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Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!

Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!

How to Use Gmail Like a Pro - Smart Tips and Tricks Knowing your way through Gmail is a good way to increase work productivity, that’s why I wrote this to give you an idea on how extensible and flexible Gmail is. After reading this you will have sufficient knowledge of Gmail and your e-mail management will surely sky-rocket with efficiency. There is a stereotype between e-mail users which states that you can tell what kind a person is by just looking at his/her e-mail. Having a Yahoo! mail account suggests a person is just a regular internet user; Gmail users are for more technical people who are very internet savvy. Then there are those with custom e-mail for webmasters/website owners, these people make others’ jaw drop because it’s cool. Problems Encountered (for people with rudimentary setup) Well, not really a problem but the targeted ads creep me out. For basic setup, the most common problem people who receive tons of messages encounter is that all the messages are kept in the inbox, and it’s easier to miss important messages.

DROPitTOme Professional Development Webinars Teq Webinar - SMART amp SMART amp©, the newest product offering from SMART Technologies, is a web-based platform designed to connect different devices to a single, collaborative workspace. In this webinar, you’ll see how teachers can easily distribute lesson materials to students, conduct formative assessment to gauge student understanding of concepts, and manage student projects, all in real-time. You’ll also find out exactly what you’ll need to get up-and-running with amp, and how Teq is prepared to support you along the way. Direct Link: Teq Webinar - Ready, Set, Quiz! Come on down!

15 productivity tools to play with The web is changing day in and day out at an incredibly fast pace. What I found that matters most to me when using new tools is that the switching cost needs to be as low as possible. The less “lock-in” and learning an app requires, the more likely I am going to be to try it out. So here is a list of tools I have started to mess around with. They are super intuitive to use and save me a ton of time each day. Also, getting to know them better only makes them quicker and easier to use. – filesharing at its simplest In case you are familiar with there is no introduction needed to Time to familiarize yourself with the service: 10 seconds or less Find out more: Flow – managing to do lists Flow is amongst the simplest task management tools I have used to date and as you know there are dozens of them. Time to familiarize yourself with the service: 1 minute or less Find out more: Flow EveryTimeZone – see multiple time zones at once Find out more: EveryTimeZone

Een nieuwe pc, en nu? - workshops 30 maart 2011 | Redactie Clickx Magazine Intro Mij hoef je niet te vertellen dat een ‘kant-en-klare’ computer een utopie is. De ervaring leert me dat het uitpakken van je nieuwe pc veruit de makkelijkste job is. Daarna wordt het pas leuk: overtollige software verwijderen, onmisbare tools na-installeren, een wat ouder randapparaat aan de praat krijgen, je drivers netjes back-uppen, noodzakelijke updates uitvoeren, alles klaarzetten voor eventuele medegebruikers, de look-and-feel van Windows bijschaven, nagaan of het wel snor zit met de beveiliging, de back-upstrategie voor je vitale gegevens uitstippelen en een image maken van het hele systeem … Je merkt het: meer dan genoeg werk, en dus de hoogste tijd om van wal te steken! bron: Clickx Lees meer artikels over Tags Een tag is een sleutelwoord dat aangeeft waar een tekst over gaat. (?) Reacties Reageer op dit artikel 0 reacties op dit artikel:

Video Teq Hebrew Webinar - Encoding Before Decoding Education always bridges the student from the known to the as of yet unknown. Before we learn to decode the written thoughts of others, we might stop Teq Webinar - Ready, Set, Quiz! Come on down! Learn how to obtain a Notebook product key by registering your SMART Board online or how to retrieve your product key for your board if you already registered it in the past. This video shows you how to download SMART Notebook Software from the Teq website so you can begin viewing and creating lessons. Learn how to hide or show the Floating Toolbar using the SMART Board Tools. Learn how to use your SMART Board as an Infinite Whiteboard. Use the SMART Recorder to capture the audio as well as the movement of objects and digital ink from your SMART Notebook Software. Learn how to link from one Notebook page to another within the same file. Learn how to search for the objects you will need for your lessons in Gallery Essentials.

Best Firefox Add-ons | Free Resources for Designers & Developers Firefox is the most popular and useful browser specially among website designers and developers. It has thousands of add-ons which makes it more popular and user friendly. Today we i have compiled 25+ best useful and i think essential firefox add-ons. 1- Fastest Fox Save time by speeding up repetitive tasks. 2- Tab Scope Preview and navigate tab contents through popup. 3- Time Tracker Do you spend too much time on Firefox? 4- Easy YouTube Video Downloader Easiest Youtube video downloader ever, single click non-intrusive direct download buttons for FLV, 3GP, MP3, MP4, 720p HD and 1080p Full-HD qualities. 5- Flash Block Blocks all flash content and leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content. 6- Browser Backgrounds Browser Backgrounds is the new Firefox extension that lets you install backgrounds directly on your browser. 7- Web Developer Toolbar The Web Developer extension adds various web developer tools to a browser. 9- PDF Download

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