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10 ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning

10 ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning
1. Don’t make all the decisions Allow choice. 2. Ask open-ended questions, with plenty of possible answers which lead to further questions. 3. Minimise standing out front and talking at them. 4. Talk about your own learning. 5. Get your students to write down what they learned, whether they enjoyed a particular learning experience, what helped their learning, what hindered their learning and what might help them next time. 6. Record student thinking and track development over time. 7. Help students to define goals for their learning. 8. If you know exactly where the lesson is leading and what you want the kids to think, then you‘re controlling the learning. 9. Make sure you and your students know the reason for every learning experience. 10. Rather than reporting to parents about their children’s learning, have student led 3-way conferences, with teacher and parents. I know there are lots more ways. Like this: Like Loading...

A Teacher's Treasure A Sustainable Start : Rituals This is the first day in a series called Sustainable Start, aimed for preservice teachers. I'm at a place in my career when I still remember the first year really well, but I have a few things I've learned that I'd like to share. I'm not a formula guy. I'm not under the illusion that I have all the answers. However, I hope that some of this series is helpful to a few teachers along the way. Bad Procedures At first glance, the metal creature seems innocuous, even cutesy. Over time, I grew to hate photo radar. Photo radar was supposed to make us safer, but it missed the bigger picture of law enforcement. When I began my first year of teaching, I designed the procedures with a photo radar mindset. Some students did their best to follow my procedures, growing frustrated with their inability to conform. I don't want to approach classroom rituals with the mentality of photo radar. The Need for Rituals Even in horizontal relationships, rituals exist. How I Approach Rituals
