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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs
Oh mylanta. What have I done? If I’m not mistaken, that’s a ball of cookie dough surrounded by a fudgy brownie and then coated in chocolate and sprinkled with mini chips. Whoooa. Sometimes, I don’t even know WHERE half my ideas come from. Most days, you can find me scatterbrained and roaming the grocery store like a complete looney tune. Lucky for me, I usually shop at a store that may or may not rhyme with Schmalmart, and the fact that I’m aimlessly walking back and forth while talking to myself isn’t really that out of the ordinary. Anywhooooo, the idea for these truffles came from left field. And this zeppelin dropped a gigantic bomb of brilliance on me: wrap a brownie around a ball of cookie dough. Now pardon me, but I have some reading/judging to do and it’s VERY important. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs Author: Hayley Parker, The Domestic Rebel Recipe type: Bombs Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Serves: 15-18 My SIGNATURE recipe. Ingredients Instructions Let’s make some dough!

Orange Chiffon Cake with Orange Filling and Meringue This recipe is dedicated to a special couple that I wish I could meet. I had a reader named Allee send me this e-mail last week (and I just couldn’t resist making it so I had to fit it into my schedule). And with her permission I share a portion of her e-mail: “I visit an elderly couple who are living in a nursing home here in Stillwater, OK at least once a week. While she was telling me about this cake, I immediately knew I wanted to bake it for Bethel and Evan to deliver it to them on Valentine’s Day as a little piece of nostalgia :) I have searched for recipes online and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. So, how could I say no :)? This elegant cake is simply divine. And congratulations Bethel and Evan to both a long, prosperous life and marriage! Orange Chiffon Cake with Orange Filling and Meringue Ingredients Orange Filling Cake Meringue 6 egg whites 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/4 tsp cream of tartar Directions I’m posting way too many pictures I know. I just love meringue.

~Apple Pie Cookies! | Oh Bite It You know when you bake an Apple Pie, or any fruit pie for that matter, and you get those oozy baked sugar, chewy-ish bits of leaked fruit that gets all caramelized to the crust? They’re kind of hard to explain..I think they need a name, I’m open to suggestions! Watch them being made right >>HERE! Anyway, that’s my absolute favorite part of a fruit pie! Now I can maintain a pretense of manners, since I have my very own caramelly, fruity, chewy & sticky Apple Pie Cookie all to myself! These Apple Pie-like Cookies are made of real Pie Crust layered with sticky Caramel, and a slathering of Apple Pie Filling, topped with a flaky and adorable Cinnamon & Nutmeg lattice crust..HELLO Fall! Each and every bite offers the very best part of an actual Apple Pie, with all of the convenience of a Cookie! Seriously the best cookie I’ve ever had! To. What you’ll need for 6-8 good sized Pie Cookies: 1 Box of frozen Pillsbury Pie Crust (2 sheets per box) 1 Egg..for egg-wash 2 tbsp. 1 tbsp. Directions:

Gingerbread Apple Pie It happens a few times each year. I go into pie mode. My rolling pin spends nearly as much time covered in flour on the kitchen counter as it does tucked away in the kitchen gadget drawer (you know the one) waiting for me to heft it out again. After spending an afternoon making pies at my community centre for an event this week, I could feel myself enter full-on pie mode and I was craving a pie project at home that would result in something a little out of the ordinary. Ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves were thrown into the dry pastry ingredients and I reached for the molasses instead of my usual egg in the pastry dough. Sometimes kitchen experiments don't turn out as I had imagined. Here's how I made it: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tbsp granulated white sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/2 cup vegetable shortening 1/2 cup cold unsalted butter, cubed 1/4 cup cooking molasses 1 tbsp white vinegar 1 tsp cinnamon

