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Julian Tuwim- ptasie radio
czyta Łukasz Głowacki Halo, halo! Tutaj ptasie radio w brzozowym gaju, Nadajemy audycję z ptasiego kraju. Proszę, niech każdy nastawi aparat, Bo sfrunęły się ptaszki dla odbycia narad: Po pierwsze - w sprawie, Co świtem piszczy w trawie? Słowik, wróbel, kos, jaskółka, Kogut, dzięcioł, gil, kukułka, Szczygieł, sowa, kruk, czubatka, Drozd, sikora i dzierlatka, Kaczka, gąska, jemiołuszka, Dudek, trznadel, pośmieciuszka, Wilga, zięba, bocian, szpak Oraz każdy inny ptak. Pierwszy - słowik Zaczął tak: "Halo! Na to wróbel zaterlikał: "Cóż to znowu za muzyka? Patrzcie go! I tak zaczął ćwirzyć, ćwikać, Ćwierkać, czyrkać, czykczyrikać, Że aż kogut na patyku Zapiał gniewnie: "Kukuryku!" Jak usłyszy to kukułka, Wrzaśnie: "A to co za spółka? Ale kuku nie ustąpię. I od razu wszystkie ptaki W szczebiot, w świegot, w zgiełk - o taki: "Daj tu!
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5 places where any kid can learn how to code
“The kids of today tap, swipe and pinch their way through the world. But unless we give them tools to build with computers, we are raising only consumers instead of creators,” says programmer Linda Liukas. That’s why parents and teachers should introduce coding as a creative act — a playful form of making that requires imagination, bravery and perseverance. Ready to teach your kids how to code? Here are 5 great places to start. 1) Hello Ruby Hello Ruby is a whimsical website (and book!) 2) Code.org Code.org teaches students the basics of programming through a free series of guided exercises — and is one of several resources on this list to be recommended by the TED Technology Team. 3) Scratch Created and maintained by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT’s Media Lab, Scratch is a both a programming language and an evolving community of young coders. 4) Girls Who Code Will the next generation of computer scientists include more Ada Lovelaces? Image credit: Celeste Lai/TED-Ed
English vocabulary activities for kids
vocabulary » english vocabulary for kidsonline activities Choose from 200+ games to learn English vocabulary online. learning and teaching resources interactive games to help esl kids learn english vocabulary online There are over 200 vocabulary games that can be done in class to learn, practise and revise basic English vocabulary. how the material is organised In the vocabulary section there are vocabulary games for learning, games for practising, and games for revising English vocabulary. learningpicture dictionaries with interactive flashcards » practisingmatching games »spelling games »guessing games » revisingpicture tests »vocabulary quizzes » Our online activities are flash games. english vocabulary for kidsThis section contains both online and printable activities that introduce ESL kids to basic English vocabulary. English for kids » anglomaniacy.pl We use cookies to improve our site for you.
Phonics Apps | Freddie's Ville
KizPhonics.com now has mobile apps for iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch users (android versions coming soon!). If you own one of these Apple devices, you can now have our phonics lessons and activities right in your hands. With these apps, your children can now learn to read in and out of the classroom or home. Mobile devices have revolutionized learning and we've noticed. Preschool Phonics App (Phonics_Prek) Free In this app, children will learn to distinguish between the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet while learning the beginning sounds of letters and three new words beginning with each letter. Preschool Phonics App (Phonics_Prek) Kindergarten Level 1 Phonics App (Phonics Kinder 1) Free In this app, children will focus on the short vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Kindergarten Level 1 Phonics App (Phonics Kinder 1) Kindergarten Level 2 Phonics App (Phonics Kinder 2) Free In this app, children will review the short vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Phonics Sentence Monkey Game Free
Kindergarten Level 1 Phonics Worksheets « KizPhonics
short a, 5 short vowels Introducing the five short vowels a, e, i , o, u. short e, 5 short vowels Introducing the five short vowels a, e, i , o, u. short i, 5 short vowels Introducing the five short vowels a, e, i , o, u. short o, 5 short vowels Introducing the five short vowels a, e, i , o, u.. short u, 5 short vowels Introducing the five short vowels a, e, i , o, u. beginning consonant Bb Learn the beginning consonant sound of Bb beginning consonant Cc Learn the beginning consonant sound of Cc beginning consonant Cc Practice the beginning consonant sound of Cc beginning consonant Tt Learn the beginning consonant sound of Tt beginning consonant Mm Learn the beginning consonant sound of Mm beginning consonant Ff Learn the beginning consonant sound of Ff beginning consonant Hh Learn the beginning consonant sound of Hh beginning consonant Pp Practice the beginning consonant sound of Pp beginning consonant Rr Learn the beginning consonant sound of Rr word family 'at' Learn the short a word family 'at'
Play Games to Learn English Online, for ESL, EFL Kids | Freddie's Ville
About me Self-introduction Sentences – How old are you? This game will help review self-introduction sentences used when asking and answering questions about our age. Self-introduction Sentences : What’s your name? Help students review self-introduction sentences used when asking and answering questions about our names. Actions Verbs Present Simple Action Verbs Present Simple Board Game Online Learn and practice action verbs vocabulary, sentences in the present simple tense and spellings of words. Action Verbs Present Simple Crossword Puzzle Online Practice listening and spelling of action verbs in English with this online crossword puzzle word game. Action Verbs Present Simple Memory Game Practice listening and matching spellings of action verbs vocabulary in English to the correct visuals or pictures they represent. Action Verbs Present Simple Sentence Monkey Game Practice using action verbs in English sentences with 'can' and 'can't' . Action Verbs Present Simple Word Search Puzzle Online Colors
Fun Games for Teaching English Vocbulary, Grammar, Spelling, ESL Games
Memory Games This site features the best ESL concentration games to help students master English vocabulary and grammar. These vocabulary games help students develop good word recognition, listening, reading and spelling skills. Sentence Monkey This ESL activity helps students practice sentences and grammatical structures in a fun way. Students drag and drop words to finish and form correct grammatical sentences. Pirate Board Games ESL Games Plus features interactive board games which provide the ultimate fun English learning experience. Crocodile Board Games Based on the same pirate board game concept, ESL Games Plus features the interactive crocodile board game variation, which will help students practice grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures in a fun way. Word Search Puzzles Online ESL Kids Word Search Games online: Play vocabulary based interactive ESL Word Search Puzzles and Learn new vocabulary. Crossword Puzzles Online Hidden Pictures Powerpoint Flash Cards - PPT & PDF IELTS Reading