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30 jours... European Citizens' Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income » Basic Income European Citizens' Initiative

30 jours... European Citizens' Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income » Basic Income European Citizens' Initiative
On January 14th 2013, the European Commission accepted our European Citizens’ Initiative hence triggering a one-year campaign involving all countries in the European Union. Before January 14, 2014, we have to reach 500 million citizens within the European Union and collect one million statements of support with minimum numbers reached for at least 7 member states. 20 member states are already participating in this initiative. If we collect one million statements of support for Basic Income from the 500 million inhabitants of the European Union, the European Commission will have to examine our initiative carefully and arrange for a public hearing in the European Parliament. This post is also available in: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Luxemburgish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish

Initiative Citoyenne Européenne pour le revenu de base Une initiative citoyenne européenne (ICE) en faveur du revenu de base a été officiellement lancée en janvier 2013 conjointement avec les réseaux militants et associatifs de 21 autres pays. Elle s’est achevée en janvier 2014 après avoir récolté plus de 300 000 signatures dans toute l’Europe. Concrètement, nous avions un an pour rassembler 1.000.000 (un million) de signatures en Europe, dont au moins 54.000 en France, afin que le revenu de base devienne un sujet de débat officiel de la Commission Européenne et du Parlement, et que ceux-ci prennent des mesures en ce sens. => Pour signer la nouvelle pétition européenne, suivez ce lien Qu’est-ce qu’une initiative citoyenne ? Il s’agit d’un dispositif prévu dans le cadre du Traité de Lisbonne et que la Commission européenne a formellement mis en application en avril 2012. Comment ça marche ? 1. Une initiative citoyenne doit inviter la Commission européenne à présenter une proposition législative dans un domaine relevant de sa compétence. 2. 3.

New Left Review - NLR 77, September-October 2012 Unconditional Basic Income Details Written by Johannes Himmelreich E&M recently conducted a survey called "Social Justice in Europe - the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a model of the future?" E&M: So, you would buy me a free lunch? Van Parijs: In the sense that I would take you out for lunch today? E&M: No, not just today, every month. Why not, yeah. E&M: You in fact argue that the state should provide something like a free lunch, an unconditional basic income – for everybody every month. But that is a wrong way of framing it. E&M: What do you mean? Take for example my salary, or much higher salaries. If I compare the amount of energy I spend on my job with the drudgery and the hard work some other people have to do, then you realise that what I already get is not just a free lunch but a huge, huge magnificent feast; a huge expensive party that I absorb, incorporated in my wage. The American Nobel laureate in economics, Herbert Simon, wrote that to be optimistic we deserve 10% of our standard of living.

Initiative Citoyenne pour l' Allocation Universelle Nous utilisons la plateforme de la pour promouvoir L'INITIATIVE CITOYENNE EUROPÉENNE POUR LE REVENU DE BASE (Allocation Universelle) Pour éviter toute confusion, veuillez trouver le texte de la proposition sur: et sur le site officiel: IMPORTANT!!! POUR SIGNER l'INITIATIVE CITOYENNE EUROPEENNE POUR LE REVENU DE BASE, VEUILLEZ VOUS RENDRE SUR où un système sécurisé est à votre disposition pour votre signature de soutien! Merci pour votre compréhension. Le 14 janvier 2013 la Commission européenne a enregistré cette Initiative Citoyenne Européenne pour le Revenu de Base Inconditionnel (allocation universelle), lançant une campagne d’un an à travers toute l’Union Européenne. Fin: 14 janvier 2014 Un mouvement social d’ampleur européen est en marche! Les derniers signataires Le bouton

UCL Institute for Security and Resilience Studies Resilience is the enduring power of a body or bodies for transformation, renewal and recovery through the flux of interactions and flow of events. Welcome to the Institute for Security & Resilience Studies (ISRS). In a globalised, highly networked world, the challenges of security and resilience are faced by us all - whether political leaders, public officials, academics, or developers and suppliers of products and services. The prospects are more exciting than ever. But the dangers are greater, too. ISRS at UCL offers innovative approaches to such challenges. Please use these pages to explore our work and to get in touch.

