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Download | iceScrum Free and OpenSource platform for your agile developments If you are new to iceScrum, welcome! iceScrum is an efficient agile project management tool available from your favorite browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9 and greater). Try iceScrum You can try iceScrum online by creating a free account on iceScrum Cloud. If you want to try iceScrum on your computer, you should try the iceScrum Server desktop application (Windows and Mac OS). Follow the Getting started guide to start enjoying the features of iceScrum. Install iceScrum on a server If you like iceScrum but don’t want to benefit from our hosting services, the .war that is deployable in a Java web container is for you. Upgrade If you are already an iceScrum user, please find instructions for upgrading iceScrum in the Upgrade guide. Current version R6#13.8 – 10 April 2015 – Release notes Or try iceScrum Cloud / iceScrum Pro Previous version R6#12.1 – 15 January 2014 – Release notes iceScrum is distributed mainly distributed under the Affero GPL V3 licence:

Which git workflow for my project? | @nicoespeon A little look around git-flow, GitHub flow and which one to choose regarding your needs. One of the greatest strenght of git is the simplicity of its branching system. If you’re in charge of a project, you may have wondered: which workflow could I set up to efficiently deal with my project and keep it simple thanks to this cool branching system? As usual: some people already wondered the same and have found possible solutions to your problem. The git-flow is the most popular with no doubt. It’s a standard branching model that seems to adapt to any project, not that complex to deal with even though there are some specificities to understand. If versioning has a meaning for you project, this workflow is for you. There is a relevant alternative that is far easier: the Github flow. If versioning doesn't have a particular meaning for you project de sens and you would like to use an easy workflow, this workflow is for you. The git-flow How it works The git-flow has the following branching model: 1.

Git Workflows Why use git? Git is an extremely powerful source control system. Its power lies in its speed and flexibility, but this can also be a point of confusion for many new users. Git is unfortunately quite inconsistent in its syntax, and exposes many of its not-so-friendly internals to the outside world, sometimes to the detriment of usability. As many systems built by hardcore engineers (Git came from Linux kernel hackers), if wielded by a wizard, it can be used to achieve many great things, but can be initially confusing even for seasoned developers. This book bypasses the ugly internals of git and gets to the heart of improving your development workflows by using git. If you've picked up this book, it's likely you're already convinced that git is great. Offline productivity, speed, and multitasking Git encourages multitasking and experimentation. Remote collaboration and code review Changeset cleanliness How is this book different from other git books? As the Peepcode book says, "Git ! The Index .
