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Internet 2010 in numbers What happened with the Internet in 2010? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many, many more. We used a wide variety of sources from around the Web to put this post together. Prepare for a good kind of information overload. Email 107 trillion – The number of emails sent on the Internet in 2010.294 billion – Average number of email messages per day.1.88 billion – The number of email users worldwide.480 million – New email users since the year before.89.1% – The share of emails that were spam.262 billion – The number of spam emails per day (assuming 89% are spam).2.9 billion – The number of email accounts worldwide.25% – Share of email accounts that are corporate. Websites 255 million – The number of websites as of December 2010.21.4 million – Added websites in 2010. Web servers Domain names Internet users Social media Web browsers Videos Images

Bridging The Gap In Social Media Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] Five Companies that Fix their Story to Inspire Service Branding as a strategy means little if the customer experience is not there. If your story doesn’t align with what you do, all of the clever tactics you can come up with to follow your lofty goal will not make the cut. Unless you can fix your story by inspiring a culture of service from the inside. You instill a belief as well as make an example of behaviors to follow throughout the organization. Which companies are doing that today? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. These companies are doing it without drama. Read more of Valeria Maltoni’s Customer Conversation Valeria Maltoni is a professional marketer with 20 years of real-world corporate experience across a broad array of mid-to-large sized companies, 10 of which online. Now Valeria applies that knowledge to helping businesses understand how customers and communities have changed marketing, public relations, and communications - and how to build value in this new environment.

Crowdsourcing is a skill, not a theory At #OUI2010, intra-organizational crowdsourcing has been one of the more interesting topics. (Of course, I am a producer of OSS and OI research of and a consumer of crowdsourcing work, so I am not as up-to-speed on the latter.) Of the four long papers on crowdsourcing presented at the conference, two were about internal crowdsourcing. The most ambitious was a paper by Hind Benbya and Marshall Van Alstyne (presented by the latter) about crowdsourcing can be used to create internal markets for knowledge, rather than the more hierarchical and bureaucratic approaches of more traditional knowledge management. As in external crowdsourcing, they use the two-sided market perspective (which Van Alstyne helped invent) to match buyers and sellers. However, their new wrinkle is to argue that a price system — rather than internal fixed incentives or a rating system — is necessary to stimulate the right quantity and quality of idea generation.

Les prévisions sur le marché des biens techniques et de l’entertainment de GfK Retail and Technology L’institut d’études GfK Retail and Technology publie ses prévisions sur le marché des biens techniques et de l’entertainment. Sur le premier semestre 2011, ces deux marchés ont enregistré une baisse importante de leur CA de -4,1%. Marché des biens techniques :- TélévisionCe marché est touché par un facteur conjoncturel, entre autres par le manque d’événement fédérateur. De ce fait, la concurrence accrue sur les équipements TV entraîne une baisse des prix qui se traduit sur le marché de l’électronique grand public par une baisse de 6% du CA, malgré une croissance des ventes de 6% (3,6 millions de postes achetés). Le LED s’impose sur le marché des écrans LCD avec 45% des volumes, tout comme la 3D sur les TV de grande taille (20% des écrans de plus de 42 pouces).

How the World Uses Social Networks [INFOGRAPHIC] Social networks in every country might live on the same Internet, but that doesn't prevent differences in online customs and culture from developing along geographic borders. Ongoing market research service Global Web Index has mapped these differences in the infographic above (click it to enlarge). The research, run by London-based consultancy Trendstream, has conducted six waves of surveys about global consumer adoption of the Internet and social media in 36 markets. It used data from its February 2011 surveys of between 750 and 2,000 online users in each market to define three behavior types: messagers, groupers and content sharers. In some countries, many of them Asian, most people were focused on content sharing. Trendstream also used data from the survey to map social network penetration in each country that it surveyed. Does the way any country uses social networks surprise you?

