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How To Grow Magic Mushrooms.

How To Grow Magic Mushrooms.

Psilocybin mushroom Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic drugs psilocybin and psilocin. Common colloquial terms include magic mushrooms and shrooms.[1] Biological genera containing psilocybin mushrooms include Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolus, Pholiotina, Pluteus, and Psilocybe. About 40 species are found in the genus Psilocybe. Psilocybin mushrooms have likely been used since prehistoric times and may have been depicted in rock art. History[edit] Early[edit] Archaeological evidence indicates the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms in ancient times. Hallucinogenic species of the psilocybe genus have a history of use among the native peoples of Mesoamerica for religious communion, divination, and healing, from pre-Columbian times to the present day. Modern[edit] Inspired by the Wassons' Life article, Timothy Leary traveled to Mexico to experience psilocybin mushrooms firsthand. Occurrence[edit] Effects[edit]

MDMA / Ecstasy Why Is Everyone Freaking Out About MDMA? Some MDMA (Photo via) MDMA has caused something of a stir here in the US recently. Ever since Miley bragged about "dancing with molly," like one of those tedious nerds who brags about ripping bongs for breakfast, columnists have had a field day analyzing why we've all fallen in love with MDMA. And policy makers, concerned after a spate of MDMA-related fatalities hit the headlines, have also started to take notice. As you might expect, not everyone has taken a deep breath, put things into perspective, and reacted in a calm, rational manner. Crusty old deans and decrepit politicians fretting about whatever drugs the youth are into is no surprise, but I was a little concerned at the attitude of a drug dealer we’ll call "Tommy" I met in a Boston bar and his thoughts on what he’s selling. "I wouldn’t take it because I have no idea what’s in there. Image of Pretty Lights, one of the acts that UMass Amherst canceled, by Alex Hertel. So why is there an increased demand? But this is America.

Psilocybin Mushrooms The Extraterrestrial Inflitration of Earth? INTENSITY: 3 to 7 for most experiences. MATERIAL: There are dozens of species of mushrooms which contain the psychoactive alkaloids psilocybin/psilocin in active amounts. 99% of the psilocybin mushrooms I've seen sold on the underground market are the variety known as Psilocybe cubensis (also called Stropharia cubensis), and dosage levels discussed below pertain to this variety. Some species of psilocybin mushrooms contain up to 10 times as much psilocybin by weight as cubensis, producing an equivalent experience at a much lower dose. HISTORY: The use of psilocybin mushrooms can be traced back thousands of years. In Plants of the Gods, Schultes and Hofmann trace the use of these mushrooms to numerous locations and Indian cultures in pre-Colombian Mexico and South America. The Indians held the mushrooms with such reverence that the Aztecs named them Teonanacatl, meaning "flesh of the gods" or "divine flesh." Psilocybin can also be combined with LSD, DMT, or Nitrous Oxide.

3D Brain Maps Created of People Tripping on LSD National Geographic takes a look at scientists who create 3D brain maps of people taking psychedelic trips on LSD, recording imagery of their hallucinogenic experiences. Psychedelics over-stimulate serotonin receptors in the brain, resulting in a blissful experience or a horrifying one. Related Posts The World’s First Brain Imaging Study on the Effects of LSD The Beckley Foundation, a UK non-profit founded by Amanda Feilding that supports drug science and policy, has successfully crowdfunded the world's first-ever brain imaging study on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide--better known as LSD. Marine Scientists Create 3D Maps of Coral Reefs to Help Preserve Them Marine scientists with the group Hydrous are creating 3D maps of coral reefs to better understand and preserve them. LEGO New York, 3D Design Based on Maps & Satellite Imagery New York 3D artist and motion designer J.R. Receive an email with each day's blog posts.

