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Use Templates to Make News Apps Quickly Coding is expensive and slow, journalism should be cheap and fast. This is the main problem I face as a data journalism producer. My responsibility is to produce news apps for Helsingin Sanomat, a main daily newspaper in Finland. When there is a breaking news event, we have about five hours to come up with an idea, get the data and publish the news app. In most cases it would be too slow to start from scratch. To overcome this problem, we have been creating kind of a Style Book for data journalists. Ideally, we just insert new set of data to template and publish it. Common example of this approach is a map made with Google Fusion Tables. The templates we use are mainly built by our data desk. The Style Book is currently a page on our internal Wiki. Below, I’ve listed some of the templates we use. Timeline. Animated graph. Animated quotes. Counter. Interactive maps. Fourfold table. Graphs. Forms. Scorecards. Voting tools. Roll-over images. Special layouts for web.

Homepage | Data Driven Journalism Blog | The Noun Project, Investigative Journalism Icons now Available Let’s Crowdsource a Database of Websites about Data Journalism! While doing research for a PhD on data journalism in Brazilian newsrooms, I have recently stumbled upon the need to analyse what reporters and researchers abroad are talking about the subject. But I was soon after confronted with the absence of a comprehensive database or other resource listing websites and weblogs on visualization, investigative techniques, CAR, and all other newsrooms practices labelled as data journalism. So, using a humble Google Docs spreadsheet, I started one. Data journalism is big in Brazil right now, and there is a fair number of reporters sharing techniques and discussing the recently sanctioned Freedom of Information law. Since the untimely death of blogrolls, unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to let the Web do the research job. So, please, share your references, and let’s crowdsource a public domain database of websites and blogs about data journalism.

Blog | | Random thoughts on information visualization, data journalism and interactive graphics by Gregor Aisch. Find more about my data visualization work at <a href=" Slides, Tools and Other Resources From the School of Data Journalism 2013 The School of Data Journalism, Europe's biggest data journalism event, brings together around 20 panelists and instructors from Reuters, New York Times, Spiegel, Guardian, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Knight-Mozilla OpenNews and others, in a mix of discussions and hands-on sessions focusing on everything from cross-border data-driven investigative journalism, to emergency reporting and using spreadsheets, social media data, data visualisation and mapping for journalism. In this post we will be listing links shared during this training event. The list will be updated as the sessions progress. If you have links shared during the sessions that we missed, post them in the comments section and we will update the list. Video recordings Slides, tutorials, articles Tools and other resources Projects and organisations

20 free ebooks on journalism (for your Xmas Kindle) {updated to 50} As many readers of this blog will have received a Kindle for Christmas I thought I should share my list of the free ebooks that I recommend stocking up on. Online journalism and multimedia ebooks Starting with more general books, Mark Briggs‘s book Journalism 2.0 (PDF*) is now 4 years old but still provides a good overview of online journalism to have by your side. Mindy McAdams‘s 42-page Reporter’s Guide to Multimedia Proficiency (PDF) adds some more on that front, and Adam Westbrook‘s Ideas on Digital Storytelling and Publishing (PDF) provides a larger focus on narrative, editing and other elements. After the first version of this post, MA Online Journalism student Franzi Baehrle suggested this free book on DSLR Cinematography, as well as Adam Westbrook on multimedia production (PDF). A free ebook on blogging can be downloaded from Guardian Students when you register with the site, and Swedish Radio have produced this guide to Social Media for Journalists (in English). Like this:

Amazon Products Visualization - YASIV Yasiv is a visual recommendation service that helps people find the right product from Amazon's catalog; be it a book, a movie or a video game - Yasiv finds anything and everything which is sold on We often decide what to buy based on what others are buying, and that's no bad thing, after all. If something is bought by many of our friends there has to be a reason. Maybe it's a good product and worth the money? This is where Yasiv steps in; it shows you what people are buying along with other products. The site is in its early stages at the moment and there are many things that we want to get right. Yasiv is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to with no additional cost to customers.

Infographics with Adobe Illustrator My infographics-with-Illustrator video course is already available on DVD. I have just received the author's complimentary copies. There are now several options to access this 12-hour tutorial: ◙ Getting the DVD. ◙ Buying a monthly subscription to Creative Edge, which is cheaper if you think that you'll just need a few weeks to complete the course. ◙ Purchasing the online video, which will let you access the tutorial whenever you wish. ◙ For bulk purchases (libraries, educational institutions, companies) visit this link. If you need to see more information, see this older post. Download the exercise files here. LESSON 1: Introduction to Illustrator for InfographicsLESSON 2: Basic Illustrator TechniquesLESSON 3: Layout and CompositionLESSON 4: Graphs and Data MapsLESSON 5: The Pen ToolLESSON 6: Tracing MapsLESSON 7: Explanatory Vector IllustrationsLESSON 8: Advanced Coloring TechniquesLESSON 9: Perspective Infographics

A thoroughly entertaining beginner’s guide to data and analytics Confused by cross-channel analytics? Bewildered by big data? Stupefied by structured data? Well I’m not surprised. Who wouldn’t be? It’s a big world of complicated words, terms and phrases that can intimidate even the most digital savvy of webmasters wishing to dig deeper into the information their website has been quietly amassing over the last few years. Help is at hand though, in the form of this very beginner's guide. I have written it in the form of a glossary, as it seemed the clearest method of presentation. This is for anyone whose had a rudimentary glance at Google Analytics, or spent a little time in the Site Stats of their WordPress site, or has a copy of our Measurement and Analytics Report but has yet to open it. We call these people the intrigued but slightly baffled. Analytics A good one to start with obviously. When we talk about ‘using analytics’ we are often talking about a specific platform (Google Analytics, Omniture) built to measure the traffic coming to our websites.