38 Best DIY Food Gifts Baked donuts Baked donuts Scroll down for recipe in English Wspominałam kiedyś, że nie przepadam za pączkami. Zdania nie zmieniam, ale musicie przyznać, że donuts to zupełnie co innego. Te pączki z dziurką nie mają nadzienie, bo i mieć nie mogą, ale za to można polać je czym tylko dusza zapragnie. Ale wróćmy do donuts. Składniki z podanej porcji wychodzi ok. 30 donutów, w zależności od ich wielkości 180 ml ciepłego mleka 7 g drożdży instant 15 g masła (stopionego i ostudzonego) 135 g cukru 1 jajko (roztrzepane) 350 g mąki 1/2 łyżeczki soli szczypta gałki muszkatołowej (opcjonalnie) Drożdże wsypujemy do ciepłego mleka i odstawiamy na kilka minut. W tym czasie w misce łączymy mąkę, cukier, sól i gałkę. Rozwałkowujemy ciasto na grubość ok. 1 - 1,5 cm. Nagrzewamy piekarnik do 180C. polewa czekoladowa polecam polewą z tego przepisu (klik), lub inną ulubioną; polane donuty możemy posypać kolorową posypką polewa owocowa 3 - 4 łyżki dowolnych owoców (ja użyłam mieszanki owoców leśnych, ale mogą być np. maliny) In English:

Apple Lavender Muffins Apple Lavender Muffins We planted two apple trees on our property here in Umbria a couple of years ago, and last year one tree yielded a few apples while the other tree didn’t produce any. This year they switched places, and the tree that didn’t yield any apples last year produced so many this year that I worried the poor little tree wouldn’t be able to stand upright for too long. We also trimmed our 50 lavender bushes this past week so I decided to combine the two flavors in these rustic apple muffins I made for our farmhouse guests. Buon Appetito! Apple Lavender Muffins Yield: Makes 12 MuffinsPrep Time: 20 minsCook Time: 25 minss Moist apple muffins with just a hint of lavender.

Английский пудинг Текст: Евгения Багма Фото: TS/ «Знакомьтесь! Пудинг, это Алиса. Алиса, это Пудинг», — помните эти строчки из известной сказки Льюиса Кэролла «Алиса в стране чудес»? А хотите лично познакомиться с настоящим английским пудингом? Подавайте английский пудинг охлажденным, со сметаной, карамелью, шоколадом, сгущенным молоком или другими соусами по вкусу. Как приготовить английский пудинг? В вышеупомянутой сказке речь, на самом деле, идет о плампудинге, пудинге с изюмом. Рецепты английского пудинга Шоколадный английский пудинг. Ингредиенты: 3ст.л. какао, 1-2ст.л. сливок, 60г сахара, полстакана молока, 125г панировочных сухарей, 50г сливочного масла, 2 яйца, 1ст.л. коньяка, 2ст.л. тертого миндаля, ½ч.л. соды, 60г муки. Приготовление: перемешайте какао и сухари, добавьте молоко или сливки, размочите, сахар смешайте с маслом, хорошо разотрите, добавьте желток, соду, муку, затем сухари, миндаль и коньяк, добавьте отдельно взбитые с сахаром белки. Английский пудинг с вареньем.

Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry Poaching fruit is one of my favorite things to do when cold weather arrives. It's so warming to stand over a boiling pot of fragrant spices and lose yourself in thought. When I made these, I couldn't help but daydream as I stirred; if I were a pear... I wouldn't want to spend my days on the shelf of a cold produce department. That sounds a little silly, but that's what I'd want... if I were a pear. The idea for these came from the Pepperidge Farm website. On a personal note, our Christmas tree is already up courtesy of Mr. Since poaching is a relatively easy task, I'll skip to some helpful tips for wrapping the pears in puff pastry. The poaching liquid has a high concentration of sugar, so your pears will be sticky. When you reach the top, tuck in the end piece of pastry behind the last spiral. 4 small pears 1 sheet of ready made puff pastry dough, thawed 4 cups water 2 cups sugar 1 cup honey 1/2 lemon 1 vanilla bean, seeded with hull reserved 3 sticks of cinnamon 6-8 whole cloves

Chocolate Chip Bacon & Orange Kissed Pancakes Happy Friday! I’m really excited for the weekend. Why? Because I am babysitting a cute little puppy some of you may know. I cannot wait to go to the dog park for little dogs, and touch her big ears, and make fun of her cankles. FUN. Chocolate Chip, Bacon and Orange Kissed Pancakes Makes about 10 Ingredients:1 cup all purpose flour1 1/2 tablespoons light brown sugar2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon baking soda1/4 cup butter, melted and cooled3 to 5 tablespoons buttermilk1 egg2 egg whites, optional2 tablespoons superfine sugar (granulated is fine), optional6 to 8 rashers bacon, cooked and crumbled2/3 cup milk chocolate chips1 large orange, zestedsoftened butter, for servingmaple syrup, for serving Directions: 1.

