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Les 3 clés pour maîtriser la technique du disque rayé « Affirmation de soi .info
Related:  Manipulation and Persuasion

How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss. After gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. The following deception detection techniques are used by police, forensic psychologists, security experts and other investigators. Introduction to Detecting Lies: This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions. This is just a basic run down of physical (body language) gestures and verbal cues that may indicate someone is being untruthful. If you got here from somewhere else, be sure to check out our Lie Detection index page for more info including new research in the field of forensic psychology. Signs of Deception: Body Language of Lies: • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Bored?

Technique de coldreading | Techniques manipulation : Influence et manipulation secrètes Imaginez être devant une personne qui ne vous à jamais vu, et qui vous propose un coldreading et qu’en quelques minutes elle décris votre présonnalité d’une manière très présices, bluffant non ? Le coldreading est la technique utiliser par la plupart des voyantes, tarologue, charlatan et même quelques vendeurs. Mais comment arrive t’il à lire dans vos pensées ? Et bien juste avant de répondre à cette question je vous propose de lire ce petit texte: « Vous avez besoin d’être aimé et admiré des autres, et pourtant vous êtes critique avec vous-même. Vous vous flattez d’être un esprit indépendant ; et vous n’acceptez l’opinion d’autrui que dûment démontrée. Ce texte de coldreading vous correspond t’il ? Vous l’avez peu être compris ce texte correspond bien à tout le monde , à quelques exception prêt. Vous avez envie d’apprendre le cold reading, regarder l’article en lien Le tâtonnement: Tir au fusil: Phrases de coldreading Tags: coldreading, Lecture à froid

How Other People's Unspoken Expectations Control Us We quickly sense how others view us and play up to these expectations. A good exercise for learning about yourself is to think about how other people might view you in different ways. Consider how your family, your work colleagues or your partner think of you. Now here’s an interesting question: to what extent do you play up to these expectations about how they view you? This idea that other people’s expectations about us directly affect how we behave was examined in a classic social psychology study carried out by Dr Mark Snyder from the University of Minnesota and colleagues (Snyder et al., 1977). They had a hunch that people automatically sense how others view them and immediately start exhibiting the expected behaviours. Feeling the attraction To test this in the context of interpersonal attraction they had male students hold conversations with female students they’d just met through microphones and headsets. Changing others’ behaviour

The tricks propagandists use to beat science Back in the 1950s, health professionals became concerned that smoking was causing cancer. Then, in 1952, the popular magazine Reader’s Digest published “Cancer by the Carton,” an article about the increasing body of evidence that proved it. The article caused widespread shock and media coverage. Today the health dangers of smoking are clear and unambiguous. And yet smoking bans have been slow to come into force, most having appeared some 40 years or more after the Reader’s Digest article. The reason for this sluggishness is easy to see in hindsight and described in detail by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in their 2010 book Merchants of Doubt. Together, tobacco companies and the PR firm created and funded an organization called the Tobacco Industry Research Committee to produce results and opinions that contradicted the view that smoking kills. The approach was hugely successful for the tobacco industry at the time. The original tobacco strategy involved several lines of attack.

5 things the media does to manufacture outrage. 5 things the media does to manufacture outrage. People are so sensitive these days! People are just offended by every little thing! Millennials, amirite?! Is the world more easily “outraged” than it used to be? I don’t think so, but then again, there’s no real way to tell. I think maybe the media is just getting better at making us all feel like the world is little more than a collection of 7 billion whining people-organism-things. The media’s always manipulated the public, and while sometimes that’s used for large things (see: presidential campaigns), more often manipulation is just a way to find content from one day to the next (between the large things). Here’s a story about something that happened to me, and the 5 steps involved in going from innocuous comment to an “outrage narrative” providing us all with content for days to come. 1. And oh man, it’s usually something extraordinarily stupid. I took a few pictures of names I thought were funny, weird, or just, well… notable. 2. 3. 4. 5.

L'Art d'avoir toujours raison Passages choisis 000815 [et de se faire détester de tous] par Schopenhauer Éditions mille et une nuits © 1983 Présentation Base De Toute Dialectique Base de toute dialectique Tout d'abord, l'essentiel de toute controverse est le fait qu'une thèse soit posée par l'adversaire (ou nous-mêmes, peu importe). 1)Les modes : a) ad rem b) ad hominem ou ex concessis c'est-à-dire que nous démontrons soit a) que cette thèse n'est pas en accord avec la nature des choses, la vérité objective absolue b) soit qu'elle contredit d'autres affirmations ou concessions de l'adversaire, c'est-à-dire la vérité subjective relative. 2) Les méthodes : a) réfutation directe b) et indirecte. a) La réfutation directe attaque la thèse dans ses fondements, b) l'indirecte dans ses conséquences. a) La directe démontre que la thèse n'est pas vraie, b) l'indirecte, qu'elle ne peut pas être vraie. Voilà la base de toute controverse. 1. Ex : Les Chinois... Les femmes... , les hommes... Les jeunes... Les homosexuels... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Weasel word - Wikipedia Words or phrases using vague claims A weasel word, or anonymous authority, is an informal term for words and phrases aimed at creating an impression that something specific and meaningful has been said, when in fact only a vague or ambiguous claim has been communicated. Examples include the phrases "some people say", "it is thought", and "researchers believe". Using weasel words may allow one to later deny any specific meaning if the statement is challenged, because the statement was never specific in the first place. Weasel words can be a form of tergiversation and may be used in advertising, (popular) science, opinion pieces and political statements to mislead or disguise a biased view or unsubstantiated claim. Weasel words can harshen or over-state a controversial statement. Origin[edit] Forms[edit] A 2009 study of Wikipedia found that most weasel words in it could be divided into three main categories:[11] Other forms of weasel words may include these:[12][13] See also[edit]

