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WeVideo Log In Don't have an account?SIGN UP Facebook Google Yahoo Office 365 E-mail or Username Password Waze - GPS, Maps, Traffic Alerts & Live Navigation Always know what’s happening on the road with Waze. Even if you know the way, Waze tells you about traffic, construction, police, crashes, and more in real-time. If traffic is bad on your route, Waze will change it to save you time. Why Waze? Be prepared, drive with Waze! Waze directions aren’t meant for emergency or oversized vehicles. National Geographic Learning - Reading - 21st Century Reading - PRO0000000539 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading educational publisher of school, higher education, English Language Teaching, library and reference materials. At National Geographic Learning, we believe that an engaged and motivated learner will be a successful one, and we design our materials to motivate. We believe that learning can be exciting, inspiring, and transformational. Through our learning programs, we want learners to experience the excitement and joy of learning that National Geographic explorers, scientists, writers and photographers experience. At National Geographic Learning, we have a responsibility to future generations to provide strong educational skills and an awareness of their role as caretakers of the planet.

Keyboarding Online by Ellsworth Publishing Co. Moodle This official app will ONLY work with Moodle sites that have been set up to allow it. Please talk to your site administrator if you have any problems connecting. If your site has been configured correctly, you can use this app to: - Browse the content of your courses, even when offline- Receive instant notifications of messages and other events- Quickly find and contact other people in your courses- Upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device- View your course grades- and more! Please see for all the latest information. We’d really appreciate your feedback on what else you want this app to do! The app requires the following permissions:

BBC Learning English Flipboard News aggregator and social network aggregation company History[edit] The original launch of Flipboard in 2010 was exclusively for iPad. It launched the iPhone and iPod Touch versions seventeen months later in December 2011.[citation needed] The company raised more than $200 million in funding from investors,[citation needed] and an additional $50 million from JPMorgan Chase in July 2015.[4][5] Original Flipboard logo, in use until 2018 In March 2014, Flipboard bought Zite, a magazine-style reading app, from the CNN television network. In February 2015, Flipboard became available on the web. On May 29, 2019, Flipboard disclosed a security breach that affected an unspecified number of users between June 2, 2018, and March 23, 2019, and April 21 and 22, 2019, where customer databases including information, such as encrypted passwords and access tokens for third-party services, were accessible to an unauthorized party. Reception[edit] Censorship[edit] User interface[edit] See also[edit]

Cinema per a Estudiants A la nostra pàgina web Cinema per a estudiants trobareu aquestes seccions: CICLE CINEMA PER A ESTUDIANTS (Àrea de Catalunya) Tota la informació sobre les pel·lícules que hem programat en sales de cinema de Catalunya per al curs escolar actual: títols, nivells educatius, àrees del currículum als quals s’adrecen, poblacions, dates, sales, horaris i forma d’inscriure-s’hi. Cercador de pel·lícules classificades per diferents conceptes, enllaços d’interès, notícies i, per a alguns films, propostes d’activitats per a la classe. El nostre catàleg de pel·lícules amb propostes d’activitats didàctiques en diferents llengües i classificades per diferents conceptes. SESSIONS ESPECIALS (Àrea de Catalunya) Sessions de cinefòrum a l’aula per a l’estudi i la reflexió sobre temes diversos a través de la projecció, l’anàlisi i el comentari de fragments de pel·lícules. Informació al voltant del món del cinema, el llenguatge audiovisual i l’ensenyament.

EduWiki L'Eduwiki és la wiki per a l'alumnat dels 6 als 16 anys. Nens i nenes poden començar per la Primerawiki, mentre que els i les joves tenen l'espai Wikijove. És un espai col·laboratiu, on participen moltes persones des de diferents centres educatius d'arreu de Catalunya, en català i seguint uns principis normatius. Visiteu els protocols de publicació, models d'entrada i tutorials per participar amb les vostres contribucions! I qui és la Wiki?

Iniciar sesión en Classroom - Ordenador - Ayuda de Classroom El tipo de entorno formativo determina la cuenta con la que se inicia sesión en Classroom, que puede ser una de las siguientes: Cuenta de centro educativo: se conoce también como cuenta de Google Workspace for Education y la configura un centro educativo acreditado. Esta cuenta tiene el formato Si no tienes los datos de acceso a tu cuenta de Google Workspace for Education, pregunta a tu profesor o al administrador de TI de tu centro. Cuenta personal de Google: la configuras tú o tu padre, madre o tutor. Nota: Los padres, madres y tutores no pueden acceder a la aplicación Classroom ni a las tareas de sus hijos debido a las leyes de privacidad. Iniciar sesión Para iniciar sesión debes tener una conexión a Internet activa. Iniciar sesión por primera vez Ve a y haz clic en Ir a Classroom. Cambiar de cuenta Si has iniciado sesión en varias cuentas y necesitas cambiar a la que utilizas con Classroom, haz lo siguiente:
