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Free FCE practice reading use of English exercises tests Cambridge First Certificate with answers

Free FCE practice reading use of English exercises tests Cambridge First Certificate with answers

First Certificate in English The First Certificate in English (FCE) is one of the examinations available from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations in England. Its possession proves one's adequacy in the English language, and its successful completion means that one is able to interact socially efficiently.[citation needed] The FCE examination falls in the grade A2, B1, B2 and C1. The test consists of five sections:[1] ReadingWritingUse of EnglishListeningSpeaking In the reading section, the candidate is expected to answer a set of questions based on the context of three texts, which are approximately 350-700 words in length each. The Writing section consists of two parts. The Use of English section includes four tasks, whose types vary, including multiple choice filling, open gap filling, word formation and key word transformation. The Listening section consists of a set of questions based on four spoken texts. Jump up ^ Official site

Exam Information The questions look like this: Example: It was impossible for Pepito to become accustomed to living in England. Pepito couldn’t ________________ living in England. Here they are testing the verb get used to, so they will expect the answer to be; Answer: Pepito couldn’t get used to living in England. It’s important to keep the meaning of the second sentence as close as possible to the first. Luis asked me to collect him from the airport. Luis asked me _____________ from the airport. This is testing a phrasal verb to pick up; Answer: Luis asked me to pick him up from the airport. • Ask yourself what they are testing in the question. • If the verb tense in the first sentence is continuous, try to keep the second sentence continuous (if possible). • You need to write between two and five words in the space and you must use the word given without changing it. • Do not leave the answer sheet blank for any question. • When you have finished, transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet.

Sample Papers: Download & print | Objective: First Certificate (FCE) If you click on the category “Practice Tests”, you will get to see some sites I know to download tests or to take them online…This way you don’t need to wait for me, i.e. for our face-to-face lesson, to get more sample papers. Click on the following links to get a sample paper of each part…Print them and good luck. I will upload the answers in a week. Reading: Paper 1: paper1reading.pdf and Paper 2: paper2reading.pdfUse of English: Paper 3: paper3useofenglish.pdfListening: Paper 4: paper4listening.pdf Listening 1 / Listening 2 / Listening 3 / Listening 4 Speaking: Paper 5: paper5speaking.pdf For the speaking part, you can record yourself here at Odeo (it is a free service that offers a way to record and share audio online for free. Web possibilities are endless. Like this: Like Loading...

Cambridge English: First (FCE) Cambridge English: Key, ou Key English Test (KET), est l’examen qui teste le niveau d’anglais général le plus élémentaire. La réussite au KET montre que vous pouvez utiliser l’anglais dans des situations simples et que vous commencez à avoir de bonnes bases dans cette langue. Cambridge English: Key for Schools évalue exactement le même niveau que le Cambridge English: Key et aboutit au même diplôme. La seule différence réside dans le contenu et le traitement des sujets proposés. Dans la version for Schools, les thèmes abordés sont parfaitement adaptés aux centres d’intérêt et à l’expérience des élèves du secondaire. Niveau de qualification: Elémentaire = A2 du Cadre européen commun. Qui peut passer cet examen ? Nous vous conseillons de passer cet examen si vous avez suivi environ 250 heures de cours en anglais, ou si vous avez des connaissances de base en compréhension et expression écrite et orale. Format de l'examen L’examen comporte trois parties. L’examen comporte trois parties.
