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CHLORELLA (Algue verte) : Bienfaits et Vertus de la Chlorella ? Propriétés médicinales ? Posologie de la Chlorella ? Effets secondaires ? Où Acheter de la Chlorella BIO ? La Chlorella est une algue verte très connue pour son puissant pouvoir détoxifiant de l’organisme. Chlorella : Propriétés médicinales Anti-maladies – Anti-cancers – Désintoxication – désintoxique l’organisme (polluants, métaux lourds…) (association Spiruline) – purifier l’haleine, les odeurs corporelles – puissants pouvoirs cicatrisants – favorise guérison des blessures – antioxydant, anti-vieillissement (association Goji) – aide à prévenir les cancers (des études confirmées sur la souris) (association Curcuma) – tonifie, stimule et protège le système immunitaire – protège des maladies et infections (pharyngite, grippe, rhume, laryngite, gingivite…) – permet de lutter efficacement contre l’anémie (association Spiruline) – purifie le sang (association Curcuma) – purifie les tissus de l’organisme – oxygénation de l’organisme Related:  Phytothérapie

MR-GINSENG.COM: The Power Of Medicinal Plants!! SPIRULINE SPIRULINE (Algue bleue-verte) : Bienfaits et Vertus de la Spiruline ? Propriétés médicinales ? Posologie de la Spiruline ? Effets secondaires ? Où Acheter de la Spiruline BIO ? La Spiruline est considérée comme un Super-aliment. Spiruline : Propriétés médicinales Anti-maladies – Anti-cancers – Désintoxication – puissant antioxydant, anti-vieillissement – préventif anti-cancers (pas assez d’études à ce jour, mais sa composition très riche protège considérablement l’organisme) – convalescence (association Ginseng) – stimule le système immunitaire – renforce le potentiel de nos défenses immunitaires – détoxifier l’organisme des métaux lourds, polluants, radiations nocives (association Chlorella) – protection des radiations – efficace pour lutter contre l’anémie – diminue le taux de cholestérol trop élevé (usage fréquent) – protège et renforce tous les organes vitaux – protège des maladies et infections (pharyngite, grippe, rhume, laryngite…) Energie – Sport – Muscles – diminue la sensation de fatigue

Chocolate Toothpaste Works Better Than Fluoride November 19, 2013 | 78,880 views Share By Dr. Fluoride is a toxic industrial waste product that is a poison to your body even in trace amounts, yet it is added to the majority of US water supplies using the rationale that it helps prevent dental cavities. Chocolate Toothpaste Works Better Than Fluoride A recent study presented at the American Dental Association (ADA) 2013 Annual Session pitted fluoride toothpaste against a new toothpaste that contains the naturally-occurring cacao extract theobromine. "The comparison to toothpastes containing fluoride - one as much as 5,000 ppm [parts per million] - validates what our research has shown all along: that Rennou [the cocoa extract] … is more effective and safer than fluoride, which can be toxic if ingested." Past research has also shown that the chocolate ingredient theobromine works better than fluoride. Scientists Now Questioning Whether Fluoride Works to Fight Cavities Fluoride Toothpaste Can Be Deadly to Children

MACA : Propriétés, Bienfaits, Posologie, Effets secondaires ? MACA (Lepidium Meyenii) : Bienfaits et Vertus de la Maca ? Propriétés médicinales ? Posologie de la Maca du Pérou ? Effets secondaires, Dangers ? Plante Aphrodisiaque ? La Maca (Lepidium meyenii), aussi surnommée le Ginseng Péruvien, est une très puissante plante médicinale du Pérou connue pour être un excellent aphrodisiaque. Maca : Propriétés médicinales Aphrodisiaque – Libido – Santé sexuelle – aphrodisiaque puissant (pour homme et femme) – augmente la libido, le désir sexuel, frigidité (association Ginseng) – favorise la fertilité (usage traditionnel) (excellente association de la Maca avec le Tribulus) – stimule la virilité (usage traditionnel) – régularisation des glandes endoctrines – dysfonctionnement et impuissance sexuelle – panne sexuelle, érection difficile – règles doulouses, troubles menstruelles (association Spiruline) – diminue les symptômes de la ménopause, les bouffées de chaleur Maladies – Fatigue – Douleurs – fatigue globale, affaiblissement – favorise une bonne santé général

