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Crowd Computing and The Synaptic Web

Crowd Computing and The Synaptic Web
A couple of days ago David Gelernter – a known Computer Science Visionary who famously survived an attack by the Unabomber – wrote a piece on Wired called ‘The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It’. In it, he summarized one of his predictions around the web moving from a static document oriented web to a network of streams. Nova Spivack, my Co-founder and CEO at Bottlenose, also wrote about this in more depth in his blog series about The Stream. I’ve been interested in the work of David Gelernter for quite some time and thought this might be a good time to revisit some of his previous predictions. Crowd Computing 18. In order to make software and apps more intelligent, there is a vast amount of computation that needs to be done. At my company we send raw social media messages down to the browser, the browser then does natural language processing, semantic analysis and finally our StreamSense algorithms to discover trends in the stream. Bottlenose Crowd Computing Layer 28.

Six Degrees - CNT 2013 at CSE, IITKgp The social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster and MySpace are essentially complex systems induced by friendship links. These networks are a rich source of personal information populated by the users. So one of the things which could be of interest is discovering clusters or communities within this network. According to me, there is no difference between them. We could say that clustering algorithms used generally work very well on data which is dense in nature. Let us say we use one of the good community detection algorithms for the network we are analyzing and we end up with a partition. It is basically a technique which combines partitions from different set of partitions available for the same network in order to have a single partition which exploits the information of different partitions. [2] deals with a package ConsensusClusterPlus which is tool for unsupervised class discovery. Consensus for Static Clusters Consensus for Dynamic Clusters Example Results In the below result,

University - The effective collective: Grouping could ensure animals find their way in a changing environment Posted January 31, 2013; 03:30 p.m. by Morgan Kelly, Office of Communications For social animals such as schooling fish, the loss of their numbers to human activity could eventually threaten entire populations, according to a finding that such animals rely heavily on grouping to effectively navigate their environment. Princeton University researchers report in the journal Science that collective intelligence is vital to certain animals' ability to evaluate and respond to their environment. Conducted on fish, the research demonstrated that small groups and individuals become disoriented in complex, changing environments. However, as group size is increased, the fish suddenly became highly responsive to their surroundings. These results should prompt a close examination of how endangered group or herd animals are preserved and managed, said senior researcher Iain Couzin, a Princeton professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. Back To Top

What I Like about Making Maps: Visual Super Powers are Required No Better Time to Claim Our Superpowers I have always loved the world of superheroes and have passed untold hours amid the vivid art and fantastical story lines of my favorite comic books. Naturally, I’ve developed a lifelong fascination with superpowers, and in my work life, I wield the superpower of mapmaking to confront the true nemesis of organizations everywhere: complexity. In today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to attain the clarity needed for organizational decision-making. At Maga Design, we’ve spent the past decade creating maps to help organizations see and define their futures. What is so special about maps? We call visual information mapping a “lite” methodology. We have found that single-page maps can be useful learning tools for complex scenarios such as installing new IT platforms, launching new products, or even explaining how missions get formed at National Geographic. What We’ve Learned by Making Maps ● Maps are tactile ● Maps are persistent Wait!

The Evolver Network HRV Study in Saudi Arabia Produces Exciting Results Every cell in our bodies is bathed in an external and internal environment of fluctuating invisible magnetic forces that can affect virtually every cell and circuit in biological systems. Therefore, it should not be surprising that numerous physiological rhythms in humans and global collective behaviors are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behavior. That excerpt and another at the end of this article are from The Global Coherence Initiative: Creating a Coherent Planetary Standing Wave. That is a report published last year about the Global Coherence Initiative and the 2010 GCI Interconnectedness Study. More than 1,600 GCI members in 51 countries participated in the study, which found convincing evidence that solar and geomagnetic disturbances and activity influenced them psychologically. Physiologically Based Study Produces ‘Profound’ Results GCI Sensors Record Critical Data

mmunism, welfare state – what's the next big idea? | George Monbiot Most of the world's people are decent, honest and kind. Most of those who dominate us are inveterate bastards. This is the conclusion I've reached after many years of journalism. Writing on Black Monday, as the British government's full-spectrum attack on the lives of the poor commences, the thought keeps returning to me. "With a most inhuman cruelty, they who have put out the people's eyes reproach them of their blindness." This government, whose mismanagement of the economy has forced so many into the arms of the state, blames the sick, the unemployed, the underpaid for a crisis caused by the feral elite – and punishes them accordingly. Two days later, benefit payments for the poorest will be cut in real terms. So the age-old question comes knocking: why does the decent majority allow itself to be governed by a brutal, antisocial minority? But I've come to believe that there's also something deeper at work: that most of the world's people live with the legacy of slavery.

Les traîtres à la cause Internet devait nous aider à changer le monde, vite. Il le fera sur le long terme parce qu’il impose une structure horizontale au vieux modèle hiérarchique, mais la transition sera plus douloureuse qu’espérée, parce que les promoteurs d’Internet eux-mêmes ont failli. Souvent les startupers commencent en libre et finissent en propriétaire. Exemple, parmi une multitude, MakerBot et ses imprimantes 3D. Le don, le partage, le libre, c’est bien tant qu’on ne gagne pas une tune, ou qu’on la pique à ceux qui en gagnent. Ce n’est que du marketing. Moi-même je ne suis pas clair. Je leur reproche plus encore de prétendre œuvrer pour la société du partage alors qu’ils la maltraitent tous les jours davantage. Mini manuel de lutte Naviguer avec des filtres antipub comme AdBlock. Tags: slow connexion, une, Coup de gueule

25 ways to improve your presentationsBad Language All of us have at some point been bored to tears by a presentation. If you are lucky, you have also been informed, excited and inspired by an outstanding one. If you haven’t there are plenty of good examples on TED. Nobody wants to be a presentation zero. To learn how to be a PowerPoint hero, check out these 25 tips. The topic Love your topic. The format Time limit. The content Short and sweet. The preparation Know how to use your tools. The day Take everything you need (and a backup).

From the page : "This emerging Synaptic Web is the beginning of a planetary intelligence. The Synaptic Web is our collective stream of consciousness, although the global brain itself is far from conscious yet. It cannot reason or think yet. The global brain is still dorment, like a baby in a womb, slowly developing its neocortex and silently observing us…

Until it wakes up…" by noosquest Mar 9