Will Switzerland trigger the basic income revolution? With the success of the federal initiative for unconditional basic income, Switzerland may accelerate the worldwide debate on basic income for all. Launched one year ago by two basic income groups from Basel and Zurich, the swiss initiative for basic income still has until august to make sure it has the 100.000 signatures to succeed and trigger a referendum, as specified under the Swiss law. Yet, basic income activists were happy and smiling when welcoming me at the train station in Geneva two weeks ago. With more than 110.000 signatures collected so far, much of the job has been done already. A referendum within two years? But even though the press is now unanimous that they are on the verge to succeed, the activists now aim at collecting 130k signatures by august, just to make sure they reach the quotum. In general, such a refrendum is organize within two years after the success of the initiative has been recognized by the authorities. But the activists are not too much in a hurry.

Le revenu de base | Grégory Wanlin Alors que notre modèle de solidarité est au bord de l’implosion, le Revenu de Base (RDB), indépendant du travail ou du remplissage de telle ou telle condition, est une mesure sociale, libérale et humaniste. Finançable sans difficulté mais au prix d’une véritable réforme fiscale en profondeur, il éradique la misère profonde et réduit les inégalités. La chimère de la croissance-providence et du travailler plus pour gagner plus Alors que la France peine à se dégager de la crise profonde qu’elle traverse – crise économique et financière, mais aussi crise sociale, crise éducative, crise des valeurs – notre modèle de solidarité est sous pression. Depuis des décennies, la politique économique de la France a été menée dans le but unique de la quête de la croissance. De plus, les gains de productivité font que même si la croissance repartait, elle ne créerait pas nécessairement d’emplois. Une des solutions à même de refonder cette politique de solidarité nationale est le revenu de base.

TomDispatch Reddito Minimo Garantito per tutte e tutti. After Your Job Is Gone Do you have a job? Do you like having a job? Then I have some bad news for you. The Guardian is worried “today’s technologies are going to remove people from economic activity completely.” Wrong tense: the right question is what is happening. It’s the same around the world. Think you’re safe because you don’t work in a factory? Retail? Retail now employs fewer people than it did in 1999. Even lawyers, financiers, and surgeons aren’t safe. Oh, you work in tech? It’s like the global economy has forked into two tracks: tech, which boomed right through the Great Recession, and just keeps booming on, and nobody can hire enough engineers…and everyone else. It’s happening right in the heart of Silicon Valley. Which is great for those of us in tech, right? I want to stress again that this is only the beginning — that as software eats the world, as Marc Andreessen put it, this two-track economy will grow ever more divergent around the planet. At least I hope so.

All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis (9781591843634): Bethany McLean, Joe Nocera Switzerland: Initiative to establish a basic income for all In April, Switzerland formally presented an initiative to establish a new federal law known as " For a basic income "[fr]. The idea, which is simply to give a monthly income to all citizens regardless of resource conditions and the work has generated comments throughout the blogosphere Switzerland. The Swiss referendum process [fr] is a system of direct democracy that allows citizens to request a legislative change at the federal or constitutional. If the initiative to establish a basic income has more than 100,000 signatures before 11 October 2013, the Federal Assembly must examine and call a referendum if the initiative is considered credible. Swiss francs, Jim user photo from Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). In his blog, Pascal Holenweg explains what it is [fr]: The popular initiative "for a basic income" suggests that "the establishment of a universal unconditional benefit" go to the Federal Constitution, which "would allow all people to lead a dignified life and participate in public life."

Revenu universel: « la première vision positive du XXIe siècle » Selon Mona Chollet, plus qu'une utopie de plus, le revenu universel est un véritable projet de société qui répond à de nombreuses problématiques du XXIème siècle. Après avoir vécu douze ans dans une roulotte de cirque, pour être libre et pour économiser un loyer, Susanne Wiest s’est installée à Greifswald, dans le nord de l’Allemagne. Elle travaille comme maman de jour, sans gagner suffisamment pour joindre les deux bouts : elle doit accepter l’aide de ses parents. Une réforme fiscale, qui l’appauvrit en intégrant les allocations de ses enfants à son revenu imposable, augmente encore son exaspération et son sentiment d’absurdité. Et puis, un jour, elle tombe sur une carte postale. Une carte postale dorée, avec, en lettres blanches, cette simple question : Quel travail feriez-vous si votre revenu était assuré ? Susanne Wiest, Enno Schmidt et Daniel Häni Une “valeur travail” plus ancrée en France qu’en Allemagne ou en Suisse Nos politiques de l’emploi sont vouées à l’échec Susanne Wiest

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