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TEDxNYED - Jeff Jarvis - 03/06/10‬‏

TEDxNYED - Jeff Jarvis - 03/06/10‬‏

"Footprints in the Digital Age" by Will Richardson "Footprints in the Digital Age" by Will Richardson in Educational Leadership Will Richardson makes many good points in the article. The most profound, perhaps, is this: "This may be the first large technological shift in history that's being driven by children. However, I have to say that Richardson stops just short of the mark. Anyhow, what's your reaction to the article? Tags: 21st+century+learning, digital+learning, educational+leadership, richardson ▶ Reply to This

Criatividade E se o cara atropela o Neymar na boca da Copa? Já passou de um milhão e meio de visualizações. O que fazer quando sua empresa patrocina o Neymar (Jr) e Ken Block, o rei dos stunts automobilísticos? Dá um jeito de misturar os dois no … O carrossel (não o de Mad Men!) Em uma casa de família “margarina”, a cozinha é um dos cômodos mais agitados. Hoje não faltam iniciativas de conscientização a respeito da crescente lista de animais ameaçados de extinção (quando não recém-riscados da lista dos existentes). Mais um curta celebrando os 75 anos de Batman. O Instituto Sea Shepherd Brasil para alertar sobre o risco de extinção dos tubarões Uma visita ao YouTube Space em Los Angeles Pode soar estranho ou mesmo … #LastSelfie de animais em extinção Produzido para a WWF da Dinamarca e da Turquia, a campanha #LastSelfie convida o usuário a tomar algumas atitudes para … Com trator parece mais fácil Simples e certeiro. Primeiro foi o “não corra papai”, depois veio o “use o cinto” e o “se beber não dirija”.

Uma multidão enclausurada - Artigos Por Gustavo Di Lorenzo em 1 de agosto de 2012 Existem frases que nos fazem pensar. Pensar muito, em alguns casos. Conversa vai, conversa vem, e o escocês contou que largou a escola no começo da adolescência. A conclusão da conversa? Se um dia educar foi ‘ensinar’, hoje é ‘preparar’. O processo de educação deixou de focar no crescimento do indivíduo e passou a tratar de seu encaixe na sociedade. A escola e a universidade, enquanto deveriam ser ambientes de aprendizado, tornaram-se fábricas de profissionais e impressoras de diplomas. A academia é enclausuradora, enquanto deveria ser libertadora. Eu nunca ensino aos meus alunos; Eu apenas tento proporcionar as condições nas quais eles podem aprender. Já a família, que deveria transmitir valores e formar indivíduos íntegros, passou a ser uma estrutura de condicionamento infantil – que só ensina a estudar, crescer, trabalhar, procriar e enriquecer. É difícil identificar um culpado. Existem frases que nos fazem pensar.

TED Talks Top 20 Most-Watched Videos TED Talks Top 20 Most-Watched Videos I’m a huge fan of TED talks but then again who isn’t really? So finding out that TED had released a list of their top 20 most watched TED Talks will pretty much wipe out the remainder of my day. TED tabulated data from its top sources including, YouTube, Hulu, iTunes, and several others to create the list and the number of times some of the videos have been viewed is astonishing! Sir Ken Robinson’s 2006 talk about how schools kill creativity tops the list with 13,409,417 views. It’s followed by brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor’s epic story about suffering a stroke — and documenting her body shutting down. You need to watch all of these!

The Startup Kids | Documentary about young entrepreneurs 7 fascinating TED Talks on the benefits of gaming This weekend, hundreds of video games enthusiasts lined up in the cold, waiting 12 hours-plus to be the first to get their hands on Nintendo’s new console, the Wii U. And when the game Call of Duty: Black Ops was released in 2010, gamers around the world played it for more than 600 million hours in just the first 45 days. That is the equivalent of 68 years. While some people worry about the popularity of video games, in today’s talk, brain scientist Daphne Bavelier suggests that gaming may be far more beneficial than we think (in moderation) — even if the game is all about shooting up the enemy. “Most of you have thought, ‘Come on, can’t you do something more productive than shooting zombies?’ In the lab, Bavelier and her team measure the impact of gameplay on the brain. It’s another common trope that gaming causes attention problems. Initial studies suggest that these benefits may be trainable. To hear more about Bavelier’s studies, watch her talk.

25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watch Sans Soleil This is not your average documentary. It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. We follow the eyes of a world traveller who makes sharp observations and tries to convey them to his friend. We never learn who they are and where they came from, and this is perhaps a subtle point the documentary wants to make. The narrator’s voice switches from Japanese to German to English to French, thereby embodying the language of the places visited. The Corporation Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics. Watch The Corporation for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Cosmos: A Personal Voyage This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High This is a must watch for everyone. Watch The Union on YouTube. The Century of the Self If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it. Life in a Day Food Inc. Inside LSD

Attraction Britains Got Talent 2013 Audition The most popular 20 TED Talks, as of now UPDATED: To see all these talks at one click, check out our updated Playlist: The 20 Most Popular Talks of All Time. As 2013 draws to a close, TED is deeply humbled to have posted 1600+ talks, each representing an idea worth spreading. So which ideas have had the most widespread impact? Some fascinating things to notice on this list, if you’d like to compare and contrast it to the most popular talks in 2012, and to the list we shared back in 2011: Amy Cuddy, Susan Cain, David Blaine and Pamela Meyer are all newcomers to the list, with Cuddy’s talk storming to spot #5 thanks to you sharing it. But what really makes this list so incredible is the fact that it spans so many areas of interest, from education to happiness, statistics to creativity, tech demos to illusions. UPDATED: To see all these talks at one click, check out our updated Playlist: The 20 Most Popular Talks of All Time.
