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LilyPad Arduino

LilyPad Arduino

Textile intelligent Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Robe intégrant des LED et fibres optiques Les textiles intelligents, de l'anglais smart textiles, également trouvés sous l'appellation e-textiles pour electronic textiles, sont des textiles capables de capter et d'analyser un signal afin d'y répondre d'une manière adaptée[1]. Ils peuvent donc être décrits comme des textiles capable de réagir "par eux-mêmes" en s'adaptant à leur environnement. Ces textiles peuvent pour cela incorporer des composants informatiques, numériques ou électroniques, mais également des matériaux polymères innovants comme des polymères à mémoire de forme ou des matériaux chromiques aux propriétés de changement de couleur, ainsi que des fibres et matériaux innovants. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Au milieu des années 1990, une équipe de chercheurs du MIT dirigée par Steve Mann, Thad Starner et Sandy Pentland a commencé à développer ce qu'ils ont appelé wearable computer (en) (ordinateur mettable).

E-Textile Basics The Basics This tutorial is designed to help the absolute beginner get going with E-textiles. E-textiles is an exciting, new field of electronics that combines embedded electronics with fabric and textiles. These wearable electronics are gaining lots of attention and are becoming more accessible to the non-technical crowd by the day. This tutoorial assumes you have absolutley no previous experience with e-textiles. Image of the LilyPad E-Sewing kit, one of the many beginner e-textile kits offered by SparkFun Electronics. Suggested Reading Before you begin working with eTextiles there are a few concepts you may want to get familiar with: What is LilyPad? LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Leah Buechley and cooperatively designed by Leah and SparkFun. The LilyPad ProtoSnap Development Kit, one of the many LilyPad products available for e-texiles For a more comprehensive list of LilyPad Arduino boards, please check out our comparison guide. Sewing Tips LilyPad Basics

fabrickit : fabrickit MaKey MaKey | Buy Direct (Official Site) Adafruit GEMMA v2 - Miniature wearable electronic platform ID: 1222 - $9.95 Love FLORA but want a bite-sized version? Look no further, GEMMA is a tiny wearable platform board with a lot of might in a 1" diameter package. Powered by a Attiny85 and programmable with an Arduino IDE over USB, you'll be able to realize any wearable project! We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough to fit into any project, and low cost enough to use without hesitation. NEW In version 2! The Attiny85 is a fun processor because despite being so small, it has 8K of flash, and 5 I/O pins, including analog inputs and PWM 'analog' outputs. Even though you can program GEMMA using the Arduino IDE, it's not a fully 100% Arduino-compatible. GEMMA does not have a Serial port connection for debugging so the serial port monitor will not be able to send/receive data Some computers' USB v3 ports don't recognize the GEMMAs bootloader. Here are some useful specifications! Super small, only 1.1" / 28mm diameter and 0.28" / 7mm thick.