Leegle - detection of verbal influence, hypnotic effects, brainwashing techniques. Leegle service is an informational and psychological security tool for checking text contents for a presence of specific linguistic structures, words and phrases (lingua-attractants) facilitating uncritical acceptance of information. Known as the techniques of hypnosis, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), manipulative suggestion, zombification, neuromarketing, latent forced learning, emotional influence, involvement, etc. Each person thinks verbally and therefore is to some extent receptive to suggestion, which is skillfully used by salespeople, politicians, media, crooks, sects, secret services and terrorists by the means of special verbal techniques imposed on people, which subsequently affects their behavior, preferences, motivation and so on. The use of such influence is illegal since people are not warned about the effect on the subconsciousness. Legislation in many countries prohibits the use of influence on the subconsciousness. Badouk-Epstein, O., Schwartz, J., Schwartz, R.

“This Is the Future That Liberals Want” Is the Joke That Liberals Need In 1999, John Rocker, a beefy young relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, explained to Sports Illustrated why he’d never want to play baseball in New York. “Imagine having to take the [Number] 7 train to the ballpark, looking like you’re [riding through] Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids,” he said. “It’s depressing.” The tabloids raged, local politicians condemned the remarks, and Major League Baseball suspended him for the first few months of the coming season. This week, the New York subway featured in a similar skirmish in the culture wars, when a Twitter user re-posted a photograph of a drag queen sitting on the train next to a woman in a niqab, with the caption, “This is the future that liberals want.” A classic strategy of the school bully is to make his enemies look, in comparison, like uptight weenies.

10 Ways Manipulators Use Emotional Intelligence for Evil (and How to Fight Back) Emotional intelligence is nothing new. Sure, the term was coined in the 1960's, and popularized by psychologists in recent decades. But the concept of emotional intelligence--which I define as a person's ability to recognize and understand emotions and use that information to guide decision making--has been around as long as we have. This skill we refer to as emotional intelligence (also known as EI or EQ) is like any other ability: You can cultivate it, work to enhance it, sharpen it. And it's important to know that just like other skills, emotional intelligence can be used both ethically and unethically. The dark side of emotional intelligence Organizational psychologist and best-selling author Adam Grant identified EI at its worst in his essay for The Atlantic, The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence: "Recognizing the power of of the most influential leaders of the 20th century spent years studying the emotional effects of his body language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Saucisson-Pinard - Le blog qui décrypte le politiquement correct On peut plus rien dire ! « Pensée unique », « dictature du politiquement correct », « interdiction de critiquer l’islam », « injonction » à soutenir le mariage homo... On ne compte plus, ces derniers temps, les délires paranoïaques sur la police de la pensée et du langage que feraient régner, en France, des minorités toutes-puissantes... On a déjà parlé de cela sur ce site, mais il nous prend l’envie d’en reparler. C’est tout de même incroyable : si on dénigre la lutte pour le droit au mariage et à la parentalité pour les homos, on se fait tout de suite traiter d’homophobe ! C’est tout de même incroyable : si on dénigre la revendication du port du voile à l’école ou dans l’espace public, on se fait tout de suite traiter d’islamophobe ! A moitié vrai parce qu’effectivement les discours ci-dessus sont parfois taxés d’homophobes (pour les premiers) et d’islamophobes (pour les seconds). A moitié faux parce que c’est encore très loin d’être systématique.

Surveille ton langage ! Si vous avez été envoyé vers cet article par un lien posté suite à vos propos, prenez le temps de le lire, au calme, sans a priori. Vous verrez qu’au final, il n’ y a rien de dramatique. Une société de dominations Nous vivons dans une société (ou un agglomérat de sociétés connectées) qui baigne dans les oppressions diverses et variées : racisme, sexisme, homophobie, biphobie, lesbophobie, transphobie, classisme, validisme… Depuis notre naissance, selon notre milieu et notre parcours, de nombreux facteurs influencent notre façon de penser, parler, agir : éducation familiale et scolaire, culture (livres, cinéma, chansons, télé-poubelle ou télé-qualité, patrimoine…), publicités, rencontres, administrations publiques et privées, compositions et ambiances de nos lieux de travail et de loisirs, hasards de la vie. Hors tous ces facteurs sont eux-mêmes inscrits dans le contexte des dominations évoquées plus haut. Renforcement des oppressions. Pour résumer : Evident ? Pas tant que ça.

Conservative correctness Right-Wing Political Correctness (RWPC),[1] also Conservative Correctness (CC) or Patriotic Correctness (PC),[2] is a brand of political correctness practiced by conservatives. While left-wing political correctness (LWPC) attempts to minimize offense through the (often endless) rebranding of certain words to be neutral or inclusive, RWPC rebrands terms to increase offense, increase scorn, and increase political bias. For example, homosexuality isn't RWPC; instead, we should use "unnatural vice",[3][4][5] in order to appeal to people's (here, hateful) religious beliefs over science and tolerance. All too often, people confuse this with political incorrectness due to both being against liberal political correctness, though political incorrectness is equally against both. This page is an "English to Right-Wing Politically Correct" translation guide. Origins[edit] The first recorded uses of the term "conservative correctness" were made by Michael Fauntroy[6] and Bill Scher.[7] Terms[edit]
