Adolescent Identity Development - Adolescence - ACT for Youth The development of a strong and stable sense of self is widely considered to be one of the central tasks of adolescence [1]. Despite the fact that identity development occurs throughout one's lifetime, adolescence is the first time that individuals begin to think about how our identity may affect our lives [2]. During adolescence, we are much more self-conscious about our changing identities than at any other stage in our lives [3]. Visit Toolkit: Identity Development for resources. What is Identity? Identity refers to our sense of who we are as individuals and as members of social groups. Identity is dynamic and complex, and changes over time. Self-Identity and Social Identity Self-identity refers to how we define ourselves. Dimensions of Identity Many dimensions of our identity intersect to form our sense of self and cannot be separated from one another. Let's look at an example of how social context may influence one's internal sense of identity. References
Planning ahead: what does the future hold for schools? | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional In June, the Guardian Teacher Network and Zurich Municipal are travelling to four locations across the country for a series of events exploring how school leaders can better plan and prepare for the future. To get the debate flowing in advance, and to give you a flavour of what to expect at the sessions, we asked our speakers: what does the future hold for schools and what can leaders do to prepare? Sir Tim Brighouse, former schools commissioner for London. Tim will be speaking at our events in Birmingham and Cheltenham One thing is certain now for school leaders over the next few years. And yet school leaders know their staff need a clear agreed vision and plan through these issues and those imposed by ever sharper accountability demands. Peter Lee is assistant principal at Q3 Academy, Birmingham. At a time of uncertainty and rapid change in the landscape for schools, education and, in particular young people, the future for schools has to be a positive one.
SOCIAL JUSTICE PICTURE BOOKS Adolescent Identity Development: What to Expect in Teens Adolescent Identity Development: The Factors of Change Among the profound and exciting changes taking place in adolescence is the process of self-discovery. Our teens are working to figure out who they are, making adolescent identity development a central feature of teen life. Adolescent identity is developed, in part, based on relationships and feedback received from others. While your tween or teen may not be doing all of these, here are a few ways they may be changing as they seek answers to the question, “Who am I?” Early Adolescents (11-14): Middle Adolescents (14-18): Late Adolescents (18-24): Give deeper consideration of self in terms of adult roles or career goalsThink about who they are in the context of intimate relationshipsBegin to balance idealistic views of who they may become with a more accurate understanding of realityCan make strong commitments to personal and social group identities (gender, race, religion), but new experiences can result in further exploration and change
Bring your lessons to life with Expeditions The Google for Education team is committed to supporting teaching and learning from anywhere, at any time, on any device. For the past 5 years, we've been proud to enable immersive VR and AR learning experiences for millions of students around the world with Google Expeditions and Tour Creator. As schools around the world reimagine education from the ground up for a hybrid world, we've also been thinking deeply about how to adjust our tools to meet the moment and simultaneously build for the future. To make Expeditions VR tours available to everyone, we're migrating the majority of them to Google Arts & Culture's free site and application. For additional information, please see the Expeditions Help Center.
For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies Author's Note: I'm writing this in hopes that it can be used to lighten the load of marginalized folks, keeping in mind that not all marginalized people want to engage in the ally conversation, and that is perfect as well. For those who do, my prayer is that when someone asks you the question, “how can I be a stronger ally?” you might choose to save your breath/energy and send this in its place. I have been asked by two dear friends, “how can I be a stronger ally?” Being the slow emotional processor that I am, I wanted to spend some time with this before I answered them. I am not going to do much coddling here; I don’t know that I believe that love requires coddling. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I love Jesus. It will never be possible for us to be colorblind, and we shouldn’t ever want to be. I heard a saying once at an Al-Anon meeting that offered me liberation: “We are only as sick as our secrets (and our shame).” Yup, now I’m talking about reparations. Privilege means that you owe a debt. 1. 2.
Brain Break - Chicken Game Equality Is Not Enough: What the Classroom Has Taught Me About Justice Imagine this situation: A classroom of students is settling down to work on a writing task. All of a sudden, one student exclaims, “That’s not fair! Why do they get to listen to the instructions on the headphones! I want to listen, too!” This happens way more often than you think. You’re familiar with this playground mentality of fairness: “I get two crackers, and you two crackers” or “I play with the ball for twenty minutes, and then you play with it for twenty minutes.” Others are starting to question this “Sharing is Caring” idea and over-simplistic expectations of fairness. Because here’s the thing: Treating everyone exactly the same actually is not fair. Let me break it down. Teaching middle and high school students taught me all I needed to know about fairness and the persistence of privilege. 1. An important conversation I have with my students is around the idea of equity versus equality. Equity and equality are two strategies we can use in an effort to produce fairness. 2.
Brain Break - Triangle Game Making Connections: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain In reality, cultural responsiveness is more of a process than a strategy. It begins when a teacher recognizes the cultural capital and tools students of color bring to the classroom. She is then able to respond to students' use of these cultural learning tools positively by noticing, naming, and affirming when students use them in the service of learning. For example, a science teacher I mention in the book wasn't having much success with her sixth-grade students learning the science vocabulary. Afterwards, learning weekly vocabulary was more active and game-like. You'll notice that there's no mention of Africa, Mexico, or race at all. Who is the primary audience for your book? This is the first year that our public schools have a majority minority student population. Historically, students of color experience cross-cultural equity issues that contribute to the achievement gap. I hope every teacher gets a copy of the book and reads it with other colleagues.
I wish my teacher knew... Maria CaraballoRED 6068Adolescent Identities and Sociocultural... Milling to Music Lesson Plan: Identity: Defining Self, Choosing Friends | Only the Young | POV | PBS Download the Lesson Plan Jump to: In this lesson, students explore the factors that influence self-identity, which frequently evolves as adolescents negotiate life's circumstances to find and secure their places in the world. The video clips provided with this lesson are from Only the Young, a film that follows three unconventional Christian teenagers coming of age in a small Southern California town. Skateboarders Garrison and Kevin and Garrison's on-and-off girlfriend, Skye, wrestle with the eternal questions of youth: friendship, true love and the promise of the future. POV offers a lending library of DVDs that you can borrow anytime during the school year--FOR FREE! By the end of this lesson, students will: Describe the factors that shape and shift self-identityBecome aware of how self-identity influences life choices, particularly in friendshipsRecognize how choices and perspectives fluctuate as priorities, experiences, decisions and other items change, especially during adolescence