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News - Ribbon Hero 2 You've tried games that test your card playing, your imaginary farming skills, and your ability to hurl small birds. Finally there's a game that will make you better at your job. Do you feel like you're using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote the same way version after version, or have you avoided using one of these apps because you don't know how? Yes, we turned Office into a game! For those of you who have been paying attention, we've done this before. Need more convincing? Have FUN! Sarah Faulkner (Office Labs) Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning If you don’t have a YouTube channel as an education provider, there’s a good chance you’re behind the times. Nearly every major educational institution in the world now hosts its own collection of videos featuring news, lectures, tutorials, and open courseware. Just as many individuals have their own channel, curating their expertise in a series of broadcasted lessons. These channels allow instructors to share information and blend media in unprecedented and exciting new ways. From teaching Mandarin Chinese to busting myths about Astronomy, the educational possibilities are diverse and dynamic. Here are the top channels worth following based on views, subscriptions, and quality of content: General YouTube EDU: Launched in 2009, Youtube EDU centralizes content from over 100 universities and colleges, providing access to lectures, research, and campus tours. Physical Sciences Engineering & Technology Mathematics Mr. The Arts

Técnicas artísticas en la Red: el collage El estupendo artículo de mi compañero Salvador Llopis TICjeras incide en la importancia de la imagen en los procesos de aprendizaje y plantea propuestas muy interesantes que giran en torno a la utilización de imágenes a través de técnicas como la fotonovela o el fotomontaje. Pues bien, otra técnica que nos permite trabajar con imágenes es el collage. En el presente artículo os propongo una serie de recursos en línea y aplicaciones 2.0. que nos ayudarán a trabajar con esta atractiva técnica. El collage es una técnica artística que consiste en pegar sobre una superficie dibujos, fotografías o diferentes objetos (madera, piel, periódicos, revistas, objetos de uso cotidiano, etc). Para investigar sobre la técnica: Definición del collage en ArteHistoria. El collage en el recurso Plas-TIC del ITE: Origen, cualidades, características técnicas e instrumentos y soportes más adecuados. ¿Qué es un collage? Cómo hacer un collage El collage. Para hacer collages online Para trabajar con texturas y formas

Juegos educativos - Matemáticas 20 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day 20 Simple Assessment Strategies You Can Use Every Day by Saga Briggs The ultimate goal of teaching is understanding. But sometimes it’s easier to talk than to teach, as we all know, especially when we need to cover a lot of material in a short amount of time. Below are 22 simple assessment strategies and tips to help you become more frequent in your teaching, planning, and curriculum design. 22 Simple Assessment Strategies & Tips You Can Use Every Day 1. Avoid yes/no questions and phrases like “Does this make sense?” 2. During the last five minutes of class ask students to reflect on the lesson and write down what they’ve learned. 3. Give a short quiz at the end of class to check for comprehension. 4. Have students summarize or paraphrase important concepts and lessons. 5. Hand signals can be used to rate or indicate students’ understanding of content. 6. 7. 8. Students take a few minutes to think about the question or prompt. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

TV411 How One School Creatively Boosted Student Achievement Mr. DeMaio and other teachers star in a video about times tables. It’s not only at Halloween time that the Memorial School students in Union Beach, New Jersey, see their teachers in costumes. Mr. An animated mountain range from DeMaio’s video “Learning About Landforms” In the debut video “Learning About Landforms,” DeMaio created an animated version of himself that “talked” to different landforms about their features. Soon after his initial success with the videos, Union Beach was devastated by Superstorm Sandy. He rewrote the lyrics to popular songs and sang about multiplication tables. The videos that Mr. Virtual Mr. Mr.

Chemical Education Research Group Simulations Chemistry Experiment Simulations and Conceptual Computer Animations Chemical Education Research Group Department of Chemistry 3051 Gilman Hall, Iowa State University Ames, IA, 50011 USA (515) 294-7718 Tom Greenbowe ( Professor of Chemistry and Coordinator of General Chemistry Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 These files are zipped files. To save the files, click on the links and save the files. Thank you.

Vedoque - Juegos educativos gratis, fichas y otros materiales educativos cooltoolsforschools - home How Products Are Made 35 Sources for Curated Educational Videos Like explorers approaching an unfamiliar landscape, teachers who are ready to take the plunge into flipped classrooms and blended learning often approach the opportunity with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Just dipping a toe into the virtual waters of online content can be overwhelming, and there’s a risk that even the most fearless educator can become paralyzed by the bottomless depths of content and endless pools of resources. While many teachers begin by creating their own content and videos, most start by sifting through free online sources. The amount of available information out there is staggering. YouTube users across the globe upload 48 hours of content every minute. And a google search for “science video” yields over 4 billion results! Fortunately, there are some great websites and services that take the guesswork out of finding and sorting educational video content.

nanoogo, para incentivar la vena creativa de nuestros hijos En tenemos un original y atractivo proyecto que pueden usar los educadores (tanto profesores como padres) para incentivar a que los niños escriban y cuenten historias. Cuando creamos una cuenta como escuela, por ejemplo, podemos crear proyectos nuevos y cuentas de alumnos que podrán participar en los mismos. Cada proyecto puede estar relacionado con actividades de todo tipo, desde resúmenes de libros a cuentos inventados por los niños, el caso es escribir. nanoogo ofrece un editor online bastante diferente a todo lo que hemos visto, con imágenes y componentes que hacen más divertida la tarea de elaboración de texto. Podemos incluir figuras, pegatinas y bloques de texto como si de un montaje de fotos se tratara, siempre asociando cada trabajo a las categorías que el educador definió inicialmente. En el vídeo que veis abajo tenemos una demostración de cómo se usa. Por desgracia solo está en inglés, aunque eso no impide que los textos publicados estén en español.
