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46 Fabulous Photos of Endeavour’s Last Ever Spacewalk May 27th, 2011: the last spacewalk for NASA’s Endeavour astronauts. Here, a fish-eye lens attached to an electronic still camera was used to capture this image of NASA astronaut Michael Fincke (top center) during the mission’s fourth session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction and maintenance continued on the International Space Station. Photo #1 by NASA A bright sun, a portion of the International Space Station and Earth’s horizon are featured in this image photographed by a spacewalker during the STS-134 mission. Photo #2 by NASA May 27, last day for Endeavour spacewalkers, NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff continued to work on the International Space Station.

21 Unbelievable Photographs of Mars Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun in the Solar System. Out of the various planets and moons in our Solar System, Mars perhaps bears the most similarity to Earth, featuring an atmosphere, polar ice caps, and remnants of tectonic activity on the planet’s surface. Mars has fascinated both astronomers and the general public for years, and has been the subject of countless movies and fiction works. Currently, several nations in the world are planning to send missions to Mars for exploration, and NASA’s Spirit Rover recently ended a 6 year exploration of the surface after becoming trapped in sand. This post will feature 21 unbelievable photographs of Mars, captured by telescope and by space probe.

Spacewalk - the blue sky below us Blue BathSTS-116 Mission Specialists Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. (left) and Christer Fuglesang participate in the first of the mission’s three planned sessions of extravehicular activity as construction resumes on the International Space Station. Some Bizzare and Odd things around us… Beauty of the nature lies in viewer’s eyes. A photograph is just a way to show or represent that beauty. Here is a bunch of some wonderful pictures which are not only the example of beautiful photography but are also a photograph of some miracles happening in the world. You can also call it the creativity and innovation of photographer’s mind.

3D Space Scene HD Wallpapers DMCAPrivacy policy All submitted content remains copyrighted to its original copyright holder. Images are for personal, non commercial use. The Galaxy Wars! Astronomer's are discovering almost daily that galaxies are voraciously hungry entities, growing by merger and acquisition, Here, a pair of galaxies NGC 1531/2, are engaged in a deadly waltz, located about 70 million light-years away towards the southern constellation Eridanus (The River). The deformed foreground spiral galaxy laced with dust lanes NGC 1532 is so close to its companion — the background galaxy with a bright core just above the centre of NGC 1532 — that it gets distorted: one of its spiral arms is warped and plumes of dust and gas are visible above its disc. The cosmic fandango leads to another dramatic effect: a whole new generation of massive stars were born in NGC 1532 because of the interaction.

Olympic National Park: One of the wildest places left in the USA [36 PICS] Maple Glade Trail. It’s supposed to be a humbling experience to stand amidst such giants in the ancient forests of Olympic National Park. Photo #1 by rachel_thecat 2011 May 7 - Dawn of the Planets Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2011 May 7 Dawn of the Planets Image Credit & Copyright: Luis Argerich

Sun`s path June to December « Helpmyphysics Last June I placed some photographic film into a tin cannister with a small hole punched into its side. The tin cannister was then attached to a clothes pole in my backgarden and left. This afternoon I fetched the cannister and took the photographic film out. My son John scanned the photographic film and with the aid of some image software made the image negative.

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