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Interesting and Unusual Words

Interesting and Unusual Words

Solar System Scope Storytelling Tools for Bloggers | Don't Mind the Mess If you’re anything like me, you’re living your story every day all over the internet. You’re pinning, you’re facebooking, you’re finding great links, you’re taking pictures. And when you blog about what you love or just what you do, why not take advantage of all the work you’ve already done finding quality content to tell your story? Luckily there are some great tools out there to keep your blogs full of visual punch so you can tell a story to your readers that keeps them interested and engaged. I’ve been using a bunch of them and I thought I’d share them with you. When you just want to use one or two things from here or there, you have a lot to choose from. Twitter Spend a lot of time on Twitter? I hate having to buy baby clothes. I use the WP plugin Blackbird Pie, but WP lets you just paste the tweet link in. There is one rather big problem with this approach. Pinterest It’s also pretty easy to embed pins from Pinterest. Pics: Instagram, Facebook and Screenshots Britely Storify

50 Life Secrets and Tips Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.

Options for Styling Text Links and Hover States Because the web is built on links, how we style our links (i.e, anchors, or <a> tags) should always be an important part of a site’s overall design, branding, and feel. I’ve seen so many variations on the link style/color and hover style/color combination, that I thought it would be interesting to list as many of them here as possible. Some of these will be quite common and humdrum, while others may be ugly and impractical. I tried to stay away from really bizarre animated stuff, but instead chose to stick to those that you might actually see on a web page. You can view the code for all of them at this Dabblet. Some Notes Here are some of my musings and observations on styling text links and hover states: Add your own to the comments with a link to a Dabblet, Fiddle or whatever other code sharing app you prefer. The demo button below links to the Dabblet with all the examples. Leave a Reply Comment Rules: Please use a real name or alias.

Why are We Afraid of the Dark? The dark has always frightened mankind, but understanding this fear requires serious analysis of our evolutionary past. One of the primary explanations for our fear of the dark is the fear of being eaten by predators. Considering 60% of lion attacks in Tanzania between 1988 and 2009 were in a 4 hour window from 6-9:45 pm, it is no wonder this has been coded in our DNA. After generations, those who were scared of the dark survived the lion attacks in many situations. Children who are aged 4 – 6 years old have the most fear of the dark and this only tapers off by age 9. As the DNA encoded with the children starts to have environmental feedback that there are no lions in modern darkness, the fear recedes. SEE ALSO: 10 Common Sleep Mistakes to Avoid MyMemory - Machine translation meets human translation

Top 10 Ways Your Brain Is Sabotaging You (and How to Beat It) @Firesphere: Not that I don't believe you, but do you have a source for that? @inverts: I did, it was an article on a Dutch website. I'm searching for an English source. It was testet with CAT scans etcetera, the male brain showed indeed no activity when asked to "shut your eyes and calm down, think of as less as possible" Where the female brain kept being active. *Searches on* A funny side-fact on this: "Female" gays, seem to never be able to "shutdown" where as "male" lesbians were able to completely stop thinking. Sorry, I am unable to find the article I got this information from. If I find it again, I'll let it know offcourse. @Firesphere: The article suggests from that information, that those with a "masculine" mindset (for lack of a better term) can shut their brains down; "feminine" brains always have at least one task running then?

How Many WordPress Plugins Should You Install on Your Site? How many WordPress plugins should you install on your site? How many plugins are too many? Aren’t plugins bad for performance? Ever since WordPress 1.2 (when support for WordPress plugins were added), plugins have been a blessing for users. The purpose of plugins is to extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. There are articles through out the web that shows you: “How to do XYZ without a Plugin” (like this one and many others on our site). There is a whole debate about not adding every snippets to your functions.php file anyways. Many users are under the illusion that adding the code in their functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin will speed up their site. Before we go any further, let’s establish that it is NEVER too many plugins that are slowing down your site. The answer to the question: “How many WordPress plugins should you install on your site” is as many as you need. At this point, you should have your question answered. Plugins and Performance Conclusion

The lesson you never got taught in school: How to learn! | Neurobonkers A paper published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest evaluated ten techniques for improving learning, ranging from mnemonics to highlighting and came to some surprising conclusions. The report is quite a heavy document so I’ve summarised the techniques below based on the conclusions of the report regarding effectiveness of each technique. Be aware that everyone thinks they have their own style of learning (they don't, according to the latest research), and the evidence suggests that just because a technique works or does not work for other people does not necessarily mean it will or won’t work well for you. If you want to know how to revise or learn most effectively you will still want to experiment on yourself a little with each technique before writing any of them off. Elaborative Interrogation (Rating = moderate) A method involving creating explanations for why stated facts are true. An example of elaborative interrogation for the above paragraph could be: Reference:

8 Blogging 'Legalities' That Will Surprise You (That You're Probably Not Following) | Bloggers Earn Bucks Remember when blogging used to be fun? No? Me either. A few months ago, I went to a blogging session from a lawyer talking about the legalities of blogging and the things that you should or should not be doing on your blog. Half way through the session, I texted my husband and said, “I’m quitting blogging. Must find other work.” Seriously? That session scared the crap out of me. Whether you blog as a hobby and occasionally accept free products to review, or you have your blog as a full-out business, you need to be aware of these requirements. 1. If you’ve been blogging for a while, you remember when the FTC swooped down and put into place requirements about disclosing if we were working with a company or brand. 2. According to the attorney at this session, who has worked closely with the FTC and the guidelines affecting social media and bloggers, “FTC Disclosures must be ‘clear and conspicuous’ and must be at top of post, not just the bottom.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Oh, and by the way? - Find out the meanings of common sayings - StumbleUpon
