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(App page links under iPAD Apps {Question 3} or use the search) Now that you have bought your iPad, what are the questions you need to ask? Questions: 1. What is an iPAD? -- The iPAD is a WiFI/ 3G slate computer that is based on the iPhone/ iPod Touch operating system. The iPAD can be used in any direction It can be used as a note-taking device; an e-reader; a web browser; to send email; and has many other uses as new applications are developed.

Stories from the Field – ELLstudents Going Beyond 'Turn & Talk': Academic Conversations for ELLs Posted by Sarah Ottow on A lot of my time as a coach supporting schools is spent observing teachers and providing targeted feedback to help boost language development for their English language learners (ELLs). I also train and coach school leaders to more effectively evaluate teachers of ELLs. In both cases, educators often wonder why their ELLs' oral language isn't where they want it to be when they are using the infamous strategy of 'turn and talk'. We all know that student talk versus teacher talk is an important starting place for allowing students to practice language more.

How To Manage A Classroom Of iPads The following is a sponsored post by Datamation Systems, Inc. . They’ve worked with more than 10,000 schools to help deploy and secure classrooms full of technology. Want to learn more? Check out their ad in the Edudemic Magazine or visit the Datamation website here . iPads are fun. Math Apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad Yesterday, while browsing through the app store on iTunes, I came across a banner-style ad at the top of the page for apps that help you to learn math. I found this feature very helpful and decided to browse through some of the apps. The topics were broken down into sections including Numbers & Operation, Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, Probability & Statistics, Applying Math, and Math Games. Each section provided a short list of apps to choose from based on the topic. I was happy to see that they included such a wide variety of math related topics that included teaching math to toddlers all the way through adulthood. The cost of the apps ranged from free up to $9.99.

Preparing Your School for an iPad Implementation Planning is imperative for any technology initiative - iPad or otherwise. You need to ensure that you clearly understand and communicate how the technology integrates with your overall pedagogical objectives. Too many institutions purchase technology and then search for ways to utilize it ... or leave it collecting dust on the shelf. Planning needs to consider both infrastructure needs and the educational applications of the new technology. Without the proper preparation, technology initiatives are liable to become expensive failures. Campus Infrastructure Considerations Clearinghouse E-Newsletter SignUp Show all resources sorted by

I’m New Here by Anne Sibley O’Brien – The ESOL Mentor Teacher Every time I read I’m New Here by Anne Sibley O’Brien, I discover something new I love about it. First I want to talk about all of the things that the book can teach/remind adults about English Learners (ELs). They are going to go through culture shock when they first arrive in your classroom.Many could read and write in their first language and were thriving as students.Some Els are learning an entirely new alphabet system.ELs may not be talking, but their minds are full of thoughts, ideas, and dreams.They may feel isolated, lonely, sad, confused, and homesick.ELs learn social language first. You will see them talk on the playground and in the cafeteria first.They work better with partners and groups. Collaborate is key to ELs thriving in the mainstream classroom.ELs can teach children and adults new things.They need you to make their environment safe, so they can take risks.Every EL has a strength that can be highlighted while they are still learning English. Like this:

e-Tech 2010 The conference program posted is tentative. Minor changes may be made before the program is finalized. Any inquiries about the program can be sent to Dr. Hung at Virtual Rat Dissection App June 6th, 2011 Comments Off Application: Rat Dissection What it is: The Virtual Rat Dissection app from Punflay is a fantastic alternative to the actual dissection in the classroom. The app is perfect for students who are learning about organs and the organ system in life science. The app is brilliant in the way it offers students all of the tools that come with a real dissection without all the mess (and smell…do you all remember the smell?

Teaching Kids with iPads – Part 4 of 5 #edchat #mlearning #ipaded Some times when I am speaking at a conference about iPads in education teachers will share a concern that they have about every student getting an iPad. They are worried than the students will just work in isolation and our society will become even more fractured and self-centered with students never learning to work together. They imagine a room full of kids with headphones on just plugged into their iPads like a room full of zombies. I had this same concern when I started to design my lessons that used iPads. I made sure that most of the lessons involved team work and collaboration (a 21st century skill).

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