Caramel Stuffed Apple Cider Cookies In a small bowl whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon. Set aside. With your mixer, cream together butter, sugar, salt and all 10 packages of apple cider drink mix powder, until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla and mix well. Gradually add flour mixture into the butter/egg mixture, continuing to mix as you go. Refrigerate dough for about an hour. When you are ready to bake, unwrap your caramels, and preheat oven to 350° F. Scoop out cookie dough balls that are about the size of a walnut. Bake 12-14 minutes, or until very lightly browned around the edges. Makes roughly 4 dozen.

Mini PB Banana & Chocolate Pancakes So this is very exciting... I made my own recipe! My first recipe! Mini PB banana & chocolate pancakes, for one. YUM. Of course, it being my first self-conceived recipe means that along the way, there were some fails. (By the way, I've decided to self-impose a moratorium on vegan recipes, since I clearly don't know the first thing about veganism. These pancakes are not vegan, but they are fairly healthy! As I mentioned, the first batch (see above) wasn't exactly perfect. Still, top them with (local) pear butter and maple syrup, and they taste pretty good! However, being the perfectionist that I am, by lunchtime I felt that I had to try again. TADA! Maybe I should subtitle this post "Lessons in Perseverance." Anyway, here's the recipe! INGREDIENTS 3 1/2 Tbsp flour 1 Tbsp cocoa powder * 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 egg 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 Tbsp milk 1/2 banana ***I used dark chocolate cocoa powder **use rest for toppings In another bowl, mix together the egg and peanut butter. Enjoy!

Brooklyn Blackout Semifreddo Cake recipe on Cooking is more fun with friends. Find your friends who are already on Food52, and invite others who aren't to join. Let's GoLearn more Join Our Community Follow amazing home cooks. Sign Up ♥ 485 + Save ▴ If you like it, save it! Save and organize all of the stuff you love in one place. Got it! If you like something… Click the heart, it's called favoriting. Author Notes: Who doesn't love a Brooklyn Blackout Cake? Food52 Review: If you like chocolate, you are going to LOVE this Brooklyn Blackout Semifreddo Cake! Makes 1 large (10-inch) loaf cake Cake and Semifreddo 1/4 cup milk 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 8 large eggs at room temperature 2 cups sugar 3/4 cup flour 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt For the semifreddo: 1 teaspoon vanilla 7 ounces dark chocolate 2 teaspoons espresso powder 1 1/3 cups heavy cream 2 tablespoons softened cream cheese 2 large eggs 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberries Over the last several weeks, Sarah and I have taken turns going on vacation. I visited the very lovely and blissfully cool and cloudy Oregon coast, while Sarah has been blazing through various Midwestern states. This has been great in many ways, but not so great for our blog which has been sadly neglected. We aim to post with greater frequency very soon! In the meantime, we offer up one of our new favorite breakfast treats. These are light and ethereal pancakes, and the ricotta makes them surprisingly moist. I tend to shy away from recipes that involve beating egg whites, but really it only takes an extra few minutes. Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberries adapted from Food & Wine1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour1 tsp baking powder1 1/2 tsp kosher salt3 eggs, separated1 3/4 cups milk2/3 cup ricotta cheese1/4 cup sugar1 tb pure vanilla extractunsalted butter, for the griddle1 pint fresh blueberries1.

Slow Roasted Tomato Bacon Jam With all of the filed ripened tomatoes around right now it is the perfect time for making sauces but I was thinking about something a little different, a tomato jam and with bacon day coming I was thinking that a tomato jam / bacon jam hybrid would be perfect! As nice as the field ripened tomatoes are they can be made even better by roasting them to caramelize them and bring out their flavour so I threw them into the oven and slow roasted them until they were starting to shrivel up and caramelize but still juicy on the inside. (Roasting the tomatoes also allows you to use those dull and drab winter hot house tomatoes to good effect!) Up next of course was the bacon followed by some of the usual jam suspects including brown sugar and maple syrup as sweeteners, a bit of vinegar for some tang and I threw in some chipotle chilies in adobo for a touch of heat. Once everything has simmered for a while on the stove all that is left is to puree to the jam desired consistency. ingredients
