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Digital, Buzz, viral & social media marketing agency - Vanksen

Digital, Buzz, viral & social media marketing agency - Vanksen

Sid Lee Duval Guillaume Modem TNT keeps adding drama to daily life As a follow-up of the previous print campaign, Duval Guillaume developed 4 new images that make all of us imagine how life becomes more ‘interesting’ when you add some drama to it. What do pétanque, knitting and fishing have in common? Coke Zero finds out. When is the last time you and your friends gathered around the television to watch a good game of pétanque? Right. Watch as 6 spectators become 60, and 60 quickly become 600, turning the unsuspecting protagonists into idols while supporter madness breaks out around them. The video is part of the Coca-Cola Zero “Just Add Zero” campaign, which shows that adding zero gives you more. Jamming prime time TV shows to advertise BASE 4G During the last week of February Belgian TV shows suddenly jammed and a loading icon appeared, but there was no technical malfunction. To accomplish this effect, TV billboards were used in a creative way at the beginning and ending of prime time shows. Download hi-res

MRM Paris Some 1 Else {s1e} - Agence de Communication Agence OVNY,la communication OPEN Créative care Lilouvoice Productions est une structure de production & post-pr :::: URBAN ACT :::: DIGITAS France Bienvenue sur le site de c'est dit c'est ecrit!

Vansek Luxembourg, une référence by bestbuzz Nov 15
