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Google Wave As we announced in August 2010, we are not continuing active development of Google Wave as a stand-alone product. Google Wave will be shut down in April 2012. This page details the implication of the turn down process for Google Wave. Stage 1: Google Wave is read-only -- January 31, 2012 In this stage, you will no longer be able to create or edit waves. Robots that try to write to a wave will stop functioning. During this time, you will continue to be able to export your waves using the existing PDF export feature. If you want to continue using Wave, there is an open source project called Walkaround that includes an experimental feature to import all your waves from Google. OVO | Innovation Software and Services 15 Useful Project Management Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Advertisement by Cameron Chapman There is a huge variety of project management applications out there. Many of these project management apps have built-in code repositories and subversion browsers (or are built around them). Below are 15 useful project management applications, almost all of which are targeted directly at Web developers, designers (both Web and print) and other creative types. Also consider our previous article: Web Applications: Improve Your Workflow 1. These applications are marketed specifically for project management. Lighthouse Lighthouse is a bug- and issue-tracking app that tracks timelines and milestones, integrates with your email client and more. Project creation is simple; only a project title and description is required. Permissions are easy to set, and you can invite users by email. Lighthouse is great for Web development teams (or individuals) and has a very easy-to-use interface. Springloops The Springloops interface is very intuitive and easy to use. Jumpchart

La montée du “crowdsourcing” Après la mode de l’externalisation (outsourcing) qui, pour beaucoup d’entreprises high-tech a consisté à faire réaliser leur travail en Inde et en Chine à coûts réduits, voici venu le temps du crowdsourcing, qu’on pourrait traduire par « l’approvisionnement par la foule ». Le principe de fonctionnement de ces nouvelles entreprises est simple : utiliser le temps disponible des gens pour créer du contenu, résoudre des problèmes, voire même faire de la R&D, explique Jeff Howe pour Wired. Au travers de quatre exemples, il montre comment le monde du travail se transforme à l’heure des réseaux et se redessine, en partie, dans son management et son économie. Le succès est au rendez-vous : les revenus d’iStockphoto augmentent de 14 % par mois et le service indexe déjà quelques 10 millions d’images. Jeff Howe remarque que ce qui était un phénomène marginal, cantonné au monde du logiciel open source ou de l’encyclopédie collaborative, est en train de conquérir l’attention du monde des affaires.

Crowdsourcing Invents Games With Donut Whales And Robot Pickles Please enable JavaScript to watch this video. The Game Developers Conference sees a lot of creativity and interesting ideas pass through the halls of the convention centre it’s hosted at. Production company iam8bit put together their own creative project that spawned some abstract and quirky game ideas. Using oversized fridge magnets — you know, the ones with words that you put together to make nonsensical sentences with — iam8bit looked to passersby to crowdsource some zany game titles and genres. Character, concept, and other game designers and artists on hand took the frankly weird submissions and transformed them into visual representations that can be seen in the video above. I would play the hell out of A Toast With Robot Pickles or Super doughnut Whales.

BaseCampHQ innovation playground Idris Mootee: Three Secret Weapons Of Inno Welcome to the 24hr Innovation Marathon! That’s right! This post is part of “My Half Time Pep Talk for 2009,” a collection of posts about innovation on a variety of blogs, as part of the Board of Innovation’s 24 Hours of Innovation event started 3am May15 (Central time) to 3am May16. 2009 marks the 27th (correction not 25th) anniversary of the publication of In Search of Excellence (1982) by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman. Their ideas shaped new management thinking for more than two decades and inspired many young managers. The thing I like about Peters is that he is not a philosopher and he doesn’t have any all-embracing theories of the world of organizations or any formulas for change. Peters’ advice to companies is “Strive for Strangeness”: Creating a portfolio of the weird and encouraging "freaks" to flourish in the company will help ensure the steady stream of innovative ideas necessary to survive in a hyper-competitive international business environment. What’s Sensemaking?

Project Management, Time Tracking, Invoicing, Quotes : CreativeP Memrise wants to turn learning into a 'recreational sport' | Technology Memrise's gardening visualisation helps its users to learn You'd be forgiven for being wary of anyone who talks about gamification, with the term having become a buzzword for a lot of people whose main talent is, well, spouting buzzwords. But that doesn't apply to everyone. Ed Cooke is a Grand Master of Memory – a title awarded to people who prove they can memorise 1,000 random digits in an hour; the order of 10 decks of cards in an hour; and one deck of cards in under two minutes. His business partner Greg Detre has a PhD in neuroscience from Princeton. When the pair talk about "gamifying language learning", they're not messing about. Their company is called Memrise, and it was the first UK startup to graduate from the Techstars Boston incubator, before going on to raise $1.1m of seed funding from some prominent US investors in February 2012. "We're using crowd-sourcing, game-dynamics and lots of memory science to turn learning into a recreational sport," explains Cooke.

MindMeister Innovation, creativity and brainstorming resources from Innovati Group Collaboration Software | Online Project Collaboration Tool
