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Home - Journal of Ecology

Publications - Journals by Subject Ocean Science (OS) is an international open access journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research on all aspects of ocean science, experimental, theoretical and laboratory. OS covers the fields ocean physics, ocean chemistry, biological oceanography, air-sea interactions, ocean models (physical, chemical, biological and biochemical), coastal and shelf edge processes, and paleoceanography. Aims & Scope | Editorial Board | Online Library OS | Online Library OSD Aide à l'identification d'une plante Vous observez des plantes mais ne réussissez pas toujours à les nommer. Retours sur les ressources en ligne qui pourront vous simplifier la vie. Déterminer une plante Les flores, ouvrages botaniques indispensables Les flores constituent la meilleure méthode pour s'assurer d'une identification. Plusieurs flores sont également disponibles en téléchargement sur le site de Tela Botanica. Forum spécialisés IdentiPlante Cette plateforme collaborative permet, à partir d’images de plantes fournies par les membres du réseau, de pouvoir identifier ou confirmer des observations. Pour en savoir plus Forum "Détermination de plantes" Cet espace est réservé à ceux qui ne parviennent pas à déterminer une plante et qui souhaitent soumettre une photo ou une image scannée du végétal aux membres du réseau Tela Botanica. Les clés de détermination interactive Retrouvez quelques clés de détermination naturalistes en ligne, recensées par les membres du réseau. Les bases sont :

ACP - Home Tree Encyclopedia Trees have three principle features that distinguish them from all other plants. First, they have a woody stem, roots and branches which do not die back in winter, but continue to grow year after year. From the moment of its germination, a tree remains visible; from the tallest Sequoia to the smallest garden fruit tree, this principle of growth remains constant. Trees live longer than any other organism on earth. Trees commonly live more than 1,000 years, and many grow considerably older. A bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva, at Schulman Grove in California has been documented both by core drilling (a pencil-thin core is taken from the tree’s trunk, and the rings are counted) and by carbon-dating as being 4,700 years old. Pando (Latin for “I spread”), aka “the trembling giant,” is a clone colony of male quaking aspen, (Populus tremuloides) a single living organism identified by identical genetic markers. Family Aceraceae: Maples are some of our most familiar and beloved trees.

ActionBioscience - promoting bioscience literacy Fundamental Biosciences Life sciences include disciplines of science that are concerned with the scientific study of life – including microbes, plants, and animals, including humans. Biology is an umbrella term for the natural sciences that study life, with the other life sciences serving as subfields. In our holistic approaches to health, life and wellbeing, the area of Life Sciences complements all areas of our website with a more scientific point of view to better understand the advances in bioscience and their profound implications. Also, in the area of Life sciences, we aim to promote the understanding of biodiversity of life and improve bioscience literacy to increase global ecological consciousness and promote bioscience education. We see a fundamental knowledge of bioscience as a basis to be able to improve health of humans, animals and the environment for a balanced ecosystem. Goals and Features of Bioscience on

Se necesitan medidas mundiales para restaurar y proteger los humedales naturales del planeta | Ramsar Más de 800 delegados de 160 países se reúnen en el Uruguay para asistir a la 12ª Conferencia de las Partes Contratantes en la Convención de Ramsar sobre los Humedales. Punta del Este (Uruguay) |2 de junio de 2015- La 12ª Reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes Contratantes en la Convención de Ramsar sobre los Humedales (COP12) ha comenzado hoy en Punta del Este para evaluar el progreso de la Convención, estudiar cuestiones emergentes y tomar decisiones sobre medidas prioritarias. Según una Nota Informativa de Ramsar preparada por el Grupo de Examen Científico y Técnico de la Convención, los humedales costeros, marinos y continentales están disminuyendo rápidamente. Según la tendencia de la extensión de los humedales (Wetlands Extend Trend, en inglés), en poco más de 40 años se ha degradado aproximadamente el 40 % de los mismos y esta disminución continúa a un ritmo acelerado del 1,5 % anual. “Para el Uruguay es un honor ser el anfitrión de la COP12.

Journals PLOS publishes seven peer-reviewed open-access journals. The journals vary in their selectivity and contain differing amounts of commentary articles from opinion leaders in a variety of scientific disciplines.The journals are editorially independent. They include PLOS ONE, which publishes all rigorous science across the full range of life and health sciences; the community journals (PLOS Genetics, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, and PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases); and our flagship journals, PLOS Medicine and PLOS Biology, highly selective journals publishing fewer than 10% of submissions along with a range of informative and influential non-research content. You can search the journals for specific articles here and you can sign up for e-mail Content Alerts for all our journals here. We encourage authors to consider carefully each journal’s scope before submission in order to minimize delays in the review process. PLOS Biology PLOS Medicine PLOS Computational Biology

Mil libros para descargar sobre ecología, permacultura, agroecología, bio-construcción y vida sustentable. Mil libros para descargar sobre ecología, permacultura, agroecología, bio-construcción y vida sustentable. Noticias Temario general ecología Las grasas como materias primas Aceite y Biodiesel Descargar el libro Aerogenador hecho en casa Descargar el libro Construir un Aerogenerador (Inglés) Descargar el libro Compostaje y Biogas Descargar el libro Build your own Biogas generator Descargar el libro Cocina de Biogas Descargar el libro Preparación casera de un litro de Biodiesel Descargar el libro Manual de tintes naturales Descargar el libro Trampa para mosquitos Descargar el libro Manual de Permacultura urbana (Catalán) Descargar el libro Cocinas solares y secadores de comida (Inglés) Descargar el libro Manual de autoconstrucción de paneles solares Descargar el libro Recolección de agua de lluvia Descargar el libro La Historia de las Cosas (Annie Leonard) Descargar el libro Consumir menos, vivir mejor Descargar el libro Lo pequeño es hermoso Descargar el libro Earthship Volumen I Gracias!

 Synthetic Biology "Synthetic biology" is an umbrella term that refers to a new set of powerful techniques for manipulating the fundamental molecular structures of life, including genes, genomes, cells and proteins. Techniques being developed under the "synthetic biology" rubric include the modification of existing bacteria to produce useful substances or perform new functions, the creation of novel artificial organisms from "scratch," and — less noted to date — the modification of animal and human genes. Synthetic biologists foresee a host of human applications, including new methods to produce drugs, biofuels and vaccines; to diagnose, prevent and cure disease; and — far more controversially — to screen, select, and modify genes for specified traits in embryos, children, and adults. While diverse constituencies have voiced concerns about ecological and biosecurity risks, little attention has so far been called to the dangers connected to synthetic biology's human applications.

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