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Bio and hyperproductive: the magic of a Quebec farm farmer

Bio and hyperproductive: the magic of a Quebec farm farmer
Jardinier-maraîcher ? Fermier de familles ? Jean-Martin Fortier lui même a du mal à qualifier son métier. Ce canadien de 35 ans exploite depuis 2005 la ferme des Jardins de la Grelinette, à Saint-Armand, à quelques kilomètres de Montréal, au Québec. Sa ferme est une micro-ferme. Elle mesure moins d’un hectare, loin de la taille moyenne d’une exploitation française qui est de 55 hectares. Avec sa compagne, ils appliquent des techniques découvertes en voyageant et travaillant dans des fermes notamment au Nouveau-Mexique et à Cuba. Terra eco : Pourquoi avez-vous souhaité travailler sur une très petite surface, ce que personne n’avait jamais fait au Québec ? Jean-Martin Fortier : Nous souhaitions démarrer notre production, mais nous n’avions pas les moyens d’investir beaucoup. Pouvez-vous résumer votre méthode de production, que vous appelez bio-intensive ? Puisque nous travaillons sur une petite surface, il nous a fallu intensifier au maximum notre production. Tout à fait. Related:  Methods

How to Make a Seed Bomb The seed bomb is an important part of the arsenal of Guerrilla gardeners all over the world. You too can use it to transform empty plots of land into green habitats of flowers and birds. If you’re afraid that the authorities wouldn’t approve of you digging up the sides of roads in cities, use the seed bomb. Or convert inaccessible strips of clay by the side of the road into green havens for tiny living things. All without burning a hole in your pocket. How it works: Before we look at the steps to build a seed bomb, let’s look at how the seed bomb works. Difficulty Level: Easy, any beginner can do it. Time Required: Not more than about 15 minutes for the rolling of each bomb and a day for drying. Resources Required: Clay, from your area, or if you live in an area surrounded by hard concrete unrelieved by clay, then you can buy Crayola Air Dry clay that will protect your seeds from seed-loving animals and insects. Estimated Cost: Low. Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3.

Low Cost Living - Save Money, Save the Planet, Live Better, Spend Less This is How NASA Grows Food In Space Easily grow food indoors all winter even if you only have a small apartment. Sustaining year round cuts back on time spent preparing food for storage and provides maximum nutrition via fresh picked raw fruits and veggies. Image:YouTube apartment gardeningDIYGrow Foodgrow your own Related Posts « 20 Things We Should Say More Often A Must See!

L'encyclopédie du développement durable, de l'écologie, de l'habitat écologique et de la consommation durable Gardening in a drought Guest post by Mark M. NOTE: This may be something to print out and store in your SurvivalMom Binder for future reference. image by International Center for Tropical Agriculture I have lived in many countries over the years, and have always had a vegetable garden. Not just for cost, as many of the countries I have lived in have had what we considered dirt cheap food, but for the quality. Recently, some friends told me about the bad drought in Texas. Kenya and Botswana. So how do they manage that? The technique involves three separate things, all of which are easily made by anyone with the ability to use a shovel, hammer or a trowel. Raised beds When we rented our home in Botswana, in the yard behind the house was a series of concrete troughs, roughly 4 foot wide, 2 foot deep and 15 foot long, running north to south. Shade netting Every 3 feet in the troughs was a hole, just the right size to take a ¾ inch PVC pipe. Thread watering Watering plants is the biggest problem during a drought.

Food Forest Suburb Absolutely FREE videos by Geoff Lawton, World Renowned Permaculture Teacher, Designer and Consultant. In this video we explore an idyllic intentional housing estate created 38 years ago by architect Michael Corbett. Geoff Lawton revisits this 60 acre property to see if nearly four generations later it lives up to its reputation as America’s most forgotten Garden of Eden estate. A place of fruit tree and swales abound in abundance. Could this place be a template of how humanities future will be envisioned? Geoff Lawton explains in detail it’s mysteries. In the other free videos you will discover how: Geoff Lawton designed his farm to be totally self-sufficient and how you too can create a paradise on Earth with all the food and water that you need.Property Purchase Checklist. These free videos will only be available for a limited time, to get access to watch these videos right now, fill out your name and email in the form on the right. Over 7,500 comments and thousands of views

Growing Food is Like Printing Your Own Money | DIY Join Ron as he embarks on his next project: igniting a (horti)cultural revolution! Ron envisions a world where gangstas garden, where cool kids know their nutrition and where communities embrace the act of growing, knowing and sharing the best of the earth’s fresh-grown food. Ron is ready to realize his vision for community gardening and rejuvenation. In part of this effort, Ron is planning to build an urban garden in South Central LA that will serve as an example of a well-balanced, fruit-and-veggie oasis – called “HQ.” Join the movement. Sources: ronfinley Create your self-fertile garden | Backyards of yesteryear Étape 1: Faites un plan. Saviez-vous qu’il serait possible d’avoir un potager presque sans entretien? Qu’il n’y aurait aucun arrosage manuel, fertilisation chimique ou crainte de voir tous ses fruits ou légumes dévorés par les hordes d’insectes ou détruits par une quelconque maladie ou champignon. Étape 2: Délimitez le terrain En effet, le potager deviendrait un organisme vivant en soi, se régulant seul tout en augmentant sa productivité de manière naturelle. Étape 3: Buttez en creusant vos sentiers Avec la collaboration de Madame Suzanne Gendreault, celle-ci m’a remise quelques photographies (explications à l’appui) suite à sa formation sur lesquelles on peut visualiser la mise sur pied d’un jardin autofertile respectueux de l’environnement mais aussi destiné aux jardiniers écologiques. Étaoe 4: Creuser le tour du jardin Par la suite, il y aura une période d’adaptation mais le potager devrait se régir de lui-même et s’autoréguler. Étape 5: Aplanissez vos buttes Étape 12: Paillez le carton
