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Popplet – Visual Thinking Tool Popplet – Visual Thinking Tool Written by Teach Amazing! Popplet is a visual thinking and presentation tool allowing students to collaborate with one another, organize information and present information in the form of a web. Once you create an account with Popplet, you create a popplet, which is a large board to contain your ideas. You may have up to five popplets at a time. Once you create a popplet, you add popples, boxes of text, videos, pictures, links or drawings, to your popplet. Popplet in the Classroom Popplet has multiple uses in the classroom. As a teacher, create Popplets to share links with students and colleagues. Appealing Apps for Educators: Screencasting Smackdown – Videos in the Classroom - iPhone app article - Jennie Magiera Video lessons have become the newest trend in education. From Khan Academy to iTunes University, more and more teachers are capturing instruction on video to “flip the classroom.” Screencasting apps are cropping up right and left, allowing anyone to author their own digital content and become video instructors. Moreover, they are expanding the opportunities to reach more students and meet more needs, and, when turned over to the students themselves, encourage deeper metacognition and problem solving. As a teacher, I’ve created over 50 video lessons in the past two years to differentiate learning in my classroom. While I’m proud of my 50+ videos, my students have me beat. While all of these strategies have been successful, they have relied heavily on the quality of the tool: the app. Summary: It seems that Doceri reigns supreme for teacher creation of videos while it’s a tie between ShowMe and Educreations as to which is the best choice when it comes to student creation: Pros: Cons:

eQuizShow Online Templates 6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec of EdTechTeacher . Join EdTechTeacher at the iPad Summit in Atlanta on April 10-12. The app store is loaded with options that allow students to create content on their iPads. From comic strip creators to mind maps, video editing and publishing, screencasting & digital books, the options for individual student creation are expanding. However, collaboration between students is often a critical component of any classroom activity or project and increasingly there are options available that allow for collaborative efforts across iPads. Below are six ways to support collaboration between student iPads that cover the spectrum of creation options that range from text to digital storytelling to video creation. Explain Everything ($2.99) A flexible and powerful screen casting option, students and teachers can collaborate on screencasts by exporting Explain Everything project files from an iPad. Google Drive (Free) BookCreator ($4.99) Subtext (free) Diigo

Connections: Investigating Reality - A Course of Study A comprehensive general education course of study for adolescents and older learners • Explains learning to learners • Relates all school subjects simply and logically • Integrates the arts and sciences • Makes routine use of all thought processes • Stimulates creativity and ingenuity through active learning • Challenges all ability levels equally • Capitalizes on individual differences • Is consistently, unquestionably relevant • Does not “privilege” the dominant culture • Maximizes dialog and cooperative learning • Adapts to traditional bureaucratic demands • Makes provision for inter-school communication and continuous course improvement • Replaces school subjects as information organizers with a single, much simpler, more natural organizer • Moves learners steadily through ever-increasing levels of conceptual complexity • Returns curricular control to those best positioned to improve it—classroom teachers • Builds in criteria establishing the relative importance of information

JacquiFrongello : My son integrating technology... Advanced Blogging: You asked for it! | Sue Waters Blog I was asked to facilitate a series of blogging sessions the Massive Open Online Course on Educational Technology (ETMOOC). You can read more about connectivist MOOC’s and ETMOOC here. This post is a summary of the ideas. tips and resources shared in the advanced blogging session. You’ll find the recordings to the session here: Complete list of archived ETMOOC Blackboard Collaborate SessionsIntroduction to Blogging – Jan 17 incl. The Advanced blogging session was a blend of what participants wanted to know mixed with skills they needed to know (Refer my Blogging questions Storify to see how this session was planned and the blogging tips shared by my network — thanks to all who helped plan this session!). Warning: This is a long post! Stop, look, link Failure to link is a common mistake of all new bloggers! Your readers want to be able to easy check out the information without needing to Google. Links are the building blocks of the web. When you link: How to Link Here’s how simple it is: 1. 2. 3.

Plagiarism vs. Collaboration on Education's Digital Frontier by Jennifer Carey It’s an open secret in the education community. As we go about integrating technology into our schools, we are increasing the risk and potential for plagiarism in our tradition-minded classrooms. In fact, a recent PEW research study found that while educators find technology beneficial in teaching writing skills, they feel it has also led to a direct increase in rates of plagiarism and infringement of intellectual property rights. In my recent article about using Google Drive as a system for students to write and submit work, many of the readers who commented expressed their concern that students would use such a tool to “peek” at their peers’ work and perhaps use it for “inspiration.” These concerns lead us to an interesting discussion about collaboration and plagiarism in the classroom. In the balance, does plagiarism make these tools more problematic than they are useful? An interesting dilemma We want students to do “group work,” to collaborate, and to discuss.

Bloomin' Apps This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others. Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes". IPAD APPS TO SUPPORT BLOOM'S REVISED TAXONOMYassembled by Kathy Schrock​ Bloom's and SAMR: My thoughts

Instructional Technology/Telecommunications - Teaching and Learning | State Department of Education Navigation HomeAssociations- Technology AssociationsFederal Programs and E-Rate - Technology Plans, Title II D of No Child Left Behind, E-RateProfessional Development - Face-to-Face, Online, Online Curriculum OpportunitiesTeaching and Learning - Supplemental Online Course Procedures Supplemental Online Course Procedures Rules (O.A.C. 210:15-34) Oklahoma requires all public schools to offer educationally appropriate supplemental online opportunities for all of their students, including transfer students. "Educationally appropriate" was defined in the 2013 legislative session (SB 419) as "any instruction that is not substantially a repeat of a course or portion of a course that the student has successfully completed, regardless of the grade of the student, and regardless of whether a course is similar to or identical to the instruction that is currently offered in the school district." Schools and the public can view the list of Supplemental Online Course Providers. Online Assessments

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