Demos - Gone Google

Do Not Touch
Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary
The Doctor Who doodle started life as a request from a huge fan at Google. It seemed daunting- 11 Doctor's, 50 years of adventures, countless enemies and time travel! But we loved the idea of science fiction, technology and fun coming together, so we set about creating a multiple level game. The game was always a simple premise- those dastardly Daleks have stolen the Google letters and we need Doctor Who to retrieve them. Artists don't make games, programmers do. I provided the designs and various pieces of animation but without the engineers the game would only exist in another dimension! Engineering Gurus - Rui Lopes, Corrie Scalisi, Mark Ivey Additional support - Doug Simpkinson, Jonathan Shneier All things D of 3 - Leon Hong Deity of rain, lava & lightning - Kevin Laughlin Additional game ideas - Gregory Capuano Sounds - The BBC, Tom Tabanao, Manuel Clement and Cody! We thank the BBC for trusting us and also helping us whenever needed.
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Alter Ego
The End
Speed Race 'Wikipedia Game' | The Wiki Game
Last Game ResultsToday's LeadersWeek's Leaders Loading Last Game Winners... Points Breakdown 1st: 1000pts 2nd: 500pts 3rd: 300pts 4th: 200pts 5th: 150pts 6th-10th: 100pts11th+: 50pts with clicks in s. No winners in last game #1 Guest4A086 with 8 clicks in 82s. #2 GuestEAA7F with 7 clicks in 103s.