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Book Creation on the iPad

Book Creation on the iPad

15 More Apps To Create Books On The iPad Creating books on the iPad doesn’t seem like the first thing you might do with one of the popular little tablets, but it’s really quite capable of doing so provided you’re not trying to write the next great novel. We’ve written about 3 apps to reate books on the iPad in the past, but the following listly by Meg Wilson goes further, including 15 apps to do so. The artful collision of technology, learning, and literacy is an idea promoted in the Common Core Standards, which is likely your rule book if you teach K-12 in an American public school. This is a new age of literacy where students can read, research, write, publish, and socialize on the same device sitting right in their lap with a pinch-and-zoom elegance that somehow makes the whole process seem easier than it really is. And for those of you that rail against both Common Core and the iPad (but obviously not literacy), keep fighting the good fight. 15 Literacy Apps To Create Books On The iPad

Going global with Book Creator - Book Creator for iPad Wouldn’t it be good if schools from across the world could collaborate on a project…? Meg Wilson is a special education teacher and assistive technology specialist, as well as being an Apple Distinguished Educator since 2011. She blogs at,, and about special education and mobile learning devices, app reviews, and other resources for educators. Redefining teaching and learning As a technology integrator for Avenues: The World School, I am constantly searching for technology tools that will allow students and teachers to redefine teaching and learning in a way that is personalised and accessible to a range of abilities. It is important that I find tools that allow for both creativity and collaboration. Collaboration made easy with Book Creator A central theme of the Avenues curriculum is global collaboration, so our students and teachers love to connect with classrooms around the world. The Global iBook
