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Make Games - Making it in Indie Games: Starter Guide

Make Games - Making it in Indie Games: Starter Guide
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Level Design A plethora of level-design related texts and pieces from my brain. Mapography I’ve made a bunch of maps in my time. Too many, really. Professional - everything that appeared on shelvesPersonal - everything that didn’t The Making Of… This series looks back into the making of my two most popular maps, Dust and Dust 2, and a look at how they did post-release. The Making Of: Dust, 5th November 2011The Making Of: Dust 2, 29th January 2003The Making Of: Sienna, 28th September 2004 My Blog (deceased) For over a year I maintained a blog devoted to various aspects of game and level design. Some of the more notable posts include: Map Walkthroughs These walkthroughs were written by Mike S. ETC Walkthrough, 15th January 2003ETC 2 Walkthrough, 15th January 2003 Images Textures - some textures and images

The Big List Of Game Making Tools Learn Unity 2D | 2D game development in Unity underscorediscovery | independent game developer Gamasutra - The Art & Business of Making Games Art Assets – best practice guide Scale & Units Set your system and project units for your software to work consistently with Unity e.g. Metric. Files & Objects Name objects in your scene sensibly and uniquely – this can help you locate and troubleshoot specific meshes in your project:Avoid special characters *()?” Sensibly named objects help you find stuff quickly Mesh Build with an efficient topology – use polygons only where you need them.Optimise your geometry if it has too many polygons – many character models will need to be intelligently optimised or even rebuilt by an artist esp if sourced/built from: 3D capture dataPoserZbrushOther hi density Nurbs/Patch models designed for renderEvenly spaced polygons in buildings, landscape and architecture where you can afford them, will help spread lighting and avoid awkward kinks.Avoid really long thin triangles Stairway to framerate heaven The method you use to construct objects can have a massive affect on the number of polygons, especially when not optimised. Textures

Royalty Free Stock Photo Texture Gallery » Royalty Free Stock Photo Texture Gallery You NEVER can have enough textures! Therefore we open our photo case here for you: over 4000 free textures!high average resolution of 1600 px x 1200 pxperfect stuff for your architecture visualizations and illustrations And the best: you can use the textures for your private AND commercial projects. 8 WordPress Plugins for Building a Video Game Site | (Anti) Social Development Posted on 26 March, 2009 By Kim Woodbridge For video game week, I listed some themes suitable for gaming sites and places to find free and cheap games. If you want to use WordPress to build a videogame site, there are a number of plugins that can assist you. The site can feature demos, screenshots, walkthoughs and hints, reviews and ratings, and a forum to discuss games. As I work on this article I keep thinking about more things that can be added to make an awesome video game portal in WordPress so I’m sure I’m leaving out something. WP Games Embed – This plugin facilitates turning your blog into a games arcade. photo credit: BrotherMagento Keep Reading: Did you enjoy this article? Trackbacks/Pingbacks

10 Astuces CSS pour vous sauver la vie ! #2 Après un premier article présentant 10 astuces à connaître pour éviter de s’arracher les cheveux sur du CSS, voici la suite toujours aussi utile ! A première vue, le CSS est un langage, voire un « format », facile et rapidement assimilable. Seulement, il y a de nombreuses subtilités à connaître avant de maîtriser entièrement le duo xHTML/CSS. Je vais délivrer certaines connaissances, astuces ou autres trucs pouvant vous éviter de perdre des heures de recherches. Comme vous le verrez, certaines astuces sont assez avancées et peu communes, pourtant certaines sont incroyablement utiles ! 1. Longtemps peu utilisé, notamment à cause d’Internet Explorer qui le gérait très mal, cette propriété permet de gérer la superposition d’éléments en définissant un ordre. Exemple rapide rien que pour vous : <div id= »test1″>…</div> <div id= »test2″>…</div> <div id= »test3″>…</div> Le CSS avec test1 tout en haut, test2 tout en bas et test3 au milieu de l’axe Z (superposition). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

10 erreurs fréquentes à ne plus commettre avec WordPress (Infographie) WordPress est LE CMS le plus populaire au monde, avec plus de 75 millions de sites qui l’utilisent dans le monde, que ce soit pour la création de blogs, de sites vitrines ou encore de sites E-commerce, WordPress est massivement utilisé, mais pas toujours aussi bien qu’il le faudrait. Cette infographie revient sur les 10 principales erreurs à ne plus commettre en 2015 avec WordPress. Erreur 1- Garder l’identifiant de connexion « Admin » pour le compte administrateur Toutes les attaques par force brute qui ciblent des installations WordPress seront plus à même de pénétrer votre site internet si ce dernier dispose d’un compte administrateur avec un login inchangé « admin ». Cette modification d’identifiant doit être faite dès l’installation de WordPress. Erreur 2- Garder les préfixes des tables de votre site sous la forme « wp_ » Cette seconde erreur fréquente affecte elle aussi la sécurité des installations WordPress. Erreur 3- Ne pas faire de backups réguliers de son site WordPress

How to draw a head: master the 8 most common angles Learning how to draw a head is no easy feat. But as a story artist – or any aspiring artist – you should be able to draw characters from any angle, so mastering this skill is vital. While there are an almost infinite number of angles to choose from, there are some that come up regularly in the visual storytelling process. This short lesson will cover what these angles are, and break down how to draw a head from those angles – so grab your best pencils and follow along. The head is an incredibly complex structure. Using these two basic shapes, you can set up the foundation for a drawing of a head at any angle. How to draw a head: 8 common angles The angles you’ll encounter the most as a story artist are: ProfileStraight onUpUp three-quartersDownThree-quartersDown three-quartersRear three-quarters You will find yourself returning to these angles over and over again, so it’s good to know them well enough that you can whip them out with your eyes closed. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08.

31 free public domain image websites A public domain image is defined as a photo, clip art or vector whose copyright has expired or never existed in the first place. These images can be used by almost anyone for personal and commercial purposes. There are three ways that public domain images occur: The image is assigned to the public domain through a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license or similar releaseThe image is not copyrightableThe copyright for the image has expired Museums, libraries and photographers sick of “traditional” stock photos have released thousands of public domain images online, making them more easily available to the public and (yep!) 1. Wikimedia Commons is one of the largest public domain images resources. Please note that Wikimedia Commons does not guarantee the correctness of the licensing for each image, so make sure to triple-check the license tag for each individual image 2. Read more about their terms here. 3. Read about their terms here. 4. 5. 6. Read about their terms here. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13.