Pour un scooter de moins de 50cm3 Petite ou grosse cylindrée, les conditions d’accès à la conduite ne sont pas les mêmes. Attention, les conditions peuvent également varier en fonction de l’ancienneté du permis du conducteur. Petit rappel : on entend par petites cylindrées, les "cyclomoteurs" n’excédant pas 50 cm3 et dont la vitesse ne doit pas dépasser les 45 km/h, ainsi que les "motos légères" n’excédant pas les 125 cm3 et dont la vitesse par construction n’est pas limitée, mais dont la puissance ne doit pas dépasser 11 kW (15 ch). Les grosses cylindrées sont les motos de plus de 125 cm3 dont la puissance est comprise entre 15 ch et 100 ch. Les conditions pour conduire un moins de 50 cm3 Le BSR (brevet de sécurité routière) appelé également permis AM depuis le 19 janvier 2013 Pour obtenir le BSR, vous devez avoir 14 ans révolus et posséder l’ASSR (Attestation de Scolaire de Sécurité Routière) de niveau 1, passée en classe de 5e ou de niveau 2 passé en classe de 3e.

Dental Mercury Included in International Mercury Treaty By Dr. Mercola Mercury is a potent heavy metal toxin that can poison your brain, central nervous system and kidneys. Children and fetuses, whose brains are still developing, are most at risk, but anyone can be adversely impacted. It’s considered such a potent toxic pollutant that just one drop of mercury in a lake would poison the lake to the extent that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would ban fishing in it. Dental Amalgam is a Major Source of Environmental Mercury Pollution DENTSPLY is a major manufacturer and aggressive marketer of mercury fillings. “They certainly make good dental equipment,” Charlie says. Amalgam contributes an estimated 10 percent of environmental mercury pollution, which means that amalgam manufactured by DENTSPLY and other major manufacturers is in fact causing direct harm to the environment. “As a farmer said at that news conference in York, Pennsylvania, “I’m not giving you mercury at your table... Success! How You Can Help Fight Dental Mercury

How Turmeric Keeps You Looking Young By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World If you’ve been reading this blog for quite awhile, you’re probably already familiar with the wonderful benefits and uses of turmeric. How Turmeric Keeps You Young Turmeric is one of the highest antioxidant-containing spices on the ORAC scale. Antioxidants also protect the skin from ultraviolet light, one of the key contributors to the visible signs of aging. [5] But don’t think that turmeric’s anti-aging power is just about the antioxidants–far from it. How Turmeric Helps You Feel Young While looking young is certainly helpful, it’s not the only piece of the puzzle. How to Use Turmeric in Your Beauty Protocol If you’re attempting to use turmeric as a supplement for supporting skin health and for fighting the visible signs of aging, note that you can either use it topically or internally. You can also use a high-quality turmeric extract in liquid form for topical and internal preparations. How do you use turmeric? -Dr. Article References:

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Cheese is Chalk If Fluoride is Fluoride Says Hamilton Oncologist In the USA, it costs fertilizer companies $4000-$7000, per tanker truck, to dispose of fluorosilicic acid, which is considered a toxic pollutant by the environmental protection agency (EPA) . It cannot be legally dumped in any natural water supply, yet is being added to drinking water. Hamilton Oncologist Dr Anna Goodwin says, “I was shocked to learn that, in the absence of any human studies to prove its safety or efficacy, the fertilizer industry held hands with government agencies (in the USA, Australia, and New Zealand) and fluorosilicic acid was deemed an “acceptable and equivalent” fluoride source, decades ago, completely without any real evidence for this assertion. “Industry and government holding hands, (of course “for the good of the poor and disadvantaged”-always the way). “Fluoride is fluoride” it is said. “Studies in the USA have shown that black children absorb twice the lead and arsenic from fluoridated drinking water as white children.

