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FORM+CODE In Design, Art, and Architecture by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, and LUST

FORM+CODE In Design, Art, and Architecture by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, and LUST

10 More Great Google Font Combinations You Can Copy The last time we wrote about Google Web Fonts, it was a fairly new program with a handful of fonts. Today there are nearly 500 font families ready and waiting to be served up to your website completely free of charge. Google has certainly made its mark on web typography and stands as an excellent alternative to premium subscription services. The downside of this growth is that it’s becomingly increasingly difficult to sift through the library to find the best selections. Bree Serif & Open Sans The HTML The CSS Bevan and Pontano Sans Abril Fatface & Average Playfair Display and Muli Sansita One & Kameron Istok Web & Lora Pacifico & Arimo Nixie One & Ledger Cantata One & Imprima Rancho & Gudea Conclusion Hopefully, you’ve found several font combinations here that will work perfectly for some of the projects that you’re working on. Do you have any great Google Web Font combinations that you’d like to share?

La ville est un roman : cartographie littéraire de Paris ActuaLitté Profitant du Salon du livre, Le MOTif vient de lancer en première approche un nouveau service basé sur la géolocalisation de Google Maps, qui sera l'un des éléments phares de la manifestation Paris en toutes lettres. Du 5 au 8 mai prochain, la capitale sera de livres vêtue, et pour enrichir les parcours touristiques d'une dimension littéraire le site La ville est un roman en appelle aux lectures des uns et des autres. Paris a servi de décor à bon nombre d'ouvrages par le passé et bien d'autres encore contemporains s'écrivent et s'inscrivent dans les murs d'aujourd'hui, d'hier voire de demain. L'un des exemples les plus récents c'est le Casino de Houellebecq, cité à plusieurs reprises dans La carte et le territoire, situé boulevard Auguste Blanqui. Par la suite, un petit point s'affiche sur la carte Google Maps, et hop, le roman s'ancre dans une nouvelle réalité. La Ville est un roman Sources : , , , Pour approfondir

uncontrol | A collection of experiments using fancy shmancy code Processing: the Software that Shaped Creative Coding, Part II – Eye on Design This is part II of the Processing oral history. Read part I here. As Processing became one of the primary environments for creative coding in the early aughts, a community started developing around it. People were eager to use the tool, and a smaller subset of them wanted to help develop the infrastructure required to maintain the growing piece of software. Community members from around the world contributed to Processing Libraries, which extended Processing’s capabilities and expanded the language to work in different mediums like sound, hardware, and computer vision. Jonanna Hedva, Director of Advocacy at Processing Foundation Saber Khan, Education Community Director at Processing Foundation Lauren Lee McCarthy, p5.js creator, board of directors at Processing Foundation Dorothy R. Casey: Processing had been around for about 11 years by the point we started thinking about the Foundation. Johanna Hedva: I started working in Casey’s garage in the summer of 2014. Dorothy R.

Web typography | Guide | Motive This guide provides specimen screens of typefaces commonly used in web design, showing each typeface at a range of text sizes and weights. The Motive Glossary also provides an introduction to web fonts. Web typeface specimen screens FontCheck: Sample characters: (Ee), are shown to the right of each typeface family name. The typefaces listed in the table above are installed with Internet Explorer (IE) for both Windows (WIN) and Macintosh (Mac) operating systems. The typefaces listed in the table above are installed as part of the Windows Vista operating system. Generic font families Fonts are commonly categorised with reference to letterform characteristics. Choosing a web-safe typeface For a typeface to be used on a webpage, as ‘live’ text, it must be installed on the user’s computer. System typefaces A number of typefaces come installed with a computer’s operating system, these are often referred to as system fonts . Program typefaces Typefaces are also often installed with computer programs.

TheGreenEyl When Graphic Design and Programming Meet | by Giorgia Lombardo | DeMagSign | Medium Coder and designer Stig Møller Hansen takes you on a journey to explore the potential of code as a design tool. From the benefits of incorporating programming into your design work to practical advice and resources, this piece will give you a thorough overview on this fascinating topic. Stig Møller Hansen is a designer, speaker, and researcher in the intersection among graphic design, programming, and pedagogy. With a Ph.D. in Computational Graphic Design, he also teaches at DMJX, the Danish School of Media and Journalism. We had an inspiring conversation with him to learn more about the ways in which designers can approach and incorporate coding into their work and how programming can influence the mindset of a designer. Stig will also be a speaker at Design Matters 21, which will take place online and in Copenhagen on September 29–30, 2021. What is Creative Coding and where does it come from? Creative Coding seems to be going through a Renaissance. Another obvious advantage is speed.

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