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70+ Awesome Fullscreen Wordpress Theme Collection

70+ Awesome Fullscreen Wordpress Theme Collection
Using a dedicated fullscreen WordPress theme will undoubtedly catch the attention of your visitors in a new, powerful and exciting way! Like WordPress themes for portfolio websites they are great for showcasing your work as a photographer, creative artist, designer or photojournalist. The use of the entire browser area adds a great dimension to your blog drawing all the attention on showcasing your images or videos in an intense and vivid full size manner. Widget, sidebar and banner areas have been minimized or entirely removed making it a very minimal, clean and attractive way of promoting your business and strengthen your online presence. Common to most of these themes is the use of a fullscreen slideshow that showcases either images, videos or both maximizing the user experience. Responsive web design is so hot right now and theme developers can’t ignore the fact that there are more than 1 billion smartphones in use today and this don’t even include the number of tablets in use.

Trasferire blog Wordpress 3 in un nuovo dominio Con l’avvento di WordPress 3, trasferire il proprio blog da un dominio ad un altro è diventata una procedura relativamente semplice e poco rischiosa (prima se non si seguivano scrupolosamente gli step proposti dalla guida ufficiale, era necessario intervenire direttamente sul database). I passaggi che riporto sono semplici, ma, seguiti nell’ordine presentato, permettono oltre a non avere problemi, di non perdere tutta la vostra popolarità, per motori di ricerca, dovuta al cambio di dominio:1. Effettua il backup del blog e del database. 2. Crea un nuovo file robots.txt nella root del nuovo dominio contenente: Così facendo ci assicuriamo che i motori di ricerca non accedano al sito prima del “trasloco”.3. 4. Dove nuovo dominio è il nome del dominio in cui stai trasferendo il tuo blog WordPress 3.5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Per assicurarti che tutti i link che i motori di ricerca si accorgano del cambiamento di dominio e non vadano persi tutti gli inbound links. 12. 13.

build powerful editable tables - What's EditableGrid ? 25 Stunning Parallax WordPress Themes to Inspire You Parallax scrolling is hot right now. First popularized by Nike , the number of site’s featuring the dynamic technique has exploded. The parallax effect, or parallax scrolling, in web design features layered images that move at different speeds, creating the illusion of depth as you scroll down the page, kind of like a faux-3D effect. Usually the background moves slower than the foreground. The technique uses scrolling to reveal new content and works similar to one-page sites where all the content is on a single page. It’s a cool effect that can turn an otherwise boring looking website into something fun and exciting – and even a bit sexy . The term parallax is derived from the Greek work parallaxis, meaning alteration . I’ve put together a list of premium parallax WordPress themes – with a few free ones thrown in – that will transform your site. Happy scrolling! P.S. 1. A responsive theme that features two color variations and is widget-ready. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Mobile Middleware How to Mobilize Atari Arcade in HTML5 This article recently appeared on the Atari Arcade Developer Center, a collaboration by the teams at , Atari and Internet Explorer. The Atari Arcade: a true game portal showcasing what’s possible with web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Slick graphics, fast, multi-player gameplay, and platform agnostic. Initially only targeting desktop and tablet-based browsers, we’ve now endeavored to bring the arcade to mobile. By limiting to desktops and tablets in the first release, we narrowed our scope considerably, and were able to provide a semi-responsive layout with a single game size. But we quickly learned that we were missing something by not targeting the huge number of users on mobile devices. This article discusses the goals to mobilize the arcade, as well as some approaches, the issues we encountered, and some tips and tricks where we found value. Our goal was to build a site that: What Works? The first task: eliminate platforms that just won’t work. Technology. 1.
