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The Nourished Life: Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil Body Butter Recipe

The Nourished Life: Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil Body Butter Recipe
Does your moisturizer make you nervous? Let me guess: it’s either filled with questionable ingredients or wildly expensive. Or both. Like you, I’ve been seeking a natural alternative to those bottles of creamy (but chemical-laden) conventional lotions. Whip It: The Secret to Moisturizing with Coconut Oil I’ve been having an on again, off again love affair with coconut oil as a moisturizer for a few years now. Heating the jar to melt the oil never worked for me, either, because I chronically forgot to do it! One day I ran across a recipe for whipped shea butter, and this got me thinking: can you whip coconut oil? The result was a superbly light and fluffy moisturizer that far exceeded my expectations. Want to try it out? Whipped Coconut Oil Body Butter Recipe I love that this coconut oil recipe only requires one (yes, one!) What to do: 1. 2. 3. Note: Your whipped coconut oil should stay relatively soft, even at colder temperatures. Looking for the best high quality essential oils?

DIY : Mason Jar To-Go Cup How many crafts involving mason jars is this now for me? I've lost count. I've seen a few Mason Jar to-go cups floating around etsy and tumblr and decided it was way to easy (and cute!) of a project for me to not give it a try! You'll need : A Mason Jar with lid, reusable straws (I got mine from Starbucks), #14 stainless finishing washers (I grabbed these from Home Depot in the washers/nuts/bolts section), Cropodile (optional), oh and a glue gun! Start by punching a hole in the center of your lid (you could also poke the hole out with a hammer and nail if you don't have one of these fancy little cropadiles), you'll most likely need to widen it, so you can cut a few more around it to widen it // fill the inside of your washer with hot glue (try not to overfill), and carefully (it's hot!) The #14 washers were the perfect size for the straws I got - they slipped perfectly in but don't wiggle around at all! I think the hardest part might be deciding what drinks to put in it.

Homemade Summer Deodorant (That Won’t Melt in Your Cupboard) Last year, I shared some of my favourite homemade body care recipes, including deodorant. I’ve been using my own homemade deodorant for about three years now, to my complete satisfaction. It’s a very basic recipe, and you’re sure to find a bunch of similar ones online — it uses only baking soda, corn starch, coconut oil, and essential oils (especially tea tree). This recipe is great because it’s effective, super-frugal, non-toxic, and much less wasteful than conventional deodorant, where you chuck out a plastic container every couple of months. I’m trying to reduce the amount of waste — especially plastic — I send to the landfill, so that’s a big deal to me. (I’ve been using this same Old Spice stick container for the last three years.) About this deodorant, from the original post: You guys: this stuff works. There’s just one problem with my regular recipe. See, coconut oil melts at about 72 degrees F — the temperature of a moderately warm summer day. Add beeswax. Where to get beeswax?

jk jk: DIY: Nail and String Letters *Just want to give a quick shout out to Design Mom (not that she needs it) for posting this link on her blog. So cool! Thanks Gabrielle! So, I was at Anthropologie the other day. While browsing I saw these amazing letters on the wall made with nails and string. I took this quick photo. The wall space above my kitchen cabinets was begging for something. DIY: Nail and String Letters (Inspired by Anthropologie) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Now step back and look at how awesome your new wall looks. :) If you're looking for other cheap ways to decorate your walls, you might like this or this. DIY: Nourish yourself from head to toe with aloe & coconut moisturizer Summer is here and the sun is hot! Well for us in Singapore the sun is always hot, which is why we need to protect our skin that much more. This recipe is for an all-over, head-to-toe Aloe & Coconut moisturizer that leaves your skin feeling gorgeous. I really cannot stop touching my arms right now (I was covered after photographing this DIY!) You’ll need: An aloe vera leaf2-3 Tablespoons of virgin raw coconut oil (add more or less oil depending on whether you want a more light or intense moisturizer) Aloe vera is a skin superfood! For the second ingredient, I chose to use coconut oil, because I love the instant results that I feel as my skin soaks up this nourishing oil. There is a trick to getting the gel from the aloe vera… Between the inner gel and the rind, is a layer of a yellow sap called aloin that has an obnoxious smell and can be irritating. After a quick rinse, you can then squeeze and scrape off the gel – it’s messy fun and what you’ll have is a lovely thick gel.

Tutorials Now it's time to grab that other sock, provided it hasn't disappeared. Don't laugh -- I have about a half dozen socks whose partners have mysteriously vanished. It can happen. Turn the sock inside out and flatten it the other way, so the heel is folded in half. The long front half of the sock is the tail. Before cutting anything, I'll give you a bit of advice I learned the hard way: You'll notice the tail and the arms are the uppermost section.

Needle Felted Terrarium and Mushroom Tutorial A while back, I saw a post on Craft about everlasting terrariums which I really loved. I wanted to do a similar project, but make my own mushrooms with needle felting. This project was extremely fun to do and also looked amazing when it was finished. There are so many ways to customize your terrarium; you could make different mushrooms, add real forest objects like dry leaves, rocks or tiny pine cones, or you could even add kitschy items like vintage ceramic animals or little gnomes. I had never needle felted anything before, but the low cost for one barbed needle and a couple ounces of wool roving made me confident to just give it a try. To form a mushroom, felt a flattish pancake of wool, adding as you go to the top so that it forms a smooth dome, or whatever profile you want your cap to be. I also made some tiny fabric ferns for my terrarium.

6 Homemade Recipes for Acne Free Skin Switch things up a bit and ditch harsh chemicals to experiment with the magical effect of the following 6 homemade facial recipes for acne free skin. Acne is considered one of the most common skin problems of our times. Adults and teenagers struggle with pimples due to different reasons. An inappropriate nutritional plan, extreme weather conditions and the negative impact of various cosmetics can trigger the formation of zits. 1. Create a soothing toner to cleanse your complexion from grime and sebum excess. 2. Provide your complexion with a revitalizing treatment and enjoy the spotless condition of your skin using this natural facial recipe. Grab a medium bowl and mix 2 tsp of mung beans powder with a tiny amount of lemon juice and water. 3. Combine these natural ingredients packed with antioxidants for an acne free complexion. Apply the facial on your complexion and be sure to leave out the sensitive area around the eyes and your mouth. 4. 5. 6. Credit: Thinkstock Photos

Get Rid Of That pimple Overnight! | DIY Beauty Tutorials DIY: Get Rid Of That pimple Overnight! You guys might be wondering how is it possible to get rid of a pimple overnight with things that you usually find in your kitchen.. Well I assure you its 100% Possible and Natural.. This is an ancient Indian Recipe which was lost through centuries.. My mum told me about this recipe when I got my first pimple.. It was a nightmare :( But when I woke up in the morning in front of my mirror and saw that it was GONE.. Be sure that you are not allergic to Cinnamon so test it before use. Directions: Take 1 tsp of honey and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Love Krishna xxx
