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Video - Cinestore Richiedi informazioni Sinossi: Con una vecchia corriera partono all'alba alcune giovani donne: sono maestre che si recano a insegnare in paesi aggrappati alle pendici delle montagne nell'alta valle tiberina (San Casciano, Fragaiolo, Lama). Nella corriera che percorre la valle c'è chi chiacchiera, chi guarda il panorama dal finestrino, chi ancora sonnecchia... Contemporaneamente, nelle vecchie case costruite in pietra, i bambini si preparano per andare a scuola: una bambina fa colazione, mette il cappotto sopra il grembiule ed esce. Le maestrine raggiungono le scuole e iniziano le lezioni. titolo: titolo in italiano: Maestrine anno: 1961 nazione: ITALIA lingua: ITALIANO sonoro: sonoro durata: 10 min. produzione: Corona Cinematografica

3 Ways Increasing Your Empathy Makes You a More Effective Leader Research shows empathetic leaders foster more productive, engaged and innovative teams. March 8, 2019 9 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Years ago, I worked for a high-performing regional marketing team for a global company. We kept sales pipeline full to three times quota. Then one day, our fearless VP left for another opportunity. A new VP finally arrived, and we were impressed with this person's expertise and excited about what we could learn. Related: How to Transform Your Culture From Toxic to Peak Performance These were smart, proactive performers who were often courted by recruiters. Leadership is about expertise and ability, to be sure, but it is just as much about emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships. Author and leadership expert Simon Sinek says that empathy is crucial to successful leadership. We are wired for empathy. If you don't provide this type of environment, disengagement can be costly. 1. 2. 3. Unlock Access Now

The top 20 music videos of 2015 Earlier this year saw two of this generation’s most exhilarating artists – Venuzualian producer Arca and Hood By Air label boss Shayne Oliver – join forces for a new musical project, dubbed ‘Wench’, a collab which resulted in the sounds of Cher, t.A.T.u, Crystal Castles and Fatboy Slim cut, spliced and stuck back together for one beautifully intense track “Galvanize”. Add visual artist Jesse Kanda into the mix and you get this mind-blowing, 15-minute video. In it, explosions are played back and forth in slow motion so they take on an almost otherworldly, hypnotic power and at one point, what looks like a lorry shattering into grey debris turns out to be a flock of flying birds. For some of us, taking copious amounts of lsd might result in huddling in a dark corner, tumbling through an intense, occasionally frightening, crisis about the meaning of life. But for A$AP Rocky, his drug use seems to be much more relaxing. “Politics, what’s up with that?

JO-G - Best Message Against Racism Leader Empathy: The Key to Effective Relationships In my article on Positive Outlook, I quoted a senior manager at a large US hospital network who described how mindfulness helped her minimize negative reactions to workplace experiences. This included an ability to remind herself that she was often not fully aware of the needs and motivations of others, and therefore should not rush to judge their intentions. Like the other 41 leaders I interviewed, her in-depth discussion of this topic showed an improved capacity for the Emotional and Social Intelligence (ESI) Competency of Empathy. Empathy is one of the Social Awareness competencies in the twelve-competency Leadership Competency Model developed by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis. Strength in this competency is also demonstrated by leaders who: Listen attentivelyAre able to understand unspoken or confused attempts at communicationEngage in actions indicating a sincere interest in othersHave an increased capacity to respect diversity How Empathy Integrates with Workplace Activity

Eyes To Kill 2011 Eyes To Kill The Real Art of Cosmetics can be Seen on Eyes. Eyes that are done Beautifully with makeup changes the over all look of your face because eyes are the most attractive part of our face. So many techniques and different application of cosmetics are done on eyes to make them more and more appealing and Beautiful and there’s no doubt Eyes attract a lot when they are Professionally styled. Check out the following Screen Shots, the eyes that are ready to kill with its look. The Real Art of Cosmetics that is never seen before collectively at one place.

What are the top elearning portals? - Quora Three Kinds of Empathy: Cognitive, Emotional, Compassionate Being cool in crisis seems essential for our being able to think clearly. But what if keeping cool makes you too cold to care? In other words, must we sacrifice empathy to stay calm? That’s the dilemma facing those who are preparing top teams to handle the next Katrina-like catastrophe we might face. The first is “cognitive empathy,” simply knowing how the other person feels and what they might be thinking. But there can be a dark side to this sort of empathy – in fact, those who fall within the “Dark Triad” – narcissists, Machiavellians, and sociopaths (see Chapter 8 in Social Intelligence) – can be talented in this regard, while having no sympathy whatever for their victims. Katrina’s devastation, we all saw, was amplified enormously by the lackadaisical response from the very agencies that were supposed to manage the emergency. Certainly empathy qualifies as one critical measure of the right leader in a crisis, along with being cool under pressure.

Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement - براءة.. لاجئة سورية تخلت عن اللعب لتصبح أصغر معلمة براءة.. لاجئة سورية تخلت عن اللعب لتصبح أصغر معلمة تتواجد في أحد مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان، أصغر معلمة وعمرها 10 سنوات. براءة لم تكتف بتعليم هؤلاء الأطفال الحروف العربية فقط بل حتى الفرنسية. حولت براءة عنتر (طفلة ذات العشر سنوات) السنديانة في مخيم كترمايا إلى مقر لتدرس فيه صغار المخيم، وتعلمهم ما اكتسبته هي في مدارس اللجوء. ويتباهى الأطفال في السلام والشكر والاستئذان باللغة الأجنبية الجديدة التي علمتهم إياها براءة، وتصدح أصوات الأولاد في أرجاء المخيم بترديد الأبجدية باللغتين الفرنسية والعربية. يعيش هنا في ظروف صحية وإنسانية صعبة أكثر من 400 لاجئ سوري، يتوزعون على 52 خيمة نصبت في أرض خاصة قدمها أحد أبناء البلدة. براءة.. تتواجد في أحد مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان، أصغر معلمة وعمرها 10 سنوات. حولت براءة عنتر (طفلة ذات العشر سنوات) السنديانة في مخيم كترمايا إلى مقر لتدرس فيه صغار المخيم، وتعلمهم ما اكتسبته هي في مدارس اللجوء. يعيش هنا في ظروف صحية وإنسانية صعبة أكثر من 400 لاجئ سوري، يتوزعون على 52 خيمة نصبت في أرض خاصة قدمها أحد أبناء البلدة.

Empathy in Times of Crisis - The Beryl Institute - Improving the Patient Experience We are facing a critical time of fear and uncertainty with the invasion of the novel Corona virus on the world stage, when healthcare organizations are scrambling to keep patients and workers safe, informed and calm. When fear takes hold, we can expect reactions to follow along a continuum from frank denial to full scale panic. Both of these extreme responses are not only unhelpful, but dangerous. When people raid grocery stores or hospital shelves and stock up on more hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes or face masks than they could possibly need, they leave others vulnerable to infection and with even greater fear and loss of control. Many regard empathy as merely a soft emotion of feeling sorry for others. How does empathy relate to emotional intelligence (EI)? Self-Awareness Self-awareness means recognizing your own emotions. Other-Awareness and Empathy Every human being has a longing to be seen and understood, and this longing becomes much more acute in times of crisis. Dr.

L'hanno chiamata «la donna più brutta del mondo», ma la sua risposta ha colpito a fondo TUTTI Questa donna ammirevole ci dà una grande lezione di vita. Lizzie Velasquez è nata con una malattia rara che soltanto un’altra persona al mondo condivide con lei. Questa malattia è talmente rara che non esistono spiegazioni a proposito, al di là del fatto che chi ne è affetto non riuscirà mai a prendere peso. In 25 anni di vita, Lizzie non ha mai pesato più di 30 kg. Mostra il seguito Quello che mi ha colpito è soprattutto la sua storia e il modo in cui ha lottato per non lasciare che fosse la malattia a definire chi fosse lei.

Empathy at Work—Why it (Really) Matters “Don’t be so sensitive.” I’m bothered by that sentence. If you’re an empathetic person, you’ve probably been told you’re too sensitive or emotional at some point in your life. (Or, many, many times in your life.) Empathy is the ability to sense and understand (at some level) other people’s emotions. Sometimes, to me, it feels like my empathy is a real weakness. It’s my empathy that allows me to intuitively sense a customer’s problem and immediately suggest solutions. Pardon this brief interruption, but this is Career Contessa. It’s not just a gut feeling—studies have shown that empathetic employees, and companies that prioritize an empathetic culture, outperform ones that don’t. Everyone wants to be productive—our productivity “hacks” are some of the most popular articles and resources we have. Not to mention, diverse and inclusive offices can only truly work if there is empathetic leadership. A video introduction to emotional intelligence: Create a Culture of Teamwork Ask Questions

The Importance of Empathy in Challenging Times - Amy Castro Whether you chose to work remotely or you’ve been thrust into the world of “telecommuters” by world events or changes in your business or industry, trying to manage a remote team brings challenges to even the most experienced leaders. In times of crisis, it’s very important that you realize your employees may feel like their world has been changed so profoundly that they don’t know which way is up . . . and maybe you feel a little bit like this too? It’s not “business as usual” right now and it’s important that leaders realize and acknowledge this and use it as a filter for their communication not only when they’re sending messages, but when they’re receiving them as well. One of the old adages about empathy is that it’s “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.” However, most people don’t take the time to identify what that really means and what it doesn’t mean. Let’s start with what it doesn’t mean. Empathy isn’t easy. Put aside your own opinions, values, judgments and experiences.