Guess Who's the World's Biggest Landlord? Alarming, troubling and yet so ultimately predictable is the assumption Facebook will eventually charge fees for accounts held by corporates. This is based on simple business paradigms. Leverage is now heavily weighted towards one party (Facebook) which implies the other must pay (companies). Build your own property or lease? The landscape paints a picture of eager management rushing into a space with short term thinking. One can say Facebook has no intention of driving revenue from "networks management" for corporate pages; yet it's a very empty statement. Has it happened before? Lessons learned teach us to think both short and long term about 'where you see the community brand site in 2,3 and perhaps in 10 years?' Warren Buffet says it very well "build to own it." Written by Andrew Collins for the Mailman.

Understanding the ROI of Customer Evangelism “ What is the ROI? ” is the question that usually follows announcements of new marketing activities. No matter how creative your marketing initiative might be, if it does not result in benefits larger than the initial investment, it is worth a revision. The ROI question has now long been part of the conversation about inbound marketing , email and social media . Yet, it remains less visible in the realm of another marketing channel— customer evangelism . Customer evangelism is a type of word-of-mouth marketing in which a company develops a loyal base of customers who voluntarily spread positive messages about it. But what is the ROI of customer evangelism? A 2008 study by BzzAgent , a Boston word-of-mouth marketing agency, showed that the return on investment reaches about 400 percent. Though this piece of data is optimistic, it might not be entirely useful for your business needs. Measure Social Media Following Track Referral Submissions Survey Your Sales Team

Amazon Products Visualization - YASIV Yasiv is a visual recommendation service that helps people find the right product from Amazon's catalog; be it a book, a movie or a video game - Yasiv finds anything and everything which is sold on We often decide what to buy based on what others are buying, and that's no bad thing, after all. If something is bought by many of our friends there has to be a reason. The site is in its early stages at the moment and there are many things that we want to get right. Yasiv is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to with no additional cost to customers.

Channel 4 backs Facebook game as new revenue stream Channel 4 is financially backing the launch of a new Facebook game that will help it procure more data about its audiences and explore the social gaming space as a future source of revenue. Beauty Town, developed by Dynamo Games, is aimed at young women and aims to promote healthy body image, with players running their own virtual fashion boutique. The multiplayer game works in a similar way to popular titles such as Zynga’s Farmville, by allowing players to buy items with Facebook Credits to quickly progress through levels. Users will learn “by stealth” about body image, by choosing clothes for their avatar’s body shape and learning about health on the game’s forum. Channel 4 will use analytics from the game, which responds to user behaviour, to help inform it about its potential audiences and the help the broadcaster understand how to better engage with teenage girls and young female adults. Beauty Town is also supported by Creative Scotland’s Digital Media IP Fund.

The Viral Garden Dealing With Employees Who Are Social Media Celebrities One of the big promises of social media is that literally anyone can become a celebrity now because of cheap and easy access to social media tools. We all have a shot at our 15 megabytes of fame if we can create compelling content. But what are the implications for businesses that get serious about social media? Are there hidden dangers lurking for companies whose employees are “too good” with social media? This article will explore five benefits and five threats of celebrity employees. The Employee Celebrity Is Born Organizations around the world are wisely trying to dive into social media to take advantage of the new opportunities. The Shift to Managing Talent An employee celebrity is someone in your organization who has a positive reputation apart from or in addition to your corporate brand. When you’re working with talent, there are inherent benefits and potential landmines. Five Opportunities of Celebrity Employees #1: A Human Connection #2: Enhanced Credibility #3: Better Insight

Study Reveals Why Consumers Fan Facebook Pages Have you ever wondered why people decide to become fans of Facebook pages? Understanding the reasons people become fans can help your business or brand develop better strategies. In this article, I take a look at two studies. The first reveals why consumers fan businesses on Facebook. #1: Nearly 40% of Consumers “Like” Companies on Facebook to Publicly Display Their Brand Affiliation to Friends As Facebook grows, we’re able to learn even more about the behaviors and preferences of its users. Nearly 40% of Facebook users who become fans do so to receive discounts and promotions and 39% become fans to show their support for a brand to their friends. “Consumers use Facebook to interact with friends, be entertained and express themselves through their public affiliation with brands—factors that combine to create a potent viral marketing platform,” said Jeff Rohrs, principal, ExactTarget’s research and education group. We want to hear from you!

Socio-demographics worldwide for social media tools by eaz Sep 23
