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Artisans du Changement

Artisans du Changement L'ÉCOLE DE DEMAIN | Le blog Education du SE-Unsa Fixing the Great Mistake: Autocentric Development "Fixing the Great Mistake" is a new Streetfilms series that examines what went wrong in the early part of the 20th Century, when our cities began catering to the automobile, and how those decisions continue to affect our lives today. In this episode, Transportation Alternatives director Paul Steely White shows how planning for cars drastically altered Park Avenue. Watch and see what Park Avenue used to look like, how we ceded it to the automobile, and what we need to do to reclaim the street as a space where people take precedence over traffic. Paul White. [0:07] I am sitting on what is left of the park of Park Avenue. As its name might imply, Park Avenue used to be a real park. [0:30] In the '30's and '40's, virtually all major streets in New York were widened, so that the sidewalks that used to be 20, 25 feet wide, become 15 and 10 feet wide. [1:00] This was a wrong turn that New York made. [1:50] The big question is, will this continue? Elizabeth Press is a Filmmaker for Streetfilms.

Coalition Eau Secours! Action Carbone ESPÉ : en route ! Un très mauvais départ La réforme des ESPÉ souffre de deux fautes originelles majeures : elle ne s’est pas appuyée sur un bilan des IUFM (institut universitaire de formation des maitres), et elle a maintenu la place invalidante du concours qui clive la formation en deux phases radicalement discontinues, la formation véritablement professionnelle ne s’effectuant qu’en seconde année. Prendre le temps d’un bilan sérieux aurait permis d’identifier les deux acquis majeurs des IUFM : d’une part, les diverses méthodes d’analyse de pratique qui permettent d’initier une démarche réflexive chez les enseignants débutants ; d’autre part, la production d’un mémoire construit sur la relation entre recherche et pratique, et qui donne corps à cette démarche réflexive. La mise en œuvre précipitée et non réfléchie de la réforme va aggraver ces défauts. Difficile de faire preuve d’optimisme dans un tel contexte. Vincent Troger Maitre de conférences à l’ESPÉ de l’académie de Nantes Rêvons un peu.

Inspiration Wall In The Street – New York in the 1940′s With footage from the late 1940′s, this documentary titled “In The Street” by James Agee, Janice Loeb and Helen Levitt captures the poetry in the streets of urban New York. The text at the beginning reads, “The streets of the poor quarters of great cities are, above all, a theater and a battleground. There, unaware and unnoticed, every human being is a poet, a masker, a warrior, a dancer: and in his innocent artistry he projects, against the turmoil of the street, an image of human existence. The attempt in this short film is to capture this image.” It has been divided into two parts, both of which are below… Helen Levitt, a New York photographer known for her amazing work in documenting the urban experience within the streets of New York City, passed away this year at the age of 95. images via stephen daiter gallery,masters of photography and ground glass No Comments so farLeave a comment

Le Cercle de Recherche et d’Action Pédagogiques (CRAP) et les Cahiers pédagogiques Équiterre