The 10 Best Herbs for Kidney Cleansing By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Bean-shaped and located along the posterior side of the abdomen, the kidneys have the heavy responsibility of removing waste and toxins from the bloodstream. 1. Chanca piedra, or “stone breaker,” is a favorite in South America for supporting the kidneys and clinical trials have confirmed the plant’s effectiveness. [1] [2] It’s common in the region and its widespread use has earned it a positive reputation in Ayurvedic medicine as a helpful herb for kidney, bladder, and liver health. 2. Goldenrod was used extensively among many Native American tribes for promoting urinary tract health. 3. Hydrangea root was popular among Native Americans and early settlers, both of whom used the plant for promoting kidney and bladder health. 4. Horsetail is a common weed with diuretic properties; it’s helpful for increasing urine output to flush the kidneys and urinary tract. 5. 6. 7. Also called “bearberry,” uva-ursi has been used by many cultures.

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS : Propriétés, Bienfaits, Posologie ? TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS : Bienfaits et Vertus du Tribulus ? Propriétés médicinales ? Posologie ? Effets secondaires du Tribulus Terrestris ? Action sur la Testostérone ? Où Acheter du Tribulus Terrestris BIO ? Le Tribulus (Tribulus Terrestris) est une plante médicinale extrêmement puissante pour son action sur la testostérone et tout ce qui en découle (libido, bonne humeur, musculation plus rapide, sommeil plus réparateur, protection du système cardio-vasculaire, diminution des douleurs chroniques…) C’est aussi une plante célèbre pour les sportifs car elle augmente significativement l’endurance et est anabolisante (ce qui a d’ailleurs permis aux athlètes bulgares de remporter de nombreuses épreuves sportifs sans se faire arrêter par les contrôles anti-dopage). Tribulus Terrestris : Propriétés médicinales Testostérone – Libido – Endurance – augmente l’endurance (très bonne association avec le Ginseng et la Rhodiola) – aphrodisiaque puissant, stimule la libido pour les hommes et pour les femmes

Dental Mercury Health Hazards | David Simone Interview By Dr. Mercola With Consumers for Dental Choice Dr. "[Y]ou make glutathione in the mitochondria of your cells. Amalgam Endangers Your Neurological Health The mercury in amalgam is a neurotoxin – and pro-mercury dentists are placing it an inch from your brain! Amalgam Endangers Your Reproductive Health It is known that the mercury from amalgam can cause reproductive harm – dental mercury even crosses the placenta and accumulates in unborn babies. Amalgam Endangers Environmental Health Even if you do not have amalgam in your mouth, your health is still at risk from amalgam. Amalgam Endangers Your Oral Health In addition to all the neurological, reproductive, and environmental harm caused by amalgam, it turns out that amalgam even endangers oral health. Additionally, the mercury in amalgams can interact with other metals in your mouth, such as gold fillings and crowns, causing an increased rate of reduction and oxidation that results in overall higher levels of toxicity.

Seven Facts You May Not Know About Coconut Oil By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World Cultures and countries across the world use and appreciate the coconut tree. Because of its nutritional and therapeutic values, it’s referred to as “Kalpavriksha” (the all giving tree) in India. 1. I’ve heard reports from people who are confused when they spot coconut oil at the grocery store, read the nutritional label, and see the high saturated fat content. Unfortunately, the fat in coconut has been the subject of debate and misinformation. Coconut oil is even better than other vegetable oils like sunflower or safflower oil. 2. Coconut oil is used in a staggering amount of shampoos, conditioners, and hair care products.[5] The reason for its inclusion is quite simple. 3. Coconut oil is also very moisturizing and beneficial for the skin. [7] In many cultures, it’s used as a remedy for a great many skin conditions. [8] The reason? 4. 5. Everyone loves ice cream but not everyone is keen on the milk fat used to produce it. 6. 7. Dr.

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