 9.2

Tronvig Group: Marketing Strategy, Brand Strategy, Advertising Internet trends: marketing research & predictions We are happy to announce the release of a new TrendsSpotting research report uncovering major trends in Mobile Accessories. Based on exploration of over 2000 new accessories released since 2011 + CES 2012 and a market analysis of major market trends characterizing this growing market, TrendsSpotting has identified about 150 recently released products that reflect new emerging trends in mobile accessories. The innovations analyzed in this report are profiled according to Product Categories (Protection, Power, Entertainment, Smart Solutions), User Experience Categories, Marketing and Consumer Trends. Major findings: 1. The report “Trends and Innovations in Mobile Accessories” can assist mobile companies in their search for emerging trends, competitive advantages, market opportunities, inspirations for new product development, partnerships, design requirements, and can provide updated comprehensive market knowledge. Market Trends Review -­ solutions and major players Tweet This Post Delicious
