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Tongue Twisters - Free English Lessons

Tongue Twisters - Free English Lessons

ESL Phonics - Word Lists, Reading Passages, Printable Worksheets and Quizzes Short a - word list and sentences using the "short a" sound Short_a - rhyming words - sets of rhyming words that have the "short a" sound Short_a - Read for Speed! - students challenge themselves to read this short passage as fast as they can! Short e - word list and sentences using the "short e" sound Short e - rhyming words - sets of rhyming words that have the "short e" sound Short e - tongue twisters! Short a/e review - practice saying and hearing the difference between the "short a" and "short e" sounds Short i - word list and sentences using the "short i" sound Short i - rhyming words - sets of rhyming words that have the "short i" sound Short a/e/i review - practice saying and hearing the difference between "short a," "short e," and "short i." Several more word lists like these, plus games, tongue twisters, quizzes, speed reading exercises, and more in our Phonics Monster books. Short o - word list and sentences using the "short o" sound Long e - Read for Speed!

Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups: Juno: Teenage Pregnancy This is a great movie. Teenage pregnancy is dealt with in a creative, different manner. My students had a lot to say about it. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. - if he is underaged too? - if he is older than 18? - If he is older than 35? - If he had raped the teenager? - if he has a wife? - if he denies it? II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - You were Juno? - You were Juno's best friend? - You were Juno's parents? - You were the father of the baby? - You were the foster parents to whom Juno promised to give the baby away. 7.

Curso de inglés fonética inglesa - Daway Inglés Sheep or ship? ¿Cómo los distingo? Si has leído mi e-book sabrás que uno de los pilares de esta web, una de las claves para aprender inglés es el estudio de la fonética. La única manera de mejorar tu listening, y si quieres hacerlo de una manera bestial, es aprender un poco de fonética inglesa. Esto puede abrirte los ojos y enseñarte qué es lo que hacen los nativos cuando hablan, eso que a ti te suena a chino y hace que sea inteligible lo que dicen. Y es que el español y el inglés son idiomas muy distintos en ese sentido. Dado que escribiré varios posts sobre este tema, voy a organizarlos todos en este único artículo de modo que dispongas de una lista útil y fácil de leer. Todas las lecciones de fonética inglesa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Photo (edited) by: Chris Dlugosz

at the hairdresser's Image Credit: Pixabay I was asked a few weeks ago by a reader if I could write a post about hair, hairdressers and hairstyles. She needed to see her hairdresser and wanted to know how to explain what she wanted doing to her hair. So I thought to myself what better time to write about hair than when I’m at the hairdresser’s! As I write this post, I am at my hairdresser’s having my hair done. Me having my flashlights and roots done! I get my hair coloured and cut every five weeks and have the flashlights every ten weeks. So as my hairdresser put the gown over my clothes as protection, I told her that I was going to ask her a number of questions about hair and hairstyles. ColouringFirst of all, I asked her about all the different colouring treatments you can have. For those of us who want to cover our grey hair, we have the option of either a semi-permanent or permanent colour. WashingAfter all that colouring, it’s always a relief to have my hair thoroughly washed or shampooed. Ciao for now

curso básico de fonética general Objetivo general: Presentar una introduccion a la teoría y práctica de la fonética articulatoria. Objetivo específico: Capacitar al estudiante para desarrollar su habilidad de reconocer, definir, producir y transcribir una amplia gama de sonidos utilizados en las lenguas humanas. Para lograr estos objetivos, se presentan ejemplos tomados de diversas lenguas del mundo y con ellos se hacen intensos ejercicios con un grado creciente de dificultad. Texto: Herramientas para analizar las lenguas del mundo: un curso básico en Fonética Articulatoria. Compiladores: Gastón Salamanca y Stephen A. Ejemplos: Los ejemplos se toman de varias lenguas, incluyendo el español (varios dialectos de la península ibérica y de diversos países hispanoamericanos); inglés británico (dialecto sureño, "Southern British English", también conocido como "Received Pronunciation"); inglés americano (General American); y varias lenguas indígenas de las Américas, entre otras. versión 6.

Voscreen: teaching with video clips I might be a bit late to the Voscreen party as I’ve discovered this free platform a couple of months ago. I’ve been experimenting with it quite a bit and I’d like to share my 10 ideas about using it with English learners in and out of the classroom. What is Voscreen? Voscreen is a free platform (you need to sign up / log in with your Facebook account which takes 5 seconds) offering a variety of very short video clips which come from TV series, movies, songs, you name it. In each short clip, a phrase is said. As you enter the website, you select your native language, watch the clip, and then choose the accurate translation to the short phrase uttered in the clip. There are 5 levels of difficulty to choose from, as well as a number of grammar categories to browse through (Present Simple, Prepositions, Phrasal Verbs, Passive Voice etc.). Using Voscreen with students #1 Paraphrasing (levels intermediate and higher) Voscreen lends itself perfectly to practice paraphrasing. Example: #6 Why?

Videos inglés Los videos son muy útiles para mejorar la pronunciación del inglés, y por eso procuro utilizarlos mucho en el blog pronunciar inglés. A continuación pongo los post en los que he incluido videos: En la etiqueta videos puedes ver todos las entradas relacionadas con videos. Randall's Video Snapshots: For ESL/EFL Students The movie clips called Video Snapshots are designed to provide additional learning content related to other listening activities on my site. To learn more about this project, read the Frequently Asked Questions below: Current Videos (Click the picture to watch the video - Click the link below the picture to visit a related listening activity). You can also search by title below: Why did you create this section of your Website? How do you decide on the topics? Why are the videos short, between 30-60 seconds? Do you plan on adding other speakers on the videos? Do you realize there are some grammar mistakes in the videos? There is a lot of background noise in some the video, and it's sometimes hard to hear exactly what is being said. Which video format do you use? Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

Trucos para la correcta pronunciación de palabras en inglés | animalaes Aprender a pronunciar bien en inglés es muy importante. Por desgracia, el inglés no es como el español, que se lee tal y como se escribe, en inglés no tenemos esa ventaja. Es una de las cosas que hace que pierdas un poco la motivación de aprender inglés, pero no hay que desanimarse. Mi profesora de inglés me dio unas cuantas reglas que considero muy útiles a la hora de saber como pronunciar una palabra en inglés que no conocemos o que nunca la hemos oido con anterioridad. Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es separar la palabra en sílabas. También tenemos que saber que la letra “r” es muda después de cualquier vocal y hace que cambie el sonido de la vocal. Dicho esto, las posibilidades de pronunciar las vocales aumentan. Vocales Vocal A La vocal A tiene cuatro posibles pronunciaciones dependiendo de: Kate: si la separamos en sílabas tenemos Ka-te, por lo que la primera sílaba es una sílaba abierta y se lee como en el alfabeto, ei. Vocal E Vocal I Vocal O Vocal U Vocal Y Consonantes Consonante C

TeacherTube - Teach the World Key to pronunciation The pronunciations given are those in use among educated urban speakers of standard English in Britain and the United States. While avoiding strongly regionally or socially marked forms, they are intended to include the most common variants for each word. The keywords given are to be understood as pronounced in such speech. This key is to the pronunciations given in revised entries. For pronunciations in unrevised entries, see this key. British English Consonants In addition, the consonants l, m, and n can take on the function of a vowel in some unstressed syllables. Vowels and diphthongs ᵻ represents free variation between /ɪ/ and /ə/ ᵿ represents free variation between /ʊ/ and /ə/ Stress The symbol ˈ at the beginning of a syllable indicates that that syllable is pronounced with primary stress, as in the first syllable of cerebrate /ˈsɛrᵻˌbreɪt/ . U.S. The consonants of U.S. After a vowel, U.S. Compare U.S. mar /mɑr/, marring /ˈmɑrɪŋ/ with British mar /mɑː/, marring /ˈmɑːrɪŋ/

Selected VOA Special English TV Videos The newer videos are near the top of each category. To see all the videos, go to VOA Special English TV Videos. Architecture Designing a Quake-Resistant Building Starts at the Soil Computers Environment / Ecology Games Gardening Health How to Do Things Japan Language Money How an Allowance Helps Children Learn About Money Music Nature People Places Space Is NASA's James Webb Space Telescope a Time Machine? Sports Unsorted More ... To see all the videos, go to VOA Special English TV Videos.