DMT Extraction Guide NOTE OF WARNING:QT's DMT Extraction for Students is archived by Erowid as a historical document. The process as described has been critiqued as flawed and dangerous several ways. Safer and more effective DMT extraction and purification techniques have been developed and made available in the years since the document below was created. For one such process, see Noman's "DMT for the Masses". Specific concerns regarding QT's tek, detailed below, were sent to Erowid on behalf of the community at The DMT Nexus, who note: "Time and time again, people have come to The DMT Nexus or other web forums because they were following QT's tek and it either didn't work or they ran into serious issues trying to follow it. Our largest concerns with QT's tek are related to health and safety. Health and Safety Concerns 1) The tek recommends using hydrochloric acid without appropriate guidance on safe handling. 3) The tek describes a method for obtaining ether from starting fluid. Technical Errors Minor Gripes

Harvard Gazette: Study: Intelligence, cognition unaffected by heavy marijuana use By William J. Cromie Gazette Staff The new study of cognitive changes caused by heavy marijuana use has found no lasting effects 28 days after quitting. Following a month of abstinence, men and women who smoked pot at least 5,000 times in their lives performed just as well on psychological tests as people who used pot sparingly or not at all, according to a report in the latest edition of the Archives of General Psychiatry. That's the good news. "If there's one thing I've learned from studying marijuana for more than a decade, it's that proponents and opponents of the drug will put opposite spins on these findings," says Harrison Pope, a Harvard professor of psychiatry and leader of the research. "As a scientist, I'm struck by how passionately people hold opinions in both directions no matter what the evidence says. Withdrawal produces impairment All took batteries of intelligence, attention, learning and memory tests on days 0, 1, 7, and 28 after quitting the drug. Unsatisfied lives

DMT Candy for the mind INTENSITY: 9 to 10 SAFETY FACTORS: 5-MeO-DMT is an MAO inhibitor. See list of items not to take with MAO inhibitors on page 19. [Erowid Note: This is probably wrong. MATERIAL: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and 5-Methoxy-Dimethyltryptamine are naturally occurring psychedelics found in a variety of plants around the world, several of which are native to the Amazon region. N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are also manufactured synthetically, as separate compounds, and sold on the underground market And although it's quite rare in the psychedelic underground, synthetic DMT is used much more often than DMT from natural sources. HISTORY: There are several plant sources of DMT, many of which have uniquely different histories of use. Two sources of DMT, Anadenanthera peregrina and Virola theiodora, are made into snuffs, commonly known as Yopo and Epena, respectively. Elsewhere in the Amazon, DMT-containing plants like Psychotria veridis are included in brews known as Ayahuasca or Yage. 1.

The Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning The Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning Psychology 20, Spring 2000 April 19, 2000 By: Stephanie Nunley, Brooke Alexander, Rachel Corns and John Geer It may not seem like much of a question to ask whether or not smoking marijuana has an affect on a user’s cognitive functioning. General Information: What are the general facts about marijuana? It is a mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant It is a mind-altering plant that affects how the messages of sensory perception and coordination reach the brainMarijuana is a plant containing the active chemical THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which is responsible for interfering with normal functioning of the cerebellumIt is an illegal drug used by an estimated 2.1 million people a year Blacks and Hispanics are the primary users of marijuana, followed by Whites The age group from 18 to 25 are the most frequent users There is a 2:1 ratio of male to female users Conducted by Dr. Background:

The Good Drug Guide Ecstasy History Early ecstasy MDMA was patented in 1913 (patent #274.350) by the German chemical company Merck supposedly to be sold as a diet pill (the patent does not mention any intended use), the company decided against marketing the drug and had nothing more to do with it. An urban legend has the US army testing MDMA in 1953 as a possible truth serum, but there is no real evidence supporting this. The man responsible for the modern research of MDMA is Alexander Shulgin, who after graduating from the University of California at Berkeley with a PhD in Biochemistry landed a job as a research chemist with Dow Chemicals. Shulgin continued his legal research of new compounds after leaving Dow, specializing in the phenethylamines family of drugs. In 1985, MDMA/Ecstasy received massive media attention when a group of people sued the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to try to prevent them from outlawing the drug by placing it on Schedule 1. Trends in Ecstasy / MDMA use Related Article: Ecstasy Today

